So how does HL2 really run?


Sep 20, 2004
I've been looking at HL2 reviews for a while now, and I've noticed something: none of these reviews seem to include the numbers '9' or '5'.

What I mean to say is: how is HL2 handling 'real' hardware? Not Athlon 64 4000+ processors with two gigs of RAM and a 6800 GT, but a P4 2.4C with 512Mb of RAM and a Radeon 9600. Or an Athlon XP 2500 and an FX 5700 video card. Heck even a celereon 2ghz with an FX 5200. I always find it kind of aggravting to see all these specs posted at review sites of "yes, spending $4,000 on a computer will let you run this game at 200fps at 1024x768!" I mean, for people with those cards that's great and all but .... there are still people who own Ti4200s and Radeon 8500s. I'd certainly like to know how my FX[I'm embarassed of the model number] and Athlon XP 2500+ will handle HL2, if they'll handle it at all.

So what have people with systems that use the last generation of tech or three found? Can you play HL2 without jaggies sharp enough to cut you? Do you have to have your rez so low a 15 year old monitor can show the game just fine? Are the frame rates bad enough you feel like somebody has a strobe light over your shoulder?

Do tell, I'm all ears :)
My almost 2 year old system

Xp1700 overclocked to 2.1
1.5gig pc 2700/3200

RUnning it at highest settings @1024x768 with 6aa and 16antripotic(sp?) with everything on.
Smooth as hell, no problems whatsoever.
Specs in sig.

Running the game just fine at 1024x768 at highest settings. No AA.
My system if you promise not to laugh:

Asus a7n8x deluxe
Athlon XP 1800+ @ 2200 (been so long since I've tinkered, but that's approximately right)
512Mb Ram
Radeon 8500 64 meg

Driver settings at balanced, in game settings 1024x768 and default quality settings (haven't played with them yet). HL2 runs great at these settings. Some stuttering when saving, and when things big explode it's jerky for a split second, but other than that it plays smooth and looks pretty damn good IMHO... After christmas I may get me a new gfx card and then really appreciate the game for what it is :).

And DAMN that gravity gun is cool!
Specs in sig. Running at 1280x1024 average 55 fps w/4AA and 8 AF and everything maxed.
I think somethings wrong, because all the sites are saying like 100 or so, but I think that's bullshit. I'm missing something when they start putting thier graphs all over the place. I hat e math.

It plays awsome for me. Truly. Like butter, but the loads always studder and happen in weird places. My ONLY complaint for the entire game.

I'm posting because I just upgraded from a 9600xt to an x800xt. I think it's worth it so far, but I do realize going AGP has f'd me down the road.
XP 2500+
Abit NF7
1Gig Ram
9600Pro(4.12 beta cats)

[H] 'canals' timedemo

Run 1
Model Detail: High
Texture Detail: High
Water Detail: Reflect All
Shadow Detail: High
Shader Detail: High
AA: None
Filtering: Trilinear

Average FPS: 47.31

Run 2
Model Detail: High
Texture Detail: High
Water Detail: Reflect All
Shadow Detail: High
Shader Detail: High
AA: 4X
Filtering: Trilinear

Average FPS: 44.5

Run 3
Model Detail: High
Texture Detail: High
Water Detail: Reflect All
Shadow Detail: High
Shader Detail: High
AA: 6X
Filtering: 16X Anisotropic

Average FPS: 37.81
I'm running a P4 3.0Ghz, 9700 Pro, 1GB Geil, XP Pro.

1280x1024 (LCD :rolleyes: )... all high settings and 2x AA. Runs smooth.
jamesey2 said:
will someone with a 9600xt or 9800pro tell me how the game runs at 1280X1024?

AXP 2500+ OC-> 2.09Ghz
Sapphire 9600XT Cat 4.11
Asus A7N8X-X

I'm playing 1280x1024 at the moment with High everything, 4xAF, 0xAA. 29-78 fps
I am incredibly impressed with how good the game looks and runs. I bumped it up this morning to 1600x1200 4xAA 8xAF and I'm still doing 50+ fps. I slipped in my old branded 9600xt for fun and I was able to get the about the same at 1024x768 2xAA 8xAF. That's freakin cool. Keep in mind that all the in game is maxed out, even with water reflections everything.

I think my CPU, and the thread starter's CPU is the bottleneck as I saw little decrease when I started to really push the GPU - like a 5 or 6 fps hit when went from 1280 to 1600. That's funny, huh?
You can see my specs, and I must say I have been very impressed with how it looks, I too am having the occasional stutter but so far it has not been a problem. Also the stuttering does not seem to be a video issue but a sound issue, at least for me.

1024x768, All settings on High, 2xAA

btw: how do you check your FPS?
Running 1024x768 with everything on high,water set for Dx8.1, 2xAA, 8xAF without problems.

2.26 P4 (845E)
1GB PC2100 (DDR266)
FX 5900 vanilla
Soujiro said:
AXP 2500+ OC-> 2.09Ghz
Sapphire 9600XT Cat 4.11
Asus A7N8X-X

I'm playing 1280x1024 at the moment with High everything, 4xAF, 0xAA. 29-78 fps

awesome. CompUSA is having a Black Friday Sale on the 9600 AIW, $125 for the retail version. I think I'll pick it up
While that's a great price, I'd spring for an 9600XT. You can find them on pricewatch for about that. It depends if you want an AIW, though. And maybe that's an AIW XT, I dunno. I would definately reccomend the XT no matter what. I've got nothing but good things to say about that mid range card since my 9700pro dumped on me last year - the XT runs just as fast.
specs in sig... running 1280x960 6xAA,16xAF. smooth.

I cant believe it. props to valve. This is how a game should be built. Valve prolly has a banner in their office that reads: "BLOATWARE = tEh NO!"
Is there anyone out there playing this on older nVidia cards (4xxx or < 5800)? And thanks, TheGamerZ, for stating (like everyone else) that your newest generation high-end video card can blow through HL2 at insane resolutions with everything cranked. I was interested in results from people who didn't recently sell a first born for PC hardware though ;)
A clan buddy of mine is playing HL2 on a radeon 8500... on a P4 1.7ghz... and it plays fine for him at 1024x768.

Bottom line: Half Life 2 will run on just about anything. :)
Game runs just fine, and looks pretty good, at medium settings at 1024x768 on:

Model : Compaq NC6000 laptop
CPU: 1.4ghz Centrino
VPU: 32MB Radeon 9600M (Mobile)
RAM: 768MB
1156x864 4xaa 8xaf with the trilinear opts on here, and smooth as a babies ass :D \

im going to up the res to 1280x1024 to see if i can match my CS:S res