is iPhone?


Feb 12, 2007
Hey, happy iPhone users, so now, after couple of weeks of running it, what do you think about it? Does it worth it?
Extremely worth it.

I love mine, it's a perfect new in-car iPod for me too, it's double the size of my previous Nano, has great battery life, dunno what all the complaining is about there. My RAZR had about 3.33 hours of talk time according to the Motorola's website and my iPhone is 8 hours according to Apple; that's quite a bit if you ask me.

Wi-fi works perfectly and EDGE is pretty quick here in Seattle/Bellevue as we have the upgraded technology for faster speeds, being that we're a major metropolitan area.

I'm pretty much addicted to YouTube now, the interface for that is great, none of the crap that's on the normal YouTube pages, although iPhone support is still slowly increasing.

Yahoo's push email works perfectly for me and I prefer to read email on my iPhone now actually.

Internet is very fun to use with the scrolling, and same goes for the Photos app as well.

Weather and Clock are simple but effective, as is calculator.

I rather like the notes app but would like a to-do app to be included at some point.

iCal integration is pretty good, but you can't manage seperate calendars, but I never had multiple calendars anyway so it's more just me saying other people's thoughts there.

Google Maps and directions is AWESOME. I LOVE THIS FEATURE SO MUCH! Just works so incredibly well and I just love to use it.

SMS app is awesome, I don't miss MMS either because I have full email/data as it is.

The phone app with the favorites tab and the huge keys for the keypad and the nice 6-button UI during a call is nice. I answer my phone in the car with a swipe across the pad and a tap on the speaker button, which is nice and loud for me and has made it a lot easier for me to talk in the car.

Now, the iPod functionality is phenomenal, it's just awesome. It really is the best iPod they've ever made. browsing music in cover-flow is lots of fun, and even the lists with the 'straight to letter' bar on the side is fun.

The UI is awesome, extremely seemless, and I've never used a PDA or phone with anything even close to the attention to detail Apple has provided here.

I'm an extremely happy iPhone owner right now.
Best. Device. EVAH!

Makes my company-issued Treo look like a child's toy. Now if we could just get Flash and wireless/BT syncing:D
I played with it at an Apple Store for about an hour, and it left me wanting more....

As a multi-media player with a phone, it's an amazing device, and generally speaking, the vast majority of the public would/will love it. It's a very well designed interface, easy to use and navigate. The size is good as well. So, it is an amazing Pocket Apple.

Having said that....

For the buisness user, it's worthless. I don't care about flashy album art, or anything like that. I hate the fact that the Home Menu isn't user configurable. The programs aren't linked, meaning I have to hit contacts to go to contacts, clendar to go to clandar ext. Plus, none of this information can be displayed simatanously.

After playing with the iPhone, it's a GREAT product, don't get me wrong, it's inovative and will contiune Apples long line of great products. However.... I'm gonna pass on it for the foreseable future and get myself a Palm Treo with Windows Mobile 6.0

Edit: I personally view the iPhone more as a toy then anything else. But, I view the same thing with the Apple Mac's. It's not that they're bad products, far from it, they are indeed amazing, but they just don't fit my needs very well.... To me, they're toys *shrugs*.
love mine, though im on my second, the first one would not do a full charge.
love mine, though im on my second, the first one would not do a full charge.

same. also, the lack of bluetooth profiles is irritating, no flash, no native apps, no calls if you're using edge, etc. over all, it's worth it though.
I love my iPhone, no complaints. I would like the ability to use all of the functions landscape. Not just internet, music and video. That can easily be changed with a firmware update.
love mine, though im on my second, the first one would not do a full charge.

The g/f's did the same thing. I read today that they're going to fix that with a software update. Why they didn't do that right away...:confused:
probably because they're going to fix/add other things with the update...seems to be how apple rolls
I played with it at an Apple Store for about an hour, and it left me wanting more....

I did the same thing and could not agree more. They are beautiful units and the screen is amazing. It is just the little things that get me. My biggest gripe is a small complaint, I want to use my MP3's as ring tones. That should have been number one on the list of features that an iPod Phone should be able to do.
I love it, but after 16 days, I have the following issues. Most of these will be fixed via firmware updates.

1. Browser waste pixels: Below is an image of the browser – the bottom band is wasting way too many pixels. A better option would be to auto hide it, or even better, make the buttons separate entities.

2. Stocks is poor: Yes, it gives you some quotes – but it could be so much better. First, it does not allow for ‘on the fly’ list organization. For example, say you want to follow Google (GOOG) for a few days leading up to the day it provides a key earning report. Naturally, you would want this to be on the top of your list for the week. Well, with the stock app, there is NO WAY to place it there! Yes, you would have to delete every ticker symbol and start over! What is puzzling, is that with bookmarks, you can drag and drop them to re-organize them; why not just use the same scheme here? Also, the interface is needlessly childish. Sure, I don’t expect semilog graphs, but I would have liked a more professional appearance.

3. No easy way to reject the intelligent keyboard suggestions: The so-called intelligent keyboard is just sometimes stupid. When it does not anticipate the word wanted, you have to shift a finger completely out of the keyboard region, go all the way to the of the screen and press a very small X next to the suggested word – thus throwing off your typing momentum. My suggestion would be to locate a reject button next to the spacebar, which acts as the accept suggestion button in this context.

4. Limited video resolution options: I was hoping that this would not be as restricted with video resolutions as the 5th generation iPod is. I foolishly thought that 2 years and a more powerful platform would translate into more options – it didn’t. In looking at the video resolutions for the devices (5th Generation iPod and 1st generation iPhone), they are seemingly a direct copy and paste. I did not expect it to be on par with XP or OS X in its ability to play video files, but come on – can’t Apple move the ball forward just a little from they released almost two freaking years ago !?!?

5. Poor RSS implementation: It would stand to reason that users on mobile networks or those using smaller displays, might partake of RSS news feeds. Moreover, Steve Jobs made much ado about the iPhone using a normal browser, or something very similar to that effect – so I would expect it to treat RSS, at the very least, the same as Safari does. Then why does the iPhone 1. Do not shown RSS feed subscription buttons in the browser and 2. Why is the reader so poor? Below is a screen shot of on the iPhone and on Safari 2.0 – notice that an RSS button is missing !?!?!. Also, when you do have a feed, the reader gives no options. The standard reader with Safari on OS X has article length, sort and search functions – all of which are missing on the iPhone. I thought RSS is something that the iPhone would trumpet, but rather, it obfuscates it. My current work around is to type the site I want and RSS, then bookmark the feed and type “RSS” next to it.

6. No re-encode video option in iTunes: This is not a complaint about being able to encode DVD’s (would be a nice option). No, this is an issue abut being able to re-encode incorrectly formatted video to an acceptable format automatically. For example, I have all the Transformers on DVD, and from this I encoded to 624 X 480 MPEG-4 (H.264) at ~1200 kbps. Fine, then at least provide the option in iTunes to transcode to another copy in the acceptable format. This would break no law, since the starting material is not protected by counter-measures that would have to be circumvented by Apple / iTunes. Apple does with WMP files, where they are re-encoded to a usable format, so why not here? Yes I know QT (the paid version) does this, but its not very tightly integrated as the direct from iTunes method would be.

7. Relocate the buttons on the bottom: For me at least, I keep hitting the buttons at the bottom as I flick through the list. I suspect some may be having a similar issue.

8. The BT implementation: The current use of Bluetooth, or lack thereof, is grotesque. Would like to see at the minimum the syncing of contacts and calendar function (s). Its debatable as to if it has the speed to sync with music, though as consumer we should have the choice. Also, where is the innovation? Here is my dream: I walk into my office, and the iPhone seamlessly connects and syncs with the computer. Later, I receive a call, and the caller ID data streams across the task bar, and since they are on my contacts, a small image of them also appears on my screen as I type. Since I’m too busy to take the call at the moment, I let it go to voice mail. Ten minutes later, I go to the task bar and listen to the voice mail though my computer speakers and when ready, I hit ‘dial’ on my computer, which then automatically does the action on my iPhone. That is elegant, that is Apple.

9. No professional ring tones: Sometimes I like to hear a fog horn – but when I’m trying to keep a professional decorum – it makes me look like a fool. Just a simple, non descript ring (e.g. like a common cordless phone) option would have been welcomed.

10. No choice on the main menu apps: A simple application show/no show option would have been great. For example, I don’t really care for notes – so why the hell is it taking up space? Why can’t I just choose not the show the option? On the iPod, you can choose what is on the main menu, but not with this.

11. No app loader: Somewhat related to the last one. One upon a time, what I was the proud owner of the Dell Axim X5 (yes, I pre-ordered one), we could load the programs we wanted and remove the ones we did not want. For example, I love the Oxford Dictionary that comes with OS X – so why not have a mobile version? I would gladly give up a gig or two in order to have it, so why not give the option

12. Little to no hierarchical structure in the pictures folder: Past the initial folder in the pictures folder, there is NO hierarchal structure. For example, say you have a folder named “new house site”, and in this folder, there are sub folders, such as “view from west side”, “construction material” and “new road”. Well, when you open the pictures app, only the “new house site” folder will open, and the contents of the sub directories will be seen at the same time. Very annoying when you are wanting to show someone your new view, and the next image is of a pile of cinder blocks. A better option would be to preserve the hierarchical structure, and at the bottom, have a ‘show all’ button, which as the name implies, would show all the images in a file – if so desired.

13. Image controls do not shift orientation: For example, say you are looking at pictures and come across some that are in landscape and shift the iPhone on its side to view them better. Well, one would expect that the forward and reverse controls would likewise shift orientation, but they do not. Given the vast majority of pictures are taken as landscape, then this would be a common need one would think. Guess not.

14. No breakout: Where is the homage to Steve Jobs and The Woz !?!?

15. Cannot change the orientation of the keyboard in Safari: Once you have choosen an orientation for the keyboard, you cannot switch it – you need to exid from the keyboard, switch orientations, then go back to the keyboard.

16. No tethering modem option: First, this is strictly forbidden in the TOS from AT&T. However, they should at least include the option as a tack on service. I don’t know if the network could handle it, so there might be very good reasons why its not offered. For many, tethered phones (e.g. blackberrys) are a pre-requisite.

17. YouTube is misleading: There are only limited YouTube videos at this time. I can only assume they are in the process on going to a full H.264 encode, but again, not all videos are available.

18. No Clown Fish Wallpaper (the orange fish w/ green background). This was shown at the introduction and in the promo material, but oddly enough this is missing an a default wallpaper. They have the copyright, since its in OS X, so I just wonder why it was left out.

19. Calculator is poor: Come on, no scientific option (s)? Also, the buttons are small are close to the color of the background. Finally, and most grievous of all, 80085 does not spell BOOBS like it should.

20. No file downloading/storage: I would love to have access to all of my protocols (in PDF and Word) on this, and refer to them when I need to. However, it’s a no-go.

21. No audio recoding feature: The device comes with a microphone, a speaker, a powerful +600 MHz CPU and multi-gigs of space – so why not add a simple audio recording feature, preferably with on-the-fly encoding to MP3.

22. Cannot change volume while using the line out on the dock: I suspect this has to do with it routing music out digitally out the dock connector – but, when attached to the line out of the dock, the volume controls on screen do not work.

23. Make the left rocker switch assignable: When not using the iPod function, the side switch will change the ringer volume. Personally, I would much prefer it scroll up/down when not assigned to volume controls of the iPod. Windows Mobile on cell phones allows buttons to be re-assigned as an option, so why can’t this.

24. iPod is more like a mobile iTunes: Why not make a virtual scroll wheel? Its more like a mobile iTunes in its structure, than iPod. My only guess is they are doing a virtual wheel for the next iPod and want to keep some differentiation or they tried it out, or the lack of a click button was too much.

25. Visible gradients on Coverflow. When there is no cover art available, Cover Flow displays an image of a note against a black / gray gradient background. With iTunes on the computer, the effect is visually pleasing; on the iPhone its not. Rather, on the iPhone, what you get is some ugly gradients where tone transition is noticeable. Just make it black if you cannot render a good looking gradient. I’m guessing they did it for speed or processing power, but really, it looks ugly.

26. Recessed minijack: Why in the hell did they do this ? Like I want to spend another 10$ for an adaptor to a problem that should not be. Someone on another board made a good point – Apple already makes a small 2 inch extender with their own iPod Shuffle case, so why not just pack that in, since it would not entail any extra R&D. I fixed my issue with a Leatherman and about 30 seconds of my time.

27. Why no dock adaptor already packed in: Sure, they sell them for 10$ – but why not include one in the package? It’s a 10 cent piece of plastic. Some might say they did it from environmental reasons – but why did they include such a large piece of clear plastic that has no use apart from shipping, if they were so concerned about the environment. Its really a bad decision I think, because the people that need them tend to be the better customers who have purchased the expensive (e.g. their boom box thing).

28. Why no simple case: A case like the one that comes with the current iPod would have been welcomed.

29. No on the fly brightness option: With my 5th generation iPod, I can change the brightness while watching a movie – but not with the iPhone. It’s a useful option, where you jack up the brightness only when needed to conserve battery power. With this, you have to go and turn in down/up in the settings.

30. How about a wireless settings tab/app option: The wireless options are everywhere .

31. SIM PIN: The SIM card can be given a PIN, but what the manual or the software does not tell you is that it needs to be 8 digits long. I tried one that was 4 digits, and it told me to enter the password two more times (I assumed to verify it) and it locked my SIM card. I only found out about the 8 digit necessity through an AT&T employee as they gave me my unlock code.
Two and a half weeks and I still love it. Once they get iChat, Flash, and cut/paste working (all of which are supposed to be patched in) I will be even happier.
Tethering, a fully functional iChat, and tight integration with Gmail (both in iPhone and in their email client on OS X, primarily aimed at label support) and I would jump at it in a heartbeat.

In the meantime my xv6700 does all I need or does it just as well as the iPhone would.
Ah, all these good things make me not want to wait any longer. I have to wait until the end of July to buy. :(

Though on the note of iChat being added, do not count on that one for awhile, unless you want some problems. Currently the EDGE network is being updated so that when you are transferring data a call will come through. Only problem is they have only done this in certain major cities. Since iChat has to be connected the whole time while using then those not in the upgraded EDGE will have calls shoot to voice mail & Apple will not allow that.

Though I do hope all the other things are added to the updated, but if they do add iChat I do not have to worry since Houston has been upgraded and get have data & receive calls. :D
wow...this all sounds cool... Thanks folks for sharing!

I think I'll stick with my idea about buying iPhone least cause I don't want to switch back to GSM...

any ideas when they gonna roll it out? :)
wow...this all sounds cool... Thanks folks for sharing!

I think I'll stick with my idea about buying iPhone least cause I don't want to switch back to GSM...

any ideas when they gonna roll it out? :)

Well. . .considering the main factors that would prompt a new piece of hardware are going to be either storage or to make it HSDPA or HSDPA/EDGE compatible. So let's look at those. . .

1 - Prices on 16GB and 32GB NAND flash has to be attractive enough and the supply has to be plentiful enough for increased storage on the iPhone to be viable.

2 - HSDPA or HSDPA/EDGE. . .well, to make the phone exclusively HSDPA won't happen until AT&T rolls out their network close to nationwide. Until then, the iPhone will have EDGE in some capacity. They could potentially do a EDGE/HSDPA phone if they can work out power consumption problems that kept them from doing this up-front.

The only rumors I've heard for the near term are a scaled-down version for $299.
One-two years?

If so then I can't wait for that... I guess ill just get an iphone now :) But yea I played with the iphone in the store and its very awesome! and got used to the virtual keyboard in 3minutes! The internet is great, also the 3 way calling is very easy to set up.
My estimate is a complete guess, but if you look at the rate that certain things are happening and what Apple can already do to the current iPhone with just updates it seems reasonable.

~AT&T upping there 3G network slowly, one reason for hardware update - new phone
~Better camera, or ability to record with camera. Is this possible with the current one just not implemented? Do not know.
~I am sure there are a few more hardware updates that could easily be done, but will not for awhile.

Plus think of the software updates that will come in the next year, which will hold people for awhile with the need for a new/better iPhone.
~Better camera, or ability to record with camera. Is this possible with the current one just not implemented? Do not know.

video recording should be some sort of software update, my precedent being the motorola razr (originals did not have video, bu the feature was later enabled via newer firmware)
My estimate is a complete guess, but if you look at the rate that certain things are happening and what Apple can already do to the current iPhone with just updates it seems reasonable.

~AT&T upping there 3G network slowly, one reason for hardware update - new phone
~Better camera, or ability to record with camera. Is this possible with the current one just not implemented? Do not know.
~I am sure there are a few more hardware updates that could easily be done, but will not for awhile.

Plus think of the software updates that will come in the next year, which will hold people for awhile with the need for a new/better iPhone.

As I mentioned previously in this thread. . .about the only reasons for new hardware are larger storage and/or HSDPA capability. And when the time is right to integrate those into the iPhone will laregly depend on factors outside of Apple's direct control. Most everything else can be done via software/firmware.
i got mine yesturday and so far i love it... is it perfect? ehh its pretty good

but 90% of any issue can be updated with new software... which will come later

took me about 20 minutes to get used to the keyboard

got my videos converted to it :) btw DVDFab is a great program... i just took my dvd and hit Ipod... it did its thing (45 minutes or so) and bam works perfect on my ipod... about 500-600mb each movie, im sure there are adjustments for dropping that files size down but i didnt really play around with it.

so far so good.... im happy with it
You can use mpeg-streamclip to convert files for the iPhone. I generally set the resolution to be exactly the resolution of the iPhone, which is 480x320

Helps keep the size down :)
What version of dvdfab are you using?

right now im using the platinum version... the trial

when i opened it there is a spot for Ipod, PSP, phone and a few others i dont remember

but its a 30 day trial... doesnt limit you or put a watermark or anything

works great though...
Quick question.. so I know the iphone can't sync to outlook.. but would it be possible with a hack or a software upgrade if apple ever released one? Or is the iphone forever not going to be a business tool?
umm, it syncs contacts, e-mail accounts and calendar with outlook or outlook express...were you wanting to sync something else?
Quick question.. so I know the iphone can't sync to outlook.. but would it be possible with a hack or a software upgrade if apple ever released one? Or is the iphone forever not going to be a business tool?

It can sync with outlook, just has to go through itunes to do it.
ok about everything else but how is it as a phone? reception, call clarity so on. everybody talks about all the wifi ipod and other things but it is a phone right? just curious.
ok about everything else but how is it as a phone? reception, call clarity so on. everybody talks about all the wifi ipod and other things but it is a phone right? just curious.

Here is a review where they used actual scientific principles to evaluate it relative to other phones...gasp

Long story short - it is at the top, or near the top in many categories.

Based on my use, it sounds good. However, I'm kinda close to a cell tower, so that might have something to do with it.
For the most part, call quality has been fantastic for me. I'm usually at 4 or 5 bars in most of the places I usually take or make calls, though.

To me, it usually sounds like the other person is in the same room with me and I don't hear any complaints from their end, even if I'm using apple's headphones and mic
calls sound good to me too, althought people on the other end say im loud even when im not.... but with the headset its fine
umm, it syncs contacts, e-mail accounts and calendar with outlook or outlook express...were you wanting to sync something else?

sorry I mean business emails.. I always say outlook because that's our company interface.