So, I bought an ibook


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2003
yeah, i got an ibook, the 14" model without a superdrive

i can't wait to see this thing, it better be awesome, i have a feeling it will be!

i read the faq and saw some neat programs there, but what else do i need to know?

any good mac specific sites?

this will be my first mac, i need resources!
Just go ahead and (search and then) ask anything you're wondering about. We'll be happy to help out an aspiring member of the Cult.
Spleeze said:
yeah, i got an ibook, the 14" model without a superdrive

i can't wait to see this thing, it better be awesome, i have a feeling it will be!

i read the faq and saw some neat programs there, but what else do i need to know?

any good mac specific sites?

this will be my first mac, i need resources!

Mac-specific sites?


Ars Technica (not exclusively Mac, but very Mac-friendly and with a Mac-specific forum section)

The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
I made the jump a while back. It's funny. Most times you will probably be torn between using the PC and the Apple. I, myself, do that....but tend to use the apple more often than not. :rolleyes:
T-Bird 151 said:
I made the jump a while back. It's funny. Most times you will probably be torn between using the PC and the Apple. I, myself, do that....but tend to use the apple more often than not. :rolleyes:
In a year or so, you'll most likely be selling your PC tower and buying a PowerMac... ;) That's the way it usually goes.
Ha, well, to tell you the truth I have already considered it. I will be graduating from college in about a year...hopefully into a well paying job...then it will be time to reconfigure the office with mac's and one PC ;). The PC will be a hoss though as it will be used for gaming.

I have a feeling that PCs will be in my life for a while because I use linux a lot as well.
I went to get an iBook today. After almost two hours of walking through the rain and sitting on a train, I find out they didn't have any in stock. :( A perfect afternoon wasted.