So I did my first runway modeling shoot...*pics*


Limp Gawd
Nov 1, 2007
Since I started here a few months ago, I figure I will post some of my latest images.

So I got invited to shoot at a Toni & Guy[hair salon] runway show.

All shot with 50mm 1.8

After this shoot, I realized how awesome shooting in RAW is...

I have TONS more, 50+ models.

Let me know what you think! Go easy on me :D Thanks!

I know a lot of the shadows are bad, I was working with several photogs there, I was using on camera flash, along with a fill strobe on either sides.

Most are only cropped.

#1 This is straight out of camera, only cropped. natural lighting. I'm proud of this one. Was before show, Impromptu.

#2 Only cropped

#3 Minor PP

#4 A LOT of PP with lighting, I had promised this model a shot, and had VERY few to work with.

#5 Just Cropped

#6 Cropped
The models suck and so does the lighting, but I doubt that is your fault as any good runway should have good lighting if they are going to have photos taken.
the first one is okay, but others are lighted poorly...what flash were you using?
Like they said, lighting is baddd. But I'm guessing it wasn't your lighting set up and they really need to improve on that. First shot is decent, the rest could have been better.
Lighting sucks, models are horribly nasty...

But, angles and such are ok. You just need more to work with, apparently.
Well, here goes...

1. Probably the best of the bunch as your eyes have already agreed upon too
2. Shadow across her dress, and head is just way too high...
3. Needs to be exposed a bit brighter with fill flash so you don't overexpose the right side of her face.
4. Background light uneven, right arm looks way too tense probably because of the thumb hooking onto the outside of the pocket, eyes are way too much to the right, and a really bad angle on the face
5. foreground is fine, but the background is way too dark, good job on keeping the silver from being blown out too much
6. Main gripe would be...well, and that weird black blob behind her.

But me, I wouldn't worry too much, since the event tends to go by very fast.
It's a learning experience. What color was the ceiling? Could you bounce the flash?

Next time I would

- get a better position
- get a longer lens to knock out the background some more.
- if you could use the bounce flash, I would get the most powerful one and external battery power it for faster recharge
did you shoot the rejected special olympics athletes or something? those models are terribad. ilike #1 a lot
ALSO, as I should have mentioned above, the the lighting consisted of 2 bright spotlights, hence why some of them were half lit. So many flashes were going off, fill lights helped half the time.
They are decent shots as far as composition, etc. I think you did the best you could in that situation.

It is hard when you cannot control all the elements, and with poor lighting like that + the fact of other photogs trying to light up the stage, it just comes out with an overall bad combo for everyone on the lighting side of things.

I would put this up as a great learning experience and a time to practice your composition and timing (which I think you did a good job with), in the future find a better lit venue and you will be ready! ;)

did you shoot the rejected special olympics athletes or something? those models are terribad. ilike #1 a lot

I bet you wouldnt kick them out of bed :rolleyes:
They are decent shots as far as composition, etc. I think you did the best you could in that situation.

It is hard when you cannot control all the elements, and with poor lighting like that + the fact of other photogs trying to light up the stage, it just comes out with an overall bad combo for everyone on the lighting side of things.

I would put this up as a great learning experience and a time to practice your composition and timing (which I think you did a good job with), in the future find a better lit venue and you will be ready! ;)

I bet you wouldnt kick them out of bed :rolleyes:
Ofcourse he would, he has tons of super-models i'm sure.