So I just got a Playbook...


Dec 12, 2006
+ This thing is smooth....
+ The browser rocks, best I've seen yet across any platform.
+ The native bundled apps for Office stuff rock
+ Youtube app is solid, playback is great.
+ Screen is great, size is perfect (perfect fit intp my suit pocket)
+ Video Chat app is very nice, works great too.
+ Build quality is top notch.
+ Cameras front and back are pretty good.
+ HDMI out is VERY good. This basically just replaced my laptop for presentations, showing pictures, video playback, etc.
+ Battery life is very good.

- No Email, BBM, PIM native apps... (I don't use a BB). Huge minus.
- Very very few decent apps available.

I got it for "free" and I really like it. Once the Android/BB support is added and Native SDK becomes available, once the the native Mail/PIM/BBM apps get pushed this thing will become the best tablet on the market imho.
Wait you got a tablet that doesnt even have email? Arent these things for business professional?
Wait you got a tablet that doesnt even have email? Arent these things for business professional?

He doesn't have a blackberry. The device is designed to work with one. They did say native apps for things like mail are coming though.
I know I'm not a mod but shouldn't this be in Mobile Computing or another forum?
It's a very nice machine...but I would wait until it has Android running and is open to Android or Amazon MarketPlace apps. And the need for a BB account is a bit of a pig, too.
well shit... if I got mine "free" I guess I would like it too...;)
and I hate RIM w/ a passion
It's a very nice machine...but I would wait until it has Android running and is open to Android or Amazon MarketPlace apps. And the need for a BB account is a bit of a pig, too.

End of summer they promise... I'm hopeful they deliver on their promises, right now it's a bit "unfinished".
The not having email thing is a bit blown out of proportion. Most people that have a playbook already have a smart phone. Personally it'd be a little redundant if I was alerted on both devices. Granted it would be a nice option to have it's not at all a dealbreaker.
Why would you tap away on a tablet to send an email if you have a blackberry or smartphone?

When I had my iPad I preferred composing emails on it rather than with my Incredible. I'm not knocking your point, just sharing my preference back then.

Back on track, I've had the chance to play with a couple of Playbooks and I must say that the UI experience is better than the iPad and Android tablets. Android 3.0 has to cleanup and refine it's UI still and the iPad is boring but smooth.

Congrats on the free Playbook, you're going to enjoy it.
Much easier to type on my playbook than on my Inspire 4g.
Using it for a few days now. The lack of email/PIM/Tasks is killing it for me... Sure... I can play Tetris and browse web.... and that's it.

Pretty shitty "professional" tablet without email or calendar! I would stay away from this until RIM gets their shit together.
I saw it listed on the OfficeMax flyer this week, and every time I look at it I think "Yanno, that could be a bad ass fuckin' tablet if it was about $300 and it didn't have that damned ultra-proprietary damned OS on it..." :D

Seems like such a shame, I swear, but I guess RIM just doesn't "get it" for the big picture. Obviously there marketing is a bit pooched:

People say "Oh, well, use the email on your BlackBerry if necessary, tether the devices" etc etc - that's just flat out wrong any way you try to rationalize it. Or the other flipside is "If you have a BlackBerry or some other device, that's what you should be using for email, etc" which is just fucking stupid period.

I have no clue what they think this device will do. I remember when it was first announced and all the hubbub it created because of the QNX basis which is pretty cool actually, but it's a crippled device outta the gate because of the lack of widespread support for most anything.

If figure within a year I'll be able to pick one up really cheap someplace, so I'll wait. They won't be around much longer given just how poorly it's been selling since the release (personal opinion there).
+ The browser rocks, best I've seen yet across any platform.

Have you tried Honeycomb on a Xoom? The browser in that got rave reviews and I love it. If the Playbook's is really better that would be quite impressive.
Have you tried Honeycomb on a Xoom? The browser in that got rave reviews and I love it. If the Playbook's is really better that would be quite impressive.

Imho the browser is better on Playbook. It does have some issues here and there, but overall it is faster and less buggy than Xooms.

I have a Xoom at work and used it for a little while.