So I was About To Order My Ikea Fredrik


Jun 6, 2007
First off, sorry if this is the wrong place.

When I got to"review your order", OMG!!!!

Ikea Fredrik $149.00

Shipping and Handling $282.50

This is absolutely insane, do they send people from Ikea instead of using a parcel service or what!? I would almost consider driving to Atlanta to pick it up myself! (live in TN)

Is there another place I can buy this desk from and get cheap shipping?
Ikea shipping is not for the faint at heart. They use a delivery service, not UPS/FedEX. If you have a (even remotely) local store and a friend with a pickup then just grab it yourself, otherwise be ready to suck up the cost.

Lucky me, my family lives up in Cincinnati, OH. They just opened up a store there in West Chester. So I'll be picking up all my needs from them when I go up for Christmas. That or I'll head down to Atlanta and back which would only take about 6-7 hours with travel time and pickup.

All this work, I feel like I should be getting a JERKER and not the fredrik!