so is Gamespot lying

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Oct 31, 2007
They did a review of the 8800GT and in Crysis they supposedly got PERFECT SLI results even using the 169.01 drivers. Thats funny because other reviews and even Nvidia themselves stated that SLI did NOT work on the Crysis demo especially with those drivers.;picks;title;3

I sent the author of the article, James U, a message asking how he got SLI working in the Crysis demo and this is all he said.

"We were able to get SLI to work in the demo. Didn't have to do anything special, it just worked."

come on man, this is gamepot we're talking about.. it's a gamer's website not hardware, and they will do anything to get few more clicks on their website, like they need them anyway.
come on man, this is gamepot we're talking about.. it's a gamer's website not hardware, and they will do anything to get few more clicks on their website, like they need them anyway.

Whatever. Gamespot has been putting out some good performance comparison articles recently. They're one of the only ones doing XP vs Vista, DX10 vs DX9 comparisons out there, plus they check it on a bunch of different hardware, GPUs, CPUs, RAM. Their Bioshock and WIC articles were some of the best available.
Whatever. Gamespot has been putting out some good performance comparison articles recently. They're one of the only ones doing XP vs Vista, DX10 vs DX9 comparisons out there, plus they check it on a bunch of different hardware, GPUs, CPUs, RAM. Their Bioshock and WIC articles were some of the best available.
so that makes it alright to clearly fabricate the 8800GT SLI results? why am I the only one that thinks this is unacceptable? Its a very well known gaming site and they clearly are lying.
Were they using the demo or retail? Maybe they got a more up to date version? *shrug*

edit: Nvm I see they did indeed use the demo.
Were they using the demo or retail? Maybe they got a more up to date version? *shrug*

edit: Nvm I see they did indeed use the demo.
The level I saw them playing was definitely not a demo. Of course I was watching a pretty new video of them playing it and they showed the rig with a single 8800GT and quad core. It looked nice.
so that makes it alright to clearly fabricate the 8800GT SLI results? why am I the only one that thinks this is unacceptable? Its a very well known gaming site and they clearly are lying.

They're not lying. I can pretty much guarantee that. Email the guy again and ask him some more specifics.
oops, misread :)

I assumed they must be using the 169.03 beta driver that does support SLI but the OP stated they used 169.01 which according to NVidia doesnt support SLI.
i got over 10 more FPS in the demo with my SLI vs a single card. results are in my thread.

ahh the post above tells the story.
I always used driver 169.04

1680x1050, all settings high, 2X AA
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 89.33s, Average FPS: 22.39
Min FPS: 11.79 at frame 138, Max FPS: 26.53 at frame 1759
Average Tri/Sec: -20607004, Tri/Frame: -920431
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -1.00

1680x1050, all settings high, 2X AA
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 71.95s, Average FPS: 27.80
Min FPS: 12.23 at frame 139, Max FPS: 41.93 at frame 985
Average Tri/Sec: -21631010, Tri/Frame: -778198
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -1.18
I was in the 50's breifly with no AA
All settings high
Crysis profile,
I turned off Transparency and went to multisampling
I set sli to force AFR 2
Vsync forced off
Textures set to Quality
everthing else app controlled if i remember correctly
Oh and I had to use some consol cammands provdied my Larkin in order to get it to work. Up until then it would only work for seconds then go to shit

Quote from Larkin\
Ok folks, to enable multigpu via the console do the following
> at any time during the game hit the ~ tilde button to bring up the console
> type con_restricted = 0
> to see FPS and other stats type r_DisplayInfo = 1
> now type r_MultiGPU = 1


Its buggy though. Play is smooth then you get a hitch .It almost freezes then things are fine for awhile. I also got a visual enomoly in that the "vianes" in the suit that glow red when in max strength mode were glowing gold and kind of , shall we say flowing or shimmeringt when i was in max armour mode.

Performance was the best yet between the occasional hitch , motion blurr is a real trip
Read on the forum, some people here have actually manganed to get SLI working, boosting preformance ~30%...

But I guess when uniformed it's easy to call peoples for liars...
well genius I think you are the one that is uniniformed and obviously cant read. NONE of those show SLI working with 169.01 drivers like Gamespot claimed. The article was October 29th which was a couple days before the 169.04 were even released PLUS Gamespot says right there in their setup that they used 169.01 drivers. SLI DOES NOT WORK in the Crysis demo with 169.01 drivers so they do appear to be lying. :rolleyes:

Also the people that are getting it to work on NEWER drivers sure as hell arent getting a nearly 100% boost like Gamespot is claiming on drivers that officially didnt support SLI in the demo at all . :rolleyes:
I tried it iwth the 01's and it was worse than one card. In all fiarness i was unaware of the consol hack. I really dont feel like go ing back to the 01's to see if it works with the console.

I certainly cannot see them doing it without the hack based on my experience with the 01's unless another varialbe like system memory and timings comes into play.I may relax my timings and go to 3.2 ghz on the cpu and see if i get a boost
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