So what are you guys playing right now?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 3, 2007
Are you guys mostly focused on one game right now, or are you jumping around a lot?

I've just come off Divinity 2, which really excited me for the first ten hours, but as with so many games I kind of just lost my mojo for it (it's strange how you can be so damned excited about a game, but then completely lose your excitement five nights later). I'll return to Divinity 2 later on in the year, no doubt, but right now I'm playing Gothic 3.

Funnily enough, I didn't care for Gothic 3 when I installed in October, and back then spent just one or two nights playing it - now I'm enthralled by it. The 1.73 community patch makes the game visually appealing, giving the game an almost story-book feel to it. I'm about 7 hours in right now, but happily I feel as though I'm just getting started. I can't wait to play again tonight.

The problem is that I've got Mass Effect 2 on order - and right now I'm pretty much giddy with excitement for it.

So I suppose that I've only got another six nights to spend with Gothic 3 - ah well, it's the perfect game to take my mind off ME2. I love the role-playing games, which is why I'm a little bit worried about this year - after ME 2, what other role-playing games will there be... Fallout New Vegas... Drakensang 2.... Alpha Protocol.... I fear that these titles won't be released until late Fall or early Winter.
I'm replaying ME in anticipation of the release of ME2. I do not save my gamesave files normally so I wanted to replay to refresh my memory and do a couple things differently. I'm a lot more renegade this time, it was fun telling that Admiral that wanted to inspect my ship to "shove off" sir. Also the reporter that meets you after your first main sotry mission in the C-Sec area...I punched her in the face when she pissed me off. Classic lol I love it.
Dragons Age: Origins
What a fun game!!
Level 13 Arcane Warrior soon to be setup with a second tier specd Blood Mage.. I am finally starting to see my character's power as I do 59% of the overall team damage.. My tank can take allot of damage but is still a little slow to take argo.. My healers do a decent job and my other DPS Mage sucks lol..
I'm actually playing Fallout 3 for the first time right now. Picked up the game of the year edition. I think I have messed with mixing and matching MODS more than I've actually played the game so far. I also play Counter Strike Source whenever I get a chance which isn't as much as it used to be.

I recently finished Batman and after Fallout 3 I have Uncharted 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 to play through when I get back into my PS3.

For RPGs if you got a console there's FFXIII coming out, and later this year the Dragon Age expansion pack should be coming out. When the Dragon Age Game Of The Year edition comes out I'll be picking that game up too finally, can't wait!
I'm giving Fallout 3 another shot after Savegame Deletionfest 2009.
I'm on my fourth play through of Dragon Age. I'm absolutely hooked!

I've also started Mass Effect, in anticipation of 2 and Borderlands.
Finally going through Batman:AA right now.

I have Mirror's Edge, Risen, and Divinity 2 all queued up as well, but I doubt I even touch them when ME2 comes out. I hopefully will be able to beat Batman by then at least.
Dark Age of Camelot as I just discovered it still has a jam-packed server left that has steady population, and lots of Street Fighter 4 (IV) mixed in. I plan to go through Dragon Age shortly.
Was replaying Mass Effect until a bug caused me to get stuck in an elevator that wasn't moving (I hadn't saved for a good 45 min or so prior). To relieve frustration I started up GTA 4 again, and now I'm replaying that from the start!

I can't WAIT for ME 2!
I know this is a PC gaming section but I'd recommend you try and get a hold of a PS3 for FFXIII to satiate your growing RPG hunger.
TF2/CoD4/Dirt 2/CSS on the PC. There are more.

Assassin's Creed 1 then Assassin's Creed 2 on PS3. Just finished Uncharted 2 a week ago.
Mainly Dirt 2 right now, but I also play a little L4D 2, Mass Effect, and other random games.
Dirt 2 and TF2, with DA:O and B:AA in waiting for when I can invest some time (boo law school)
I have been sucked into Arma 2 with the ACE 2 mod. I can play that for hours without realizing it.

Just prior to that my soul belong to the Third Age Total War mod for Medieval II: Total War.
Divinity II, Jade empire (again) and Stalker SoC mostly. I have been trying to beat a few games I have been working on so ME2 can have my full attention.
Working on getting a second character to level 60 in Mass Effect before the sequel comes out and working on Batman: AA.
Planescape: Torment!

Yeah, I am a hardball player who waits until the games are completely fixed before playing them. Hmm, I might play Neverwinter Nights 1 next and try out this new-fangled 3D stuff. I plan to play Fallout 3 somewhere near the heat death of the universe.

/I kid. The other game I'm playing is GTA4.
Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines. Unofficial Patch, Camarilla edition, and clan quest mod with weapon sounds. This game creates a degree of mood and atmosphere that no other game has matched. Characters still seem more real than Dragon Age.

About to get my Mass Effect character rolling in prep for ME2. Might not finish in time.
Mass Effect PC.

I played and completed ME on the 360, but I intend on buying it for the PC this time. I was hoping to get a level 60, so I could take advantage of the level 60 bonus for ME2 ... I may just use the +XP code if i cant do it in time, as I hear you need to complete the game 3x to get to level 60.
Just finnished MW2 and now just for kicks im playing The Godfather Two, while also restarting Batman. At this rate i might drop godfather mid way and continue batman.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Sounds like at least half of you guys are getting ready for Mass Effect 2. I think it's pretty cool that this game is releasing on the PC simultaneously with the 360 this time. The consoles got Dragon Age, it's only fair that we get Mass Effect 2, which, of course, is going to look fifty times better on a state of the art PC. :)
Stalker SoC from the Steam sale last October - $5. Had a hard time getting into initially but it's become much more engrossing now that I'm not as clueless as before.
I'm going to insert something new to the thread! I finished Ghostbusters and dove (pardon the pun) back into Aquaria now that I got a little help figuring out what I was doing wrong previously. Killing Floor is my change of pace game, sometimes TF2.

Console is L4D2, random Arcade games I didn't finish.
I'm playing the game called, just built my new system and can't stop tweaking it. ;)

My pops gifted my Fallout 3 GOTY...haven't gotten too far into it yet. Dirt 2 demo, a little bit of COD 4 and a little bit of everything actually. I'm just comparing the performance of my new system to the old for now.

I'll get to the serious gaming when I get my new video card and display......whenever that is.
Fallout 3
Dead Space
Need for Speed Shift
Tomb Raider Underworld
dragon age origins I don't know if you guys are playing it on easy but I'm having a difficult time on normal. It's like most of the mobs are yellow/orange near the end of a dungeon. I get the feeling I'm going to the places in the wrong order. Went circle tower then dalish and now I'm in Haven
Dawn of War 2 finally picked it up.

Same here. Picked it up after Christmas. I'm really liking it. The bigger focus on tactics and micromanagement works well, I think. I'm not missing the base-building and if I do start missing it, I have the original and its expansions to go back to. It's great that DoW2 doesn't make the original redundant in that way.

Also playing Riddick and Mass Effect, which I picked up cheap in the Steam holiday sales.
L4D2, COD:MW2, NFS:Shift, DAO, ME, GTA IV... lots to play through, which is interesting that I havent played much. I sort of stocked up over Christmas.
STALKER:Clear Sky. I'm hoping Call of Pripyat will be released here by the time I'm finished.

I knida decided to stop spending money on new games and stick to old but still extremelly good game that keeps me entertined Friday evenings :)
dragon age origins I don't know if you guys are playing it on easy but I'm having a difficult time on normal. It's like most of the mobs are yellow/orange near the end of a dungeon. I get the feeling I'm going to the places in the wrong order. Went circle tower then dalish and now I'm in Haven

They scale with you, shouldn't matter too much. It's funny with me that after the first play-through, the game suddenly seems so much easier. You just have to get used to the good tactics that work... and you can sort of know what to expect after a while.