So what are you guys playing right now?

The Settlers 7.

So freaking good. Super polished single player campaign and really well tuned multiplayer. It's a 9/10 game on all fronts, which is a nice change as the last two Settlers games have been awful.

Definitely one of the best strategy games I have ever played - amazing game. Currently playing this now and because I seem to only be able to focus on one game at a time, it means Dragon Age is on hold and Supreme Commander 2 has sadly been shelved for a while (and perhaps for some time as I can't play two strat games at once!).

So for me its currently Settlers 7 and Dragon Age - loving both but right now completely consumed by Settlers 7. Will get back to DA campaign once I finish Settlers 7 campaign and am playing skirmish games and then will be playing both!

Wish Dragon Age was harder though - far too easy on nightmare for me sadly.
My 3rd run through of Mass Effect, second one I'll actually bother to finish. lol

I've had ME2 Collector's Edition setting my shelf on fire for a while now, but I want to wring this tube of toothpaste dry first. =p
Played through the Witcher enhanced recently too. Took the side of The Order, killed the non-humans. I was gonna run through again with different choices but probably won't get around to it.
Chaos Rising - killing mutants and burning the heretics, all in the name of Emperor... it's such a good add-on, that all other companies should just take example from THQ and learn how to make a good stuff, that is as great as the first game - when I'm done with it, I'll do the full chaos run, want to see the corrupt ending :D

Also Startrek Online and Awakening
Trying to finish AC2. I've just come across the first instance where I felt like I was being given busywork, so my motivation is dwindling. I think I only have 2 more memories to go though, and I'd like to finish it up.

Other than that, been playing some D2X on as well as some SC2 beta. I suck at SC though it is very fun.

I just reinstalled NFS Shift after realizing I didn't play it enough after getting my eyefinity setup.

I also downloaded DDO last night to give it a shot since its free now, but I can't get the game to launch. Any attempt to launch it and the system gives no response. It just sits there. I had a similar problem with a LOTRO trial, but I soon gave up on that. Googling the problem isn't really helping, so if anyone has experience with that issue, any help would be much appreciated.

Sorry for the tangent.
I've been stuck on source mod Neo Tokyo for weeks now.

But Civ 4, and STALKER COP have been my obsessions lately when i'm not playing Neo Tokyo. I need to finish stalker though. Haha.
Since I've just finished Assassin's Creed 2 (if you can get past the DRM, there's an excellent, if rough, game underneath), I'm now starting up Just Cause 2. It's definitely a shift in gears from serious to silly, and I'm loving it.

If anyone enjoyed GTA when screwing around, Mercenaries 1/2, Red Faction, or any other title that let you blow shit up in spectacular ways, you need to play Just Cause 2.
  • Just finished Metro 2033. Best FPS I've played this year.
  • God of War III
  • Demon's Souls
  • Stalker: CoP
  • Dragon Age. Replaying as an elf, then will pick up Awakening.
  • Risen. Great game, but damn it's hard.
Was playing BC2, but keep getting the "no games located" message for the past week.
just picked up Just Cause 2 and so far I'm not impressed with the console-ish control and the way they do the 3rd person view, damn, this is all because of ME2 and Gears of War, makes me think 3rd person games should have their kindof view.

Only played for 15 minutes though, maybe later after work I'll try playing it again.
just picked up Just Cause 2 and so far I'm not impressed with the console-ish control and the way they do the 3rd person view, damn, this is all because of ME2 and Gears of War, makes me think 3rd person games should have their kindof view.

Only played for 15 minutes though, maybe later after work I'll try playing it again.

There's no way JC2 could be played 1st person -- I think the full game sucks initially because they try to focus you into the story. Ignore that a bit and play'll have trouble not smiling as you blow shit up.
ATM playing Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines.....

Had this game for years and never played it. So awesome :eek: and with the fan addons/fixes this game rocks and surprisingly runs perfectly in Win 7 x64 Enterprise .

Just finished my 5th run through of Dragon Age Origins and my first runthrough of Dragon Age Awakenings. Time to let Ferelden rest for awhile.
Demon's Souls is so stupid, why can't I stop playing? Why must I get every tendancy item?

Can't... stop..... just a few more levels.... just one more spell slot.... need NG sword...

Always just one more damn thing!
im playing BFBC2 on pc and since i got an iphone i cant stop buying new games for it... there is so many good cheap games.
I'm playing a nice game of "Get these labs done" for my CCNA 4 class in Packet Tracer
I'm playing a couple of old games atm (since my rig is down)

Civilization III Conquest, Sacred Gold & Red Alert 2(with Mental Omega mod installed)
Bad Company 2.

I just upgraded from 2x8800GT's to a 5870 yesterday, so I'm replaying Crysis on Very High/2x AA :cool:

I also owe it to myself to pick up the stalker series and play crysis warhead again.

just to keep the twitch on par I'll hop on q3 or cs once a week or so.

Of course I've only gotten halfway on:
Mass Effect 1 AND 2
Bioshock 2
Dragon Age
Just finished DAO Awakening and am now going back to DoWII Chaos Rising, along with some CoH that I never finished.
Regularly: Bad Company 2, Mass Effect 2, Team Fortress 2
Occasionally: Red Alert 2, Crysis Warhead
Just picked up Civ 4 and going to give it a spin. Getting tired of all these FPS/Action games.
There's no way JC2 could be played 1st person -- I think the full game sucks initially because they try to focus you into the story. Ignore that a bit and play'll have trouble not smiling as you blow shit up.

what i meant was the 3rd person view of Gears of war, where the view is more zoomed in and it's easier to shoot,

and also most of the latest games that have shooting involved have the cover-behind-something function/button... but I don't see that in JC2.

but yes, after initial short mission of saving the drunkard, i can see that JC2 world is quite amazing, the view is really good too.
Team Fortress 2... same thing I keep coming back to these past, what, two years now? Something like that...
1. BC2
2. Splinter Cell Series (on pc)
3. Dragon Age Awakening
4. Assassins Creed
5. Sins of a Solar Empire
Bad Company 2 and Just Cause 2 at the moment. Waiting for Splinter Cell: Conviction in a couple weeks.

Just got a PS3 back and plan on replaying through a couple games (MGS4 and Uncharted 2 for starters).
Just Cause 2, most fun game I've played so far this year. Yes, it's more fun than BC2 IMO, but I love sandbox games, and JC2 is the ultimate sandbox.