so whats the big deal with guitar hero


Aug 9, 2004
Why is guitar hero so popular i mean I just don't understand what the big hype is about why don't ppl spend there time playing a real quitar
because it is structured and easy to get 'addicted' to. I picked it up being like, 'ok, i hated ddr, this is the same thing with my hands' but i couldnt get enough. Basically, if you dont have time or ability to learn an instrument, but like music, its fun. it offers a challenge that you want to overcome so you keep going back for more. thats my opinion.
why don't ppl spend there time playing a real quitar
Why play video games at all? While I agree that people will probably have more fun in the long run with a real instrument than a music game, the games are much more easily accessible, hence the popularity.
Why is guitar hero so popular i mean I just don't understand what the big hype is about why don't ppl spend there time playing a real quitar

I'll be honest, I initially had the same thought. I've played guitar for 5+ years, and I just couldn't understand. Then I played the game.

If you haven't already, I highly suggest you give it a try. I'm not saying you'll absolutely love it and that it's the best thing ever, but I and many others find it to be very good.
I for one totally understand his argument. Guitar Hero is a game where you play a simplified guitar-like thing, and you use the guitar-like thing to 'play' music. Press the buttons at the right time and so on and so forth. That's something practically anyone with enough functioning fingers and half a brain can do with a real guitar given a little time and practice. It's a DDR for fat people, I suppose (kidding).

Halo, Quake, Need for Speed, Tomb Raider, Portal, Warcraft and so on and so forth have no real-world equal (save for Need for Speed, sort of). There's no "real" nailgun that you can shoot lightning-casting goliaths with; no "real" ancient Egyptian tomb filled with deadly traps, wolves and pistol ammo; no "real" facility that trains people how to use a gun that shoots portals. These things have no real equal in the real world, so they have to be imagined through these fabricated worlds. With Guitar Hero, you can press buttons on the plastic guitar, or you can strum the strings on a real guitar. The former is a simplified "gamey" version of the latter.

Maybe I'm too old to understand it, but then again, maybe I'm just old enough, and mature enough, to see the ridiculousness in it. I just don't get it.
ive tryed it a few times and just could not get into at all same with ddr
I for one totally understand his argument. Guitar Hero is a game where you play a simplified guitar-like thing, and you use the guitar-like thing to 'play' music. Press the buttons at the right time and so on and so forth. That's something practically anyone with enough functioning fingers and half a brain can do with a real guitar given a little time and practice. It's a DDR for fat people, I suppose (kidding).

Halo, Quake, Need for Speed, Tomb Raider, Portal, Warcraft and so on and so forth have no real-world equal (save for Need for Speed, sort of). There's no "real" nailgun that you can shoot lightning-casting goliaths with; no "real" ancient Egyptian tomb filled with deadly traps, wolves and pistol ammo; no "real" facility that trains people how to use a gun that shoots portals. These things have no real equal in the real world, so they have to be imagined through these fabricated worlds. With Guitar Hero, you can press buttons on the plastic guitar, or you can strum the strings on a real guitar. The former is a simplified "gamey" version of the latter.

Maybe I'm too old to understand it, but then again, maybe I'm just old enough, and mature enough, to see the ridiculousness in it. I just don't get it.

It's called paintball, laser tag, and rock climbing.

Yes, there's no plasma weapons or egyptian tombs, just as there aren't 1000 screaming fans or Star Power score multipliers when you're sitting in your living room attempting to strum something out on a real guitar.

Likewise, you will never jump three meters into the air like Master Chief even if you did religiously play paintball, similar to how there is a really, REALLY abysmal chance of you ever being talented enough to play and compose as well as Buckethead even if you practiced your whole life.
It's a game, It's fun and rewarding to get the harder combos right and it's got a looooong steady difficulty curve which means anyone of any skill can pick it up and play an easy song for fun or a harder song for a challenge.

I wouldn't say theres anything fantastic about it, but it certainly fills in my growing need for games that I can play for 20-30 minutes without resorting to buying a console.
I've always wondered the same thing. I've played it a few times, I'll agree, it is addicting. However, I've always played it with friends at a party. How anyone can set at home and play it by themselves is beyond me.

When I play games, they have to be immersive. Take me from RL and put me somewhere else. GH is just not immersive.
Its awesome because its easy and lots of fun to play at your house while getting wasted. Great addition to any party.
I don't care if people play it or not. What irks me is when they say they can play guitar just because of the game, and when you throw a 6-stringer in their hands and it sounds like 72 cats getting raped by owls.
I've never heard anyone say that they can play guitar because they're good at guitar hero. To me, the argument seems to come from mostly people who play the guitar and they feel like people having fun playing a video game somehow diminishes the value of their ability to play an actual guitar. Almost every thread about guitar hero, there is someone who plays guitar who says that playing guitar hero is nothing like playing an actual guitar. I must say, I thank them for this profound insight, as I had never seen it put that way before.
Its true almost all such argument I've came across are by people who plays the actual guitar. But I don't think that it has anything to do about diminishing their ability to play the actual guitar. Rather, people tend to compare playing it to actually playing a real guitar, which IMO is incomparable. One cannot put both GH and real guitar in a direct comparison because if that's the case, then I myself would finds more fun in playing the real guitar. (what I love about playing the guitar is the strumming part, especially playing power chords :D ) There's no way to mimic playing a guitar by just pressing a few button.

What I'm trying to say is GH is fun as a video game, and cannot be compared to a real guitar. Also, it is in no way, a simulator. I mean, if a person wants to play GH, he/she should play it as just a video game, that's all. Anyone who plays GH just because he/she had always dream of playing a guitar, should actually to pick up a real guitar.

And I think this is why we see all the arguments here. The game is being associated with guitar, heck its called Guitar Hero, and it looks as if part of their targeted audience are people who always wish to play a guitar. Many would argue that if a person really wants to play a guitar, they should take up real guitar, and I agrees with this. GH is no substitute for a person dream of playing the guitar.

ps: i'd rather be playing that game using a keyboard rather than a toy guitar.
I don't really even think of it as "make believe" guitar playing. It's more like that old simon says game where the lights come on and you have to keep hitting the buttons in order as they get faster and faster. The only difference is its simon says with a great soundtrack and a silly guitar controller. The, "why not just play real guitar" question that keeps coming up over and over is ridiculous. I would love to be able to pick up a real guitar, sit on the couch, and start playing some of these great classic rock tunes within 5 minutes. But that ain't gonna happen. I don't have the time or talent to make it happen.
When I first saw Guitar Hero, I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. And I mean stupid, Im the guy who tossed an orange at a lady playing DDR at the theater once(dont ask why, I just hated the sight).

I honestly thought it was the stupidest thing.

Then I went to a friends place for a hockey game, we were drinking and after the game, he pulled out GT3 for the 360 and OMG, it was the best flippin time ever.

Its much the same feeling you get when you first play the Wii..."This cant be fun, this looks stupid, Im gonna look like a tool playing this....oh, wow, HAHAHA, this IS AWESOMESAUCE"

The wife got GT3 for me last night, and I played till 4:30am(and I still made it to work today)...I dreamed about loosing that slayer song over and over...getting schooled by my sister-in-law....woke, showered, played a few songs and almost missed my ride to work.
Now Im at work, trying to think of ways to hurt myself so I can get a few days off to play GT3.
Check out the Guitar Hero South Park - Titled "Guitar Queer-o". It reinforces many of the sentiments expressed here. ;)
Maybe I'm too old to understand it, but then again, maybe I'm just old enough, and mature enough, to see the ridiculousness in it. I just don't get it.

You can see the foolisness in playing guitar hero 3 but not other video games such as Halo, etc...etc...

All video games are ridiculous, the majority serve no real purpose other then to waste time, similar to watching TV, sports, movies, etc...etc...However, the whole point of those activities is that they provide the user with something called fun. Having fun is really the point of all those activities. Guitar hero is no exception.

You want to know something? I think Final fantasy is the most stupid video game franchise in history. I hate their games. I remember reading about FFVII and seeing all the perfect 10's in got. I ran out and bought it immediately. I took it back after 10 minutes of playing. The cinematics were mindboggling, but the gameplay sucked to high heaven.

Different strokes for different folks. Most gamers would probably tar and feather me for hating the FF franchise, but hey it doesn't appeal to me and i don't knock people who like it or go around calling them ridiculous for enjoy the series.
Yes, there's no plasma weapons or egyptian tombs, just as there aren't 1000 screaming fans or Star Power score multipliers when you're sitting in your living room attempting to strum something out on a real guitar.
Well, Star Power multipliers...

You can see the foolisness in playing guitar hero 3 but not other video games such as Halo, etc...etc...
I said I see some ridiculousness, not foolishness, and no, I see nothing ridiculous about playing games that have no real-world counterpart. I don't get fishing or hunting simulators, either -- go out and fish and hunt if that's what you want to do. Those aren't cost-prohibitive activities, and nor is playing a real guitar, though GH is hardly a guitar simulator. That much I get.

...i don't knock people who like it or go around calling them ridiculous for enjoy the series.
I never called anyone ridiculous for playing GH. I said I see a level of ridiculousness in it (the game itself, mostly).
As a real guitar player, I have to say that when I first encountered guitar hero, i was like "Wtf?" as well.

But after playing it, it's really really fun.

And probably more challenging to me, since I am ACTUALLY trying to play the song, instead of following the colors on the screen, so I have to switch off my brain. Which is mainly why I play video games. to switch off
Guitar Hero is about rocking out and turning what would be air guitar playing into a game. Playing a real guitar is an art and totally different experience. I'm not looking to play a real guitar, I just want to feel like I'm cranking it up to 11 in the privacy of my own home.
I don't understand all the excitement about guitar hero, I prefer the less popular 'trombone hero'.
Guitar Hero is about rocking out and turning what would be air guitar playing into a game. Playing a real guitar is an art and totally different experience. I'm not looking to play a real guitar, I just want to feel like I'm cranking it up to 11 in the privacy of my own home.

Classic, I thought Guitar Hero would be stupid as well, till some friends introduced it to me

Just plain addictive fun, if people could just see its just a freaking game. Just maybe they could care less if people want to play Guitar Hero, or Magical Fairy Island. Whats fun for me, might not be fun for you, that is why there is so many genres of games.

In my PC GT3 Gibson Explorer guitar, same as the 360 one...whats with the hookups at the bottom? there is a bloody network connection and some other weird shit. whats up?
oh my god you guys suck all I was asking is a simple question and you turn it into a big ass deal
oh my god you guys suck all I was asking is a simple question and you turn it into a big ass deal

Welcome to the world of guitar hero mate

play a game and have fun while those who dont have it scream about how you should learn a real guitar.

pfft I say to them, they should learn how to l33t it up on the Gibson explorer plastic style!
I'm a guitar player and love it!
I bought 2 copies, one for myself and one for my Sister.
Before Christmas my friends and I had a royal laugh playing the co-op game, each player can be at their own skill level, it works very well.
Now I'm down to 1 guitar and its still ace but I wanna buy another.

Its true, the only people I know who have said the game is pointless are guitar players.
Those who tried it love the game now too :D
You can see the foolisness in playing guitar hero 3 but not other video games such as Halo, etc...etc...

But buying a real guitar is doable. A good used guitar can be had for about the price of Guitar Hero, and if you spent as much time playing a real guitar as you did a toy, you could actually learn to play a few songs.

You can't buy a plasma rifle, fly around in a spaceship, and shoot aliens. You can however get a real guitar.
I don't play guitar either I just wanted to know what all the excitement is all about I mean if someone likes to play GH more power to them
But buying a real guitar is doable. A good used guitar can be had for about the price of Guitar Hero, and if you spent as much time playing a real guitar as you did a toy, you could actually learn to play a few songs.

You can't buy a plasma rifle, fly around in a spaceship, and shoot aliens. You can however get a real guitar.

who gives a shit about a real guitar.

he could have made the same statement about racing games or whatever.
Its a fun game, deal with it. Next person who tells me to learn a real guitar is getting herpes.
My GF got it for me as an xmas gift and i love it, and guess what I play real life guitar too and you know what i noticed. Its a game and i love it because its a fun addictive game. These learn to play a real guitar comments are stupid beyond belief, but then again its cool to bash everything you hate. NOw if we could only get more people on teh pc version.
play it, then you'll understand.

No, it's not a real instrument, but it also doesn't take a real drummer, real bass player, and real singer to play along and have fun. It's just entertaining.
But buying a real guitar is doable. A good used guitar can be had for about the price of Guitar Hero, and if you spent as much time playing a real guitar as you did a toy, you could actually learn to play a few songs.

You can't buy a plasma rifle, fly around in a spaceship, and shoot aliens. You can however get a real guitar.

play a few songs...

Or buy guitar hero, play a game, and listen to 60+ tunes at the same time. :confused: I don't see how the two are related.

Listen, I'm a classical brass musician. GH is NOT an instrument, it's a game, and you know what?

It's fun. That's all that matters.
Guitar hero is either fun for you or it isn't. I don't find it alluring in the slightest but I have nothing against those who do.
But buying a real guitar is doable. A good used guitar can be had for about the price of Guitar Hero, and if you spent as much time playing a real guitar as you did a toy, you could actually learn to play a few songs.

You can't buy a plasma rifle, fly around in a spaceship, and shoot aliens. You can however get a real guitar.

A shitty used guitar is about the cost of guitar hero a good used guitar is at least double the cost.

I kinda play the guitar and playing Guitar hero is WAY easier than playing the real guitar, and it's that easyness that makes the game more fun than playing the real guitar.

I played Cliffs of dover by Eric Johnson on guitar real life I suck too bad to play it and I have spent a few weeks trying to learn it on real guitar, only spent like 10 minutes to learn it on guitar hero.
the comments about "why don't you play a real instrument" are so ridiculous they really aren't worth responding to anymore. I have friends who play real instruments and are in REAL BANDS and they love guitar hero and rock band. I, myself, own a guitar and a trumpet and can also play a bit on the trap set.

Can people just not get over the fact that others are having fun interactively jamming to classic rock in their living rooms with their friends without having to spend years practicing and developing callouses on their fingers? "OH NOES YOU CANT HAVE FUN WITH TEH MUSICS UNLESS YOU PRAKTISES FOR REALZ YO! REAL MUSISHUNS ONLY!"

Just give it a try and, god forbid, you might actually have fun!