So who here actually likes CS:S?

i love it ever since the day it came out... in fact im goign to cpl to play the damn game... lol

I <3 it. I might have seen 2 hackers in the last 3 months...every game has them so thats no reason not to play. Though, I have seen too many sucky players call good people hackers. Hello, some have skill! :p
I like it. about the only game I play anymore. Now that the CAL season is over I prob won't play it as much, but I still play almost every night.
I think CS:S is great fun ...I get owned all the time as I dont see most of the peeps that get me until as my head is recoiling back from a headshot (I dial up thru a smoothwall box that has an ISA 56k modem in it ...yay!) ..if I can keep my ping in mid to upper 200's , then I can actually get some kills in ..

Sometimes it does get frustrating tho , like when I am 10 virtual feet from a guy and am crouched down and unload a whole clip from my AK ...and they shoot me twice and kill me and then I follow them around and they still have 100% health ... all I can say is "Yay for dial up!"

..on the flip side , I've had some pretty cool rounds where it seems every kill i get is a headshot on the fly , jumpen or runnen or hoppen out from a corner on a some snipers and .. firing once with my pistol and ducking back and scoren' a headshot ... or times when I get flashed and running and shooting blindly and getting a couple kills in without realizing it until I get shot and other guy(s) telling me how lucky I was ..or asking how i shot them thru the double doors like that ...and all I can say is .."Yay for dial up!"

:) :)
Craftish said:
Source hitboxes are better, use:
cl_interpolate 0
cl_interp 0

Would it allow for better hitboxes on just the client side? If a server entered those commands, would everyone get better hitboxes?
I enjoyed Team Fortress Classic on my PIII more than CS:S on my sig-system...

The maps are the killer for me. Most of them seem very, very tiny. Getting bitched at for using a certain no-no weapon here or there gets old quick as well.
Noodle Boy said:
Would it allow for better hitboxes on just the client side? If a server entered those commands, would everyone get better hitboxes?
No, "cl" denotes client commands.
Sir-Fragalot said:
No, they should make it more modern. Not like CS1. That's the problem, its the same damn game. At first there weren't even any new maps.

I hate it. No prone position, the balance of some of the weapons is off, No decent zoom features for the guns. Not talking about a scope, but rather what most of the other FPS's are doing. By letting you sight in the weapons.

The maps need weather, more effects, better sounds. Better physics. All in all, I think it was mediocre for the time it came out. Terrible by today's standards. The only props I give it are for the variety of weapons.

Add all that crap and you got basically BF1942/DC or Raven Shield or something.

CS:S was supposed to be the same damn game as 1.6, too bad it's really not save for the name.
I love CS:S but I hate alot of the people that play it.

Sometimes I want to stangle some of the people who play that game with their mouse cords.

I still dont understand this one that was said the other day.

"Awps arent gay just the people that use them"

IMO that makes absolutley no sense. Wouldnt that be the exact same as saying Awps are gay?

Sometimes I just feel like telling everyone on the server to shut the f*ck up. The complaining about guns, about dieing, about being accidently team killed, calling people f*cking @ssholes, and ya you get the picture. In my honest Opinion the CS community needs to mature a bit. Im sick of playing with people that pick fights for no reason and complain about the game. I love counterstrike source but there are just some days where I absolutley hate the community. And please dont get me started with the professional gamers because if I have to hear one more comment from them why they cant use counter strike source for so called professional gaming then I am going to go nutz. And all the kids at my HS that think they are going to make $300 000 a year playing video games. :rolleyes: Give me a break.
(By the way its not that I hate professional gaming its just I feel that the players can be so arrogant at times)
Michael.R said:
I love CS:S but I hate alot of the people that play it.

Sometimes I want to stangle some of the people who play that game with their mouse cords.

I still dont understand this one that was said the other day.

"Awps arent gay just the people that use them"

IMO that makes absolutley no sense. Wouldnt that be the exact same as saying Awps are gay?

Sometimes I just feel like telling everyone on the server to shut the f*ck up. The complaining about guns, about dieing, about being accidently team killed, calling people f*cking @ssholes, and ya you get the picture. In my honest Opinion the CS community needs to mature a bit. Im sick of playing with people that pick fights for no reason and complain about the game. I love counterstrike source but there are just some days where I absolutley hate the community. And please dont get me started with the professional gamers because if I have to hear one more comment from them why they cant use counter strike source for so called professional gaming then I am going to go nutz. And all the kids at my HS that think they are going to make $300 000 a year playing video games. :rolleyes: Give me a break.
(By the way its not that I hate professional gaming its just I feel that the players can be so arrogant at times)
I was confused...but I'm really yeah...CS is fun when there arnt 12 year olds running around. Although I did get owned by a kid who sounded like he was 4 :(
OEM said:
I was confused...but I'm really yeah...CS is fun when there arnt 12 year olds running around. Although I did get owned by a kid who sounded like he was 4 :(

OEM said:
I was confused...but I'm really yeah...CS is fun when there arnt 12 year olds running around. Although I did get owned by a kid who sounded like he was 4 :(

LOL funny man....
aZn_plyR said:
LOL funny man....
I will get him though. I've been practicing. He will soon know defeat. I can tell you that much. The little bugger kept getting me from behind to, never really had a clear shot at him. Sneaky little man he was.
i like it a lot.

tho the errors do get frustrating where i'll stop playing for the day.. but im not ready to give up on the game just yet.
ThreeDee said:
...and all I can say is .."Yay for dial up!"

:) :)

I know what you mean. Sometimes dial up hurts you b/c you are too laggy and others can fire before you know they are even there. But every once in awhile you catch the right server and the other ppl just see you teleporting from place to place and they look normal to you so you get to light 'em up. Boom Shock-A-Lock-A
I love it.

I don't play it anymore since I got Guild Wars, GTA:SA, and BF2 demo... But I still love it.
Love the game, hate the people that ruin it (hackers).

I wish one of the [H] servers was sniper rifle free

Craftish said:
No, "cl" denotes client commands.

ehh that's dumb then, you can't interp them but they can interp you :mad: i know that doesn't make much sense but no one should be able to shoot 10 feet behind u and still get a headshot.
Noodle Boy said:
ehh that's dumb then, you can't interp them but they can interp you :mad: i know that doesn't make much sense but no one should be able to shoot 10 feet behind u and still get a headshot.

You obviously don't understand how it works.

Interpolate is a setting that "smooths" the player models by a certain amount of time , denoted by the interp value ( default is .1 seconds) . This helps smooth the gameplay out and it looks better, but since it is smoothing (or interpolating) the models, it makes the hitboxes a little off on your screen from the place that the models really "are". By turning interpolate off, this compensation does not occur and the hitboxes appear where they really "are". However, it makes the players on your screen a little choppy, which is why a lot of people don't like it.

Since most pub players leave cl_interpolate set to "1", they see the smoothed over version of the models.

Servers cannot enter the cl_interpolate command as you were trying to say earlier. and I don't feel like explaining tickrate either.
But if you play with interpolate 0, others can still shoot your laggin hitbox because they're using interpolate 1. Noodle Boy's got it right.

Interp = bad.
But the theory is that, when you're able to see where everybody else's hitboxes actually are, you will be able to kill them before they even get a shot off at you, lagging hitboxes or not.
I played it religiously when the original beta came out (years before source, i'm old and cool huh?) and didn't put it down for a good 3 years. Not a revolutionary concept by any means but it was a hell of a lot of fun.

In the end I stopped playing because as you get to the top, its a game of perfection, hampered by latency, computer power, moron server admins, some cheaters, and LOTS of people accusing people of cheating.

Admittedly I havent played the source version of it yet. Somehow I doubt it has changed much.
well i liked it but i get the memory read error when i try to start it now,i hate that valve made it with buggy ass software with so many problems its unreal. personally i no longer find it worth the errors,lag on most all populated servers,and steam to play it anymore. not to mention hackers will clean out a sever in 15minutes
To me, it feels very chopppy and sketchy compared to 1.6. I don't have the best rig, but I can be pulling 80fps and 20ms and it still feels buggy.
fromage said:
But if you play with interpolate 0, others can still shoot your laggin hitbox because they're using interpolate 1. Noodle Boy's got it right.

Interp = bad.

NO, You are wrong. Interp only changes how you see the players on your computer screen, not where the hitboxes are according to the server. Interpolate 1 works, (OBVIOUSLY), but you'll get better registration with interpolate 0. I shouldn't argue this point because it doesn't help me out any for everyone to use 0, it only hurts their game, not mine.
BF42 is the best, still is. More strategy, more options, more fun. CS is alright but the maps are too small and not being able to re-spawn I guess sucks for me cause' I'm looking to play a lot in a short time. Not watch others play. I know... I shouldn't die. I guess that's why I never get into it. I don't have the time to sit and watch a match while I'm learning to play. WWII games are just funner. Killing Germans is fun. Terrorists... eh...

Too many servers too. BF42 you see a lot of the same people and get to know them. Yeah I guess if I found a clan or some good servers that might be the same. But there's soooo many compared to BF (granted DC has a lot).

Anyway... just not my cup of tea.

Tiny said:
Me. My first time with HL anything. I love CS:S.

I just wish I could find some clean servers. No swearing, no naughty sprays...just clean. Haven't found any yet. :(

Moongamers is one clean server, you are not even allowed to have names with bad words. if someone talks bad or typed a swear word the get warning in the form of 30 min Bans or all their money is taken away.
I FUCING HATE IT BECUASE..................lets face it. Its just CS with better grpahics. Not saying thats a BAD THING.

But look at the best game ever. UT... its just the same game over over and over again but with improvements. Cs just gets a graphic make over. Big new guns or levels or vehcilces or differetn game types. CS can only be fun so many YEARS !!!! :mad:
stumpy said:
NO, You are wrong. Interp only changes how you see the players on your computer screen, not where the hitboxes are according to the server. Interpolate 1 works, (OBVIOUSLY), but you'll get better registration with interpolate 0. I shouldn't argue this point because it doesn't help me out any for everyone to use 0, it only hurts their game, not mine.

I'm not wrong. It WILL gay you. Ever wonder why some people can pick mid on de_dust2 with an awp from T spawn? If you're running, regardless of whether you have interpolate 0 or 1, and someone shoots you, and that someone has interpolate 1, you may have well dove under cover, but he still shot you like you were out in the open. That's an interp'ed shot.

Interpolate is prediction, client-side prediction of where the hitboxes line up with the models you see, on slow/dial-up internet, you may use interpolate to reduce the amount of packets needed to send between the server and yourself, however, in this day and age, interpolate 1(prediction) is extremely inaccurate compared to interpolate 0(no prediction).

Interp 1 is bad for most people. But if you're the only one using interp 0 on the server, it's bad too. You will get gayed and there will be many more "wtf" kills.
fromage said:
I'm not wrong. It WILL gay you. Ever wonder why some people can pick mid on de_dust2 with an awp from T spawn? If you're running, regardless of whether you have interpolate 0 or 1, and someone shoots you, and that someone has interpolate 1, you may have well dove under cover, but he still shot you like you were out in the open. That's an interp'ed shot.

Interpolate is prediction, client-side prediction of where the hitboxes line up with the models you see, on slow/dial-up internet, you may use interpolate to reduce the amount of packets needed to send between the server and yourself, however, in this day and age, interpolate 1(prediction) is extremely inaccurate compared to interpolate 0(no prediction).

Interp 1 is bad for most people. But if you're the only one using interp 0 on the server, it's bad too. You will get gayed and there will be many more "wtf" kills.

..using interpolate 0 on my dial up connection turns the game into a skip fest ..and tho when i do see other peeps I am seeing where I can actually hit them ... the not seeing them part inbetween skips makes it unplayable ...for me anyways .. so i guess I am forever doomed to get kill after kill on me filled with "What the heck?!" shots on my noggin'... boooo