So why does Crysis still not *look* like Crysis?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 4, 2003
We all have seen the E3 videos and preview screenshots of Crysis. Why doesn't Crysis look like those at all? Even EA's actual Crysis website has amazing shots of Crysis that I've never seen replicated by anybody with the actual game, even on the highest end hardware.

People are saying that there's some kind of "ultra" graphics setting that Crytek has not yet released, why would they do something like that? The usual conspiracy about Crytek wanting the game to be playable at regular framerates, etc. doesn't make sense, why wouldn't you want the game you put out to be at it's best or at least include the possibility of gamers getting the best quality accessible from purchase? I've seen this done for consoles (usually because of the lack of AA on many titles or lower resolution) but PC games are usually pretty good at showing actual screenshots of the actual game on their official sites.

Please wait for the pictures to load.











Feel free to post your screenshots of your own Crysis game in counterpoint if you disagree, or your own screenshots to show how different the shipped product looks.
You are probably going to want to rehost those pics yourself if you are using them straight from EA. They take forever on cable to load as well. . Try
even the physics don't respond like how they are portrayed in the last one!
We all have seen the E3 videos and preview screenshots of Crysis. Why doesn't Crysis look like those at all? Even EA's actual Crysis website has amazing shots of Crysis that I've never seen replicated by anybody with the actual game, even on the highest end hardware.

People are saying that there's some kind of "ultra" graphics setting that Crytek has not yet released, why would they do something like that? The usual conspiracy about Crytek wanting the game to be playable at regular framerates, etc. doesn't make sense, why wouldn't you want the game you put out to be at it's best or at least include the possibility of gamers getting the best quality accessible from purchase? I've seen this done for consoles (usually because of the lack of AA on many titles or lower resolution) but PC games are usually pretty good at showing actual screenshots of the actual game on their official sites.

Please wait for the pictures to load.

Feel free to post your screenshots of your own Crysis game in counterpoint if you disagree, or your own screenshots to show how different the shipped product looks.

Well, I play it on my lowly system and it looks amazing, even with most stuff on medium. You should look at the video someone posted of a custom made forest level. It looks exactly, if not better, than the pics you posted. What Crytek showed during their presentations and what we are seeing in-game, is pretty close if not equal. But there are some settings that are yet to be seen, since no current hardware supports.
Well, I play it on my lowly system and it looks amazing, even with most stuff on medium. You should look at the video someone posted of a custom made forest level. It looks exactly, if not better, than the pics you posted. What Crytek showed during their presentations and what we are seeing in-game, is pretty close if not equal. But there are some settings that are yet to be seen, since no current hardware supports.

I call that BS. They're nowhere near eachothers. Only the custom map in devmode produces anywhere near the advertised image quality and maybe physics effects.

Retail crysis is a severely dumbed down version of the advertised product, clear and simple.
The game will defiantly be looking like that in about 2 years from now, there is no hardware that consumers can buy that will run the game at those settings, even an 8800Ultra SLi setup can hardly run the game @ Very High settings, so how would you think an Ultra setting would do (1-10fps???).
to hype the game more and make you want it even more. Then you get an excuse that they will release them in 2years. Who wants to wait 2years. The game will be dead in the water and no one will want it. Its already boring and i dont think it has any replay value. Ever since I beat it I havnt had any urge to play it anymore. Except to putz with the editor. I am sure all the crysis worshipers will try to come up with more excuse to side with crysis. just like all those halo fanboys. Crysis was a huge letdown in gameplay for me.
Crysis looks no better than FAR CRY on my pc and it runs worse. The game just stutters and lags way too much. LOW settings make the game look like the WII version of FAR CRY and modified configs help but not enough.
Did you really think Crysis was going to play like that? Do promotional screenshots and trailers, released months before the game is out, ever look like the actual gameplay?
Did you really think Crysis was going to play like that? Do promotional screenshots and trailers, released months before the game is out, ever look like the actual gameplay?

Correct, but the exceptional graphics and physics were the selling point of Crysis. They drilled it into our heads about how advanced it was and in the end, it turns out no better then any other game released recently. Actually worse since it runs like crap.
Correct, but the exceptional graphics and physics were the selling point of Crysis. They drilled it into our heads about how advanced it was and in the end, it turns out no better then any other game released recently. Actually worse since it runs like crap.

Then if you're disappointed that Crysis doesn't look like the promotional videos, you've only yourself to blame for being gullible.

It's one of the best looking games on PC right now, you really can't argue that. They followed through on their promise for exceptional graphics. But when someone starts posting promotional screenshots from a year ago and complaining the game doens't look as good as that - well, all I have to say is welcome to video gaming. Beware the hype machine.
even an 8800Ultra SLi setup can hardly run the game @ Very High settings, so how would you think an Ultra setting would do (1-10fps???).

If there is an "ultra" setting, that's why it's not enabled. No computer has any chance of running it. Mine can barely handle medium. It looks decent but not even close to those pics. Honestly, on my computer it looks closer to Far Cry than those screenshots. I've only played the first few levels of the game because I was disappointed in how it looks and runs. Crysis is on the backburner until I upgrade next year.
Yeah, those aren't supposed to be actual depictions of the game irl. They're renders and shit, can't you tell? I have seen people who've found hidden settings... actually just changing values in the file, that make the game look a lot better.
they had to dup us all thinking we are getting those kinda graphics. Cause thats all they had because the gameplay is boring and terrible story.
All this crap the OP is bitching about.....the game CAN indeed look like that....if you want to run .5 frames per second!!!!

Full DX10 with 4x FSAA, 16x anisotropic, all image settings to VERY HIGH....will look pretty much like those screenies. What some fail to see is that those vids are pre-rendered, and a vid card to run 30+fps at those settings is most likely, at least a year away.
Yeah, you can make screenshots look like that. Like TheRapture mentioned, crank all the details up to the max, boost AA all the way up and make sure you have DX10. I get a whopping single frame per second doing that...but I could take a screenshot.
The videos are a different story. They're showing details and a framerate that are pretty amazing on last year's hardware. I'd like to know whatever happened to that engine. I don't care what kind of trickery they used to make it - I'm curious what they did.
Especially if you crank the view distances, you CAN see trees and the like on the mountains.

And yes, there are quite a few "hidden" areas if you are willing to explore, since the gameplay is actually non linear in that you can work from the end of the map forward. I have traveled quite far and found many enemy hangouts that I never saw the first time around. I have been exploring and trying to kill ALL enemies.

There have been a couple times where I walked/drove a looooong ways to the end of the map, and started fighting backwards so that when I got to my main objective, then I had a free walk back to the end because the KPA were gone.:p
pre-rendered crap, all companies do it, then put them under "screen shots" as if they are real in game things
People who say Crysis looks exactly like Far Cry crack me up. Time to go to the optometrist, people.
People who say Crysis looks exactly like Far Cry crack me up. Time to go to the optometrist, people.

My eyes are perfect. The settings I play at, its looks closer to Farcry than it does to any Crysis screenshot ( not here ) on High or Very High. :confused: I don't need an optometrist, I need an upgrade. ;)
they had to dup us all thinking we are getting those kinda graphics. Cause thats all they had because the gameplay is boring and terrible story.

Okay... here's my take on that. If you're a FPS fan and you find Crysis's gameplay boring then you need to go back and play Doom 3, b/c that takes no brain power whatsoever to finish going through the corridors of where you have to go through.

Open world games like Crysis and Stalker are the future for FPS games. No more of this monotonous run down a hallway, shoot, and repeat stuff. Crysis, and Stalker make you change your tactics depending on the situation at hand.
People who say Crysis looks exactly like Far Cry crack me up. Time to go to the optometrist, people.

Even on low looks better than Far Cry....???

Yeah, time for some glasses, in medium or better settings, Far Cry at highest looks like a cartoon compared to Crysis...
We all have seen the E3 videos and preview screenshots of Crysis. Why doesn't Crysis look like those at all? Even EA's actual Crysis website has amazing shots of Crysis that I've never seen replicated by anybody with the actual game, even on the highest end hardware.

People are saying that there's some kind of "ultra" graphics setting that Crytek has not yet released, why would they do something like that? The usual conspiracy about Crytek wanting the game to be playable at regular framerates, etc. doesn't make sense, why wouldn't you want the game you put out to be at it's best or at least include the possibility of gamers getting the best quality accessible from purchase? I've seen this done for consoles (usually because of the lack of AA on many titles or lower resolution) but PC games are usually pretty good at showing actual screenshots of the actual game on their official sites.


You want to know why they do this kind of false publicity? It's simple, that's because the government didn't do anything about it yet. When they will bu sue, they are probably going to all stop. But in america, it's nearly legal to do business this way, at least, it's accepted by the politicians.

As for the rumor, it's all bs. As Gamespot demonstrated, the difference between high and very high is nearly nothing.

All the bs about unfinished game and false ad is illegal and will stop someday. Most government are liberal, so they are going to wait for lawsuit before moving their largely paid asses. This might happen someday.
You want to know why they do this kind of false publicity? It's simple, that's because the government didn't do anything about it yet. When they will bu sue, they are probably going to all stop. But in america, it's nearly legal to do business this way, at least, it's accepted by the politicians.

American law should totally govern over German businesses! I agree!!!
People who say Crysis looks exactly like Far Cry crack me up. Time to go to the optometrist, people.

I think there is no difference of aberrance between saying the game can be like the sreenshots and saying crysis is like farcry. ;)

It's even more funny when we know that very high < medium .

Today graphics are not good, they let you believe they are.
The game will defiantly be looking like that in about 2 years from now, there is no hardware that consumers can buy that will run the game at those settings, even an 8800Ultra SLi setup can hardly run the game @ Very High settings, so how would you think an Ultra setting would do (1-10fps???).

Agreed ! and give the man a cookie ! :D

Did you really think Crysis was going to play like that? Do promotional screenshots and trailers, released months before the game is out, ever look like the actual gameplay?

Exactly ! Never fall for the hype,as nothing,games,cars,restaraunts,etc,ever live up to it.
American law should totally govern over German businesses! I agree!!!

I'm not sure if they can do this kind of ad in Germany. I know in Canada it's not accepted to do this kind of business.

They are maybe from germany but they use americain ads compagny to do their lame in the states and show it all over the world from the states. Because like I said, in the state, they are very liberal about this.
Okay... here's my take on that. If you're a FPS fan and you find Crysis's gameplay boring then you need to go back and play Doom 3, b/c that takes no brain power whatsoever to finish going through the corridors of where you have to go through.

Open world games like Crysis and Stalker are the future for FPS games. No more of this monotonous run down a hallway, shoot, and repeat stuff. Crysis, and Stalker make you change your tactics depending on the situation at hand.
No Crysis just SUCKS..I loved Far Cry and still play it. Crysis is just boring and over hyped on what it ended up being. its not even that open..only the first few levels are open. the rest is pretty much scripted. Crysis takes NO brain power either. You got your stupid team mates squaking in your ear to do each objective and a dot on radar. so its basically follow the dot.
Here's some crysis vs Far Cry screenshots taken at 1280 x 720. In both cases every detail setting is maxed out and in crysis I had 16x qaa and far cry 8x aa.









And just for the fun of it..
One of the important thing you cannot see with the screenshot is the new explosion effect. All this started with fear. I think they have started to use multi-cpu/gpu to do those effect.

In bf2142, we have some similar effect too.

Anybody noticed NO LAG AT ALL when the new effect goes? That's why I suspect the use of another gpu.

Those effect are awsome, I can't wait to see the new stuff they will pump out of the multi-cpu
Hehehe, the game can look absolutely amazing if you tweak the config, but be prepared for a slideshow. Give this game two years of hardware advancements and we should see what it's really made of. Don't you remember when Far Cry first came out? It was the same story.

Also, I love the guys whose computers can just barely handle Far Cry maxed out and they say Crysis doesn't look better than Far Cry. No dude, your COMPUTER can't make it look better than Far Cry.

Here's to hoping the first patch makes SLI/Crossfire run like it should!
Here's some crysis vs Far Cry screenshots taken at 1280 x 720. In both cases every detail setting is maxed out and in crysis I had 16x qaa and far cry 8x aa.
Those first two pictures alone show the massive difference between the two games. Anyone who cannot see that... I am just completely boggled by.
There's a huge jump no doubt...but it still boggles me the even more significant performance drop even with 4 years of advancing hardware. I think the performance dropped more than the visuals increased.
Still, they only look "just alike" if you're basing Crysis on your memory of Far Cry. Side by side, it seems pretty clear...and that's only at a relatively low resolution. When you crank Crysis to 1920x1080 or higher...there's even more of a difference.
Don't you remember when Far Cry first came out? It was the same story.

I remember it ran similarly to how my current computer runs Crysis- very playable on medium settings but still lots of hitching during heavy action. Luckily only 3-4 months later the X800/6800s came out and FC could be run on very high/ultra with some AA and AF and not drop below 30fps. Hopefully we'll see a similar trend in the spring.
Still, they only look "just alike" if you're basing Crysis on your memory of Far Cry. Side by side, it seems pretty clear...and that's only at a relatively low resolution. When you crank Crysis to 1920x1080 or higher...there's even more of a difference.

It's hard to remember my impressions perfectly, but I think I was more impressed with FC at the time than I have been with Crysis. FC was the first big title to really make use of DX9. So far, DX10 seems to be totally over-hyped.
Hehehe, the game can look absolutely amazing if you tweak the config, but be prepared for a slideshow. Give this game two years of hardware advancements and we should see what it's really made of. Don't you remember when Far Cry first came out? It was the same story.

Also, I love the guys whose computers can just barely handle Far Cry maxed out and they say Crysis doesn't look better than Far Cry. No dude, your COMPUTER can't make it look better than Far Cry.

I run at 1680x1050 with a custom config, light rays, longer view distances, and I can maintain 25-40 fps consistently. Not counting the snow/blizzard/alien crap....

I do turn off post processing, it adds a TON of slowdown for little gain...the motion blur does not matter to me as much as having crisp visuals.

Custom configs are where it's at, I found mine over at the incrysis adds a ton of eye candy, where it counts, and still maintains excellent frame rates.