So YOUR New LCD does not have Ghosting Try this Screen Saver


Jun 7, 2005

I was Shocked when I seen this running on my Dell 2005. I had wondered way I was feeling like I had motion sickness after playing some games.

Download this version

Full Version = Nothing disabled and Expires after 7 days unless ordered

No spyware in it and its free for seven days long enough for you to see the ghosting effects on you LCD for your self. Now I know my laptop Ghost and My Dell 20 inch wide screen. :mad:

Some of you may start flaming even before you try it but 12ms on the Dell 2005. Makes me wonder.
Looks like crappy software to me , I saw this error after clicking "Finish" when it was done installing:

It still works but the fish leave trails behind them that dont go away ,Im using a CRT.
^^^ I agree, has to be crappy software, I've seen ghosting before, and this is not it. These are graphics tracers, left behind by the graphics card when it's not told to clear them up correctly.
Thanks mathesar glad you had a CRT to test it on I was freaking after I saw it on my new LCD. I had waited weeks to catch it on sale for under $400.00.

I guess I must get motion sickness from FPS. Never really played them that much but just got Half Life 2.
Go4hunter said:
Thanks mathesar glad you had a CRT to test it on I was freaking after I saw it on my new LCD. I had waited weeks to catch it on sale for under $400.00.

I guess I must get motion sickness from FPS. Never really played them that much but just got Half Life 2.

Ya its a problem with the program not your monitor, I got it working correctly by going to this page: and download the missing .OCX file, Just look for "Fish are leaving a trail" on the page and it explains what to do.


Yep the top photo was what I was getting, thats why I thought it was ghosting bad. Now that takes a big load off knowing it was not a bad monitor.

Nice Sony CRT also. :)
Gee I wonder if the original poster was trolling or just joking or what

"Makes you wonder" if he even knows what ghosting is .. :rolleyes:
He's made some fairly intelligent post int he past, I think he was bored to tears and perhaps a little drunk and wanted to troll a bit. Lol