Software Cooling Solution...HA?!


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2005
What do you think about this idle computer solution towards cooling? Smell like bullshit or what? I couldn't find any other information or honest and solid reviews.

CpuIdle is a CPU cooling and power management software.
CPU cooling will help you achieve these things:
decrease CPU temperature
enhance stability
enable overclocking (overclocking increases temperature- CpuIdle gives additional headroom)
increase CPU life (a decrease by 10°C doubles the life span)
cut power consumption
when your computer is idle it doesnt allow the cpu to do anything so it gets cooler. notthing else. or just makes your fans turn much more faster. :D
Actually, back in the ole Socket 370 days, these had a function. Now the CPU does it.

And don't be skeptical, they DID work. It worked by issuing the CPU a halt signal, or something to that effect. I remember using them, and it did lower temps even during some usage on the CPU. Going out of game, back to idle, the temps did drop faster with than without.
stiltner said:
Actually, back in the ole Socket 370 days, these had a function. Now the CPU does it.

And don't be skeptical, they DID work. It worked by issuing the CPU a halt signal, or something to that effect. I remember using them, and it did lower temps even during some usage on the CPU. Going out of game, back to idle, the temps did drop faster with than without.


However, the lifespan increase is not necessarily true, because going from higher to lower temperatures and back quickly is what's going to kill a processor thermally (unless you're talking about very high temps). Not that any of us here really cares, as long as the CPU lasts a good year or two :p
kept my XP 2100 ALOT cooler.

but it wont work on newer processors with built in throttleing.

i tried it on my 64 3200+ and it didnt do anything.

i also used it on my PIII dell laptop, before i got rid of it.

so i have to say its not CRAP and it does work, just not on newer processors.