Software to shrink 3TB hard drive partition?


Apr 29, 2009

I need to shrink a non-OS 3TB hard drive's only partition to create a second partition. Is Windows 7's built-in facility reliable enough, or is it better to use a third party tool like Parted Magic?

Your feedback and suggestions, please!
I've used windows 7's built in drive shrinker a few times with no issues at all. Windows might want to scan the drive when it reboots for errors and I always let it.

It should go without saying that you should backup all the data that's important juuuuust in case things don't go right. Chances are slim that you'll have a problem, but if you do you'll be happy that you have a backup :cool:
the easeus products have always worked wonders for me. i didn't realize win7 had one that could shrink. always back up your data. we're all assuming you have data on this 3tb drive but if it is empty, then just delete partition and repartition via windows disk management.
Gparted is the only thing I use for changing/messing with partitions
I've shrank and expanded the same drive, several times, using the Windows 7 utility without issue.