Software to trigger E-mail on file creation, automatically delete file after X days


Apr 12, 2001
Is there such a software that runs on Windows Server 2008?

1) A file is dropped on a network share (\\server\department\inbox)
2) The person in charge of monitoring this folder gets an E-mail saying they have X days to do something with this file.
3) They get a reminder with Y days remaining.
4) After X days have passed the file is automatically deleted.
a quick google search makes me think php is a programming lanugage that will allow you to do what you want.
Probably the wrong forum for this question but easily accomplished with a simple batch file and task scheduler. Very unlikely you'll find off the shelf software for something this specific.

Essentially an IF EXIST statement to check for the presence of the file, and then if so fire blat ( - free commandline emailer) to send the nag about the file being there.

Simplest is to keep sending the nag every x days or hours until the file is deleted by the person responsible but additional logic to handle auto-expiring the file in question, or followup nags after x # of days, could be easily added.