Solar Cycle Sparks Doomsday Buzz

Y2k was nothing, but gullible people stocked up with $20,000 in MRE's.
Global Warming was made up, with falsified data, yet people and governments spent BILLIONS and nearly Trillions.
2012 will be nothing, but the sale of old missle silo's were selling for $20k after Y2K now sell for more than ONE MILLION.
Next will be "99942 Apophis" in 2029 and 2036. Then something else.

Scary thing is one day they will be right, but after all this made up crap, who would believe them?
Y2k was nothing, but gullible people stocked up with $20,000 in MRE's.
Global Warming was made up, with falsified data, yet people and governments spent BILLIONS and nearly Trillions.
2012 will be nothing, but the sale of old missle silo's were selling for $20k after Y2K now sell for more than ONE MILLION.
Next will be "99942 Apophis" in 2029 and 2036. Then something else.

Scary thing is one day they will be right, but after all this made up crap, who would believe them?

Don't forget Planet of the Apes year 3978 A.D. and HG Well's Time Machine's year 802,701 A.D!
Y2k was nothing, but gullible people stocked up with $20,000 in MRE's.
Global Warming was made up, with falsified data, yet people and governments spent BILLIONS and nearly Trillions.
2012 will be nothing, but the sale of old missle silo's were selling for $20k after Y2K now sell for more than ONE MILLION.
Next will be "99942 Apophis" in 2029 and 2036. Then something else.

Scary thing is one day they will be right, but after all this made up crap, who would believe them?

The Y2K bug was a geniune concern. Thankfully, governments and companies did what was necessary to fix or retire old code. It was a real threat, and we dealt with it. The people who panicked have only themselves to blame.

The evidence for Global Warming, aka climate change, is irrefutable. The claims of falsified data were in fact bogus, causing the Times of London to retract their earlier story: http://++++++++++++/2equdnx. You may not like to hear about it, but that doesn't make it any less of a phenomenon.

The Mayan calendar ends in 2012 because they didn't calculate beyond that year, and their civilization collapsed before they could be bothered to extend it. It wasn't a prediction of the end of the world. And yet the ignorant continue to promote it as such.
On a serious note (for real), how could I prepare/protect my computer, laptop, and small-equipment from this? :? Would tinfoil really be enough or would that be too weak? D:

For starters you should unplug your computers, and buy a gas generator. Then you need to research and build a Faraday Cage, which is a conductive mesh cage in which your computers (and that generator) can reside. The catch is that you cannot be connected to electrical sources on the outside, but in the event that a true disaster occurred it wouldn't make any difference. See the internet, and everything else, would be down anyway. But you could enjoy your computer as long as you didn't run out of gas for your generator, and it was properly exhausting to the outside. ;)
Guys I heard the solar flares are going to ignite the oil spill which is then going to be whipped up into some sort of oily infernocane this hurricane season - which will burn most of the Gulf Coast and whatever does not burn will be covered in oil, forever. Oh and that oil is also radioactive since they tried to plug the well with a nuke bit didn't tell anyone.
Guys I heard the solar flares are going to ignite the oil spill which is then going to be whipped up into some sort of oily infernocane this hurricane season - which will burn most of the Gulf Coast and whatever does not burn will be covered in oil, forever. Oh and that oil is also radioactive since they tried to plug the well with a nuke bit didn't tell anyone.
In the event the solar flare causes major electronics outages, fall back on the tried and true: sex. :D
The Mayan calendar ends in 2012 because they didn't calculate beyond that year, and their civilization collapsed before they could be bothered to extend it. It wasn't a prediction of the end of the world. And yet the ignorant continue to promote it as such.

Also incorrect. The Long Count calendar doesn't work in a way where they "run out of days", there is no end of the calendar. The day after December 21, 2012 is on the long count calendar, which is the start of the 14th b'ak'yun (era).

The world does not end, a new era begins. The world did not end on September 18, 1618, which was the date the last era began. 9/18/1618 =
Also incorrect. The Long Count calendar doesn't work in a way where they "run out of days", there is no end of the calendar. The day after December 21, 2012 is on the long count calendar, which is the start of the 14th b'ak'yun (era).

The world does not end, a new era begins. The world did not end on September 18, 1618, which was the date the last era began. 9/18/1618 =

b'ak'tun *

spelling mistake
Guys I heard the solar flares are going to ignite the oil spill which is then going to be whipped up into some sort of oily infernocane this hurricane season - which will burn most of the Gulf Coast and whatever does not burn will be covered in oil, forever. Oh and that oil is also radioactive since they tried to plug the well with a nuke bit didn't tell anyone.

lol classic!! :D


that needs a movie
I find a good power outage to be nice and peaceful.... The house gets earily silent... People stumble outside, blinking into the daylight...

...just get the damn power back on before my freezer thaws out and I'm set.