Sold my perfect card and look what happend.


Limp Gawd
Apr 19, 2004
Well I sold my card in perfect condition, I know this because I used it up to the minute to where I had take it out and pack it. Look how I got the card back.


That's how it looks up close. You can barely see it with the naked eye but using the camera and the way the light reflects off of it you can really tell something is wrong in these next pictures.



I don't really know what to do in this situation. The was in perfect working condition and I sold it to buy a A64 3000+ when Venice comes out. There's no way this thing could've been damaged in shipping because of how the rest of the card looks. I did sell it with a Arctic Cooler so I'm guessing the buyer damaged it while installing the heatsink.
Wow that sucks, eBay? Or was it a friend or something?

If you know, berate the guy.

Does it still work? And how well?
Well I sold it over a forum and the guy told me that he installed it and it was artifacting really bad. So he sent it back to me and that's what I found. I really dont want to refund the guy since it probably happend while he was installed the Arctic Cooler. I mean, that's totally what it looks like to me. I can't afford to take a $150 loss, I really can't, especially if I did nothing wrong.
It was hist fault, not yours. If you know for sure you did nothing, it's nothing on your conscience man. I would send him back the card and tell him that learning through mistakes should be his cost, not other's.
Yea, I contacted the admin to let him know. I actually contacted him right after I was told the card was messed up because I know I sent it perfect. I used it up to the minute I shipped it.

EDIT: I'm not sure if he did or not. How does it look like he fried it though? To me it just looks like he cracked the core.
In your second pic, the part looks all bubbly and rough, as though it's been partially melted.
screw that, that is why i am very cautious about buying from people, you never know what you are going to get, i mean i would never return that to you, but if i sold something and then they did that i would feel bad, but i mean fuck it, its his fault
This is kind of funny.. I remember reading the buyers post and evryone telling him to return it because they all thought it was a softmodded card. I'll have to look around and link it in if I can find it.
This is why they should just put an IHS on everything for us clutzy types...
fiberoptik said:
This is kind of funny.. I remember reading the buyers post and evryone telling him to return it because they all thought it was a softmodded card. I'll have to look around and link it in if I can find it.
I think you're confused with another thread. The buyer was off of another forum and the card has never been softmodded. I sold the card as a 9800 Pro 128mb/256bit and that's exactly what it is. I'm an honest person so I wouldn't ever sell something falsely advertised or broken re-read my for sale thread I had up on [H] for this card.

I'll even link you to my post.

You must be confused with another person. Even my sig says 9800 Pro.
Make sure you know what you're talking about before you try to mistakenly make an honest person look bad.

Here's what he admitted after I showed him the pictures in an e-mail.

> Take a look at the pictures. Did you tighten the heatsink a little too
> much? It appears as though you cracked the core while installing the
> heastink.

Just looked at the email before going to bed tonight. Maybe I did crank it
down to tight, I do not know. That would suck.
I'll email you tomorrow. I'm going to bed.