soldering station


Aug 1, 2002
Hello All-

I am looking for a new soldering station to replace my cheap soldering iron. I primarily solder audio connectors and do basic repair work, so I don't need anything too big. Let me know what you would recommend. Thanks!
Mister X said:
If the cost is not an issue I would suggest the Hakko 936 :)

If money is an issue then go with the CSI Station 1
The 936 is what I use. Great iron - I have gone through alot of irons and have never been as happy with one as I am with the 936.

A number of people have had problems with the CSI Station 1 - various things wearing out very quickly, the handle overheats, and various other problems.

theshadow27 said:
you are looking for the WLC100
it can be found just about anywhere
it costs about $30
it is adustable from 5w to 30w, and
it is targeted at medium - advanced users

the first place that came up was ebay:
but you can get it anywhere. i will find you some more stores if you want
We have one of those at work - it's a step up from say a radioshack 15/30W iron, but not a big step up.
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My budget is around 50 dollars. I want something that will last a while, preferably a Weller.
Thanks guys-
before i got a vac/air system i used the weller wlc100 for about 4 years. it still works fine. replaced the tip once. great system...
Another Hakko 936 vote here... I own the ESD model. It's simple, cheap, and suitable for both soldering heavy things (use a heavy tip, crank the temperature up) but still precise enough for doing 0603 rework.

The production line at my company is entirely Hakko now... the last of our Weller stations broke a few weeks ago :D
Hakko 936 here. i got one for 60$ a few years ago at Frys, never had any problems and the thing is great.