some 9800GTX news..........

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I would love for some 9600 GT owner, to keep his eyes open for an A3, then report back!! ;)
wow you are confused....the A3 revision xbitlabs is mentioning is ONLY in reference to the G92 not the G94. the G94 is already a 9600 series gpu and it appears that the A3 revision of G92 will be in the 9800 cards.
Nvidia actually had some competition when the 8800 was released and theres still nothing that compares with the 8800Ultra. It would be stupid for Nvidia to expend their resources to create this "beast" of a card everyone is waiting for. So what are we going to get? Something that hardly outperforms the Ultra. Nvidia does not need to outperform itself at the moment. However, I am sure they are using this time to perfect the "beast" we want on the drawing board getting it ready to start producing when ATI actually has something worthy for enthusiasts.
wow you are confused....the A3 revision xbitlabs is mentioning is ONLY in reference to the G92 not the G94. the G94 is already a 9600 series gpu and it appears that the A3 revision of G92 will be in the 9800 cards.

Thanks... I was! :)

So the 9800 GX2, and 9800 GTX will be the first A3 revision of G92 to hit the streets.
Wasnt there some kind of new compression technology going into the 9 series? I thought i read something like that...which might also explain why the 9600 GT does so well against the 8800 GT, doesnt seem like G92 has it though.
Wasnt there some kind of new compression technology going into the 9 series? I thought i read something like that...which might also explain why the 9600 GT does so well against the 8800 GT, doesnt seem like G92 has it though.
I think you are correct. Between the new compression tech on the BUS, and the secret features unlocked in the A3 revision, we might have a runner in the 9800 GTX... ;)

I wish nVidia would just spill the beans!
Supposedly, yes. It's supposed to offset the memory bandwidth limitations G92 (and I believe G94) imposes.

Was this implemented in the 8800 series G92 or is this exclusive to the 9 series version? Or is that the question everyone wants the answer to right now...

I wish nVidia would just spill the beans!

Then what would we do all night instead of discuss and argue over specs of upcoming GPU's?:D
Was this implemented in the 8800 series G92 or is this exclusive to the 9 series version? Or is that the question everyone wants the answer to right now...

That'd be the question of the moment. I don't believe it was enabled on the 8 series, given the 8800 GT and 8800 GTS 512MB don't beat out the 8800 GTX and Ultra despite having more ROPs and the same number of stream processors. I suspect it was on the 9600, as this would help explain why it does so well with so little in the way of hardware. How well this compensating effect will scale has yet to be seen.
That'd be the question of the moment. I don't believe it was enabled on the 8 series, given the 8800 GT and 8800 GTS 512MB don't beat out the 8800 GTX and Ultra despite having more ROPs and the same number of stream processors. I suspect it was on the 9600, as this would help explain why it does so well with so little in the way of hardware. How well this compensating effect will scale has yet to be seen.
the 8800gt/gts DONT have more ROPs and they actually have less than the 8800gts/gtx. they have more TMUs than the 8800gts/gtx cards though.
About the compression,
Are you referring to the AA compression that exists within the G92? Or something else. Because the 9600GT, 8800GT and 8800GTS all use the same compression technology. Which is usually 3-5% faster than G80 clock per clock/pipe per pipe/unit per per unit. But in some rare cases can be seen up close to 10% and up. ((though this is a minority and I believe the crysis performance loss is actually relative to the memory drop of going down to 256 bit bandwith under the test conditions observed))

Other than that there is nothing new "compression" wise that doesnt already exist in the current G92 cards. This is only new compared to G80 type cards.

As I said before. There is no new compression technology that doesnt already exist in the G92. ((This is from Nvidia's mouth not mine)). They simply didnt make a big fuss over it when the 8800GT/GTS were announced. ((Though it was mentioned but seemingly overlooked by most editors for some reason)) The graph people seem to be thinking of is this one below. Which was shown to editors and other members of the press before the launch of the 9600GT comparing a plain jane G80 core with ROPS/Shader/memory bandwith units disabled. But this compression technology also exists on the G92 hardware.

its times like this when you just wanna kick nvidia in the balls and tell them to make a mans card.

LOL - Heheh
yea what he said

WTF are they thinking? I just sold my 8800GTX for this? a 512 GTSX?

the freakin 9800GTX "should" be 768-1000 megs, and run 750 core/2400 memory, and no I am not kidding
Very sad if this is true. And the GX2 is way overpriced if introduced at $599.

I'm upgrading to ATi.
Don't blame you. I'm waiting to see the actual parts in retail with some benchmarks before I purchase my new rig anyway, but we'll see what happens. I was really hoping for more.
Very sad if this is true. And the GX2 is way overpriced if introduced at $599.

I'm upgrading to ATi.


You're running dual 8800 GTS 512MB G92s and you're "upgrading" to ATI. Sorry bud, I'm no fanboy, but about the best you can hope for is a side-grade. Have fun spending money for little to no return.

You're running dual 8800 GTS 512MB G92s and you're "upgrading" to ATI. Sorry bud, I'm no fanboy, but about the best you can hope for is a side-grade. Have fun spending money for little to no return.

Wow I totally didn't look at his sig...

That is... nuts. I'm using a 7800 GTX 256MB in this machine!
Do the people here really think nvidia is going to call a card the '9800GTX' when its 3-5% better than the card it replaced (8800GTX) ? Do you think nvidia is really sitting on their hands saying LALALALALALA waiting for ATi to bitchsmack them before they decide to design a new chip thats better?

Nvidia (and ATi) make too much money just to sit on their hands and let a certain technology get old, I mean yeah they mite keep a card out for longer than its supposed lifespan to increase profits, but they have no intention of dropping the ball and letting the other one get ahead on them. They ether design something newer and hotter and faster and better than the last product or they die off, and nether side is willing to secede the lead to the other side. On the flip side of that coin, these companies cant contiune their push forward without the other side pushing on them, nvidia cant continue to grow if ATi isn't their forcing them to grow.

G94 was a significant increase in "IPC " compared to G92, thats why 64 SPs can look like 112, how they do it, I don't know, maybe their is a section of the chip that has black magic capabilities, and its enabled in the G94, but not in the G92 products currently out there. All I know is, in mid 2009 (im guessing) these cards that we are discussing right now, are going to look like junk to us, with or without newer and faster cards out there on the market.

Nvidia is way more tight lipped about its products than ATi, thats why we knew about the 3800 series (which I initially doubted because of its name) before we did about the 8800GT, despite the fact that the 8800GT came out before the 3850/70. We aren't going to have the real answers till about 2-3 weeks before the launch of said card, by then, it will seem as if we knew about it all along.
if the pics of the 9800GX2 that are spread all over the place turn out to be correct that card is going to be an aerodynamic nightmare.
WTF are they thinking? I just sold my 8800GTX for this? a 512 GTSX?

the freakin 9800GTX "should" be 768-1000 megs, and run 750 core/2400 memory, and no I am not kidding
NVidia probably wants to differentiate their GX2 from their GTX cards by offering the latter with 'only' half the amount of memory. However, I agree that the card should come with 768MB or 1GB of memory and the GX2 should have even more. Then the problem arises with pricing since the more memory on a given card, the more expensive it will need to be to turn a profit. 2008 won't be a repeat of 2007. There's competition now and pricing is all important to maintain a competitive edge.
the 9800gtx still seems to be A2 if this is trustworthy

Let's hope he had a BETA GTX and the A3 revision of G92 still makes it into the 9800 GTX..... :)

GTX info links:,7394.html

So both web pages are reporting about the same thing. This info is starting to sound like it's the real deal:

-- VR Zone 9800 GTX --------------------------------------------------------- Nordic 9800 GTX (G92-420 Chip)
Core= 673MHz -------------------------------------------------------------------- Core= No more than 675MHz
Shaders= 1683MHz ------------------------------------------------------------- Shaders= 1688MHz
Memory= ????MHz 512MB GDDR3 (136-pin BGA) ----------------- Memory= 1100MHz 512MB GDDR3 (2200MHz DDR)
256-BIT BUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 256-BIT BUS
Two DVI-I and one DHTV-out
Two SLI Connectors
Two 6-Pin PCIe Power Connectors
CoolerMaster TM67 Cooler ----- (I believe it's this one:
Total Board Power= 168W.

Trying to keep all of nVidia's cards straight in my head, this is what I think is currently correct: :)

D8M: Eighth generation Mainstream:, previously named G98 (The old 8 series cards, 90nm processor design.) (Have been out for over a year now.)
D8M: The odd bird - (GeForce 8800 GTS SSC, 112 stream processors, 90nm processor design.) Memory listed as (320MB or 640MB). (Out now)
D8M: (The New 8400 GS, 65nm processor design, Pure Video 3 engine, ment to replace previous 90nm versions of the G98 Mainstream cards.) (Out now)

Eighth generation Performance:
D8P: (The 9600 GT 512MB, G94 GPU, 64 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out now)
D8P: (The New 8800 GT 512MB, G92 GPU, 112 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out now)
D8P: (The New 8800 GTS 512MB, G92 GPU, 128 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out now)
Note: All three D8P GPUs share the same architecture and transistor improvements over the older G80 GPU's.

Eighth generation Enthusiasts:
D8E: (The 9800 GTX 512MB, G92 GPU, 128 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out soon...)
D8E: (The 9800 GX2 512MB x 2, (2)G92 GPU's, 256 stream processors total, 65nm processor design, 1GB frame buffer, two PCB's.) (Out any day.)
-- VR Zone 9800 GTX --------------------------------------------------------- Nordic 9800 GTX (G92-420 Chip)
Core= 673MHz -------------------------------------------------------------------- Core= No more than 675MHz
Shaders= 1683MHz ------------------------------------------------------------- Shaders= 1688MHz
Memory= ????MHz 512MB GDDR3 (136-pin BGA) ----------------- Memory= 1100MHz 512MB GDDR3 (2200MHz DDR)
256-BIT BUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 256-BIT BUS
Two DVI-I and one DHTV-out
Two SLI Connectors
Two 6-Pin PCIe Power Connectors
CoolerMaster TM67 Cooler ----- (I believe it's this one:
Total Board Power= 168W.

Trying to keep all of nVidia's cards straight in my head, this is what I think is currently correct: :)

D8M: Eighth generation Mainstream:, previously named G98 (The old 8 series cards, 90nm processor design.) (Have been out for over a year now.)
D8M: The odd bird - (GeForce 8800 GTS SSC, 112 stream processors, 90nm processor design.) Memory listed as (320MB or 640MB). (Out now)
D8M: (The New 8400 GS, 65nm processor design, Pure Video 3 engine, ment to replace previous 90nm versions of the G98 Mainstream cards.) (Out now)

Eighth generation Performance:
D8P: (The New 9600 GT 512MB, G94 GPU, 64 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out now)
D8P: (The New 8800 GT 512MB, G92 GPU, 112 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out now)
D8P: (The New 8800 GTS 512MB, G92 GPU, 128 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out now)
Note: All three D8P GPUs share the same architecture and transistor improvements over the older G80 GPU's.

Eighth generation Enthusiasts:
D8E: (The New 9800 GTX 512MB, G92 GPU, 128 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out soon...)
D8E: (The New 9800 GX2 512MB x 2, (2)G92 GPU's, 256 stream processors total, 65nm processor design, 1GB frame buffer, two PCB's.) (Out any day.)

D8M cant simultaneously be 90nm with 112sps and and 65nm with 32 SPs, you sir = fail.
D8M cant simultaneously be 90nm with 112sps and and 65nm with 32 SPs, you sir = fail.
That is what you get for trying to do a thoughtful post, and helping your GPU hunting brothers out some...
You sir = have no tact!! You have successfully figured out the way not to talk to people. Congradulations!!
Note that your uncalled-for insult has been received.

Cut me a break. I was just trying to keep the crazy GPU situaction straight.

What was the 8400 GS designation then, D8P for Performance?
It dosen't seem right....
The 8400 GS just seems more like a Mainstream card to me... After-all, it was ment to replace previous 90nm versions of the G98 Mainstream cards.
I'm suprised. Usually the self righteous types give you the answer too, but not in this case... odd.
So has anyone seen anything at any retailers yet? I hate speculation, its like staring at a steak when Im starving.
hehe, I learnt to occupy my head with other things when anticipation gets the better of me.
Like Guitar Hero, Crysis and loud music :D
Just for the record, the 8400 GS does have the D8M designation.

"The D8M is the 8400GS, a 65 nanometre part and NB8M is Nvidia Geforce 8400M 256MB with a maximum of 512MB shared memory".

Desktop - 8 Series - Mainstream = D8M.

Listing was correct as posted.
Trying to keep all of nVidia's cards straight in my head, this is what I think is currently correct: :)

D8M: Eighth generation Mainstream:, previously named G98 (The old 8 series cards, 90nm processor design.) (Have been out for over a year now.)
D8M: The odd bird - (The 8800 GTS SSC, 112 stream processors, 90nm processor design.) Memory listed as (320MB or 640MB). (Out now)
D8M: (The New 8400 GS, 64 stream processors, 65nm processor design, Pure Video 3 engine, ment to replace previous 90nm versions of the G98 Mainstream cards.) (Out now)

Eighth generation Performance:
D8P: (The 9600 GT 512MB, G94 GPU, 64 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out now)
D8P: (The New 8800 GT 512MB, G92 GPU, 112 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out now)
D8P: (The New 8800 GTS 512MB, G92 GPU, 128 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out now)
Note: All three D8P GPUs share the same architecture and transistor improvements over the older G80 GPU's.

Eighth generation Enthusiasts:
D8E: (The 9800 GTX 512MB, G92 GPU, 128 stream processors, 65nm processor design.) (Out soon...)
D8E: (The 9800 GX2 512MB x 2, (2)G92 GPU's, 256 stream processors total, 65nm processor design, 1GB frame buffer, two PCB's.) (Out any day.)

The 9800 GTX will probably running the CoolerMaster TM67 cooler. I believe that is a picture of it in the link below:
"Nvidia’s code-named G92 graphics processor, which powers the latest GeForce 8800-series products, was launched as A2 with certain capabilities disabled. Those features are expected to be re-enabled only in A3 version of G92 set to be out in February or March".

I would love to confirm if the A3 revision of G92, will make it into the retail GTX and/or GX2...
If it dosen't, mabey it would make it into a 9800 Ultra? :D

Everybody keep your ear to the ground! ;)
This is pretty depressing, but it makes my second 8800GT purchase seem all the wiser. I'll just run two GT's in SLI and stick with them. I was hoping for a killer 9 series card, but I don't think that is going to happen now.

It is possible that all of this speculation is FUD, but I have my doubts.
I feel like both ATI -and- Nvidia have "dropped the ball." I am disappointed by both companies. Neither of them are really pushing ahead with innovative technology. They're just recycling old hat tech. They're milking their GPUs for all they're worth. I guess that is good for them from a business prospective, but it sucks for us gamers.
Sites are just copying what other sites are putting and changing the wording a little. None of this is anywhere near "official" status yet. The original link this all started from you had to go 1 or 2 links deep just to find the original leaked info. I've said it a few times, none of this looks reliable. I'm not gonna say it's wrong, but I would take it all with a grain of salt.
i still maintain that nVidia would not go to the trouble and cost of producing a bigger and more expensive PCB if all they were going to do was bump the core clock by ~25MHz and the mem clock by ~250MHz.

there must be something funky to justify the new PCB.
i still maintain that nVidia would not go to the trouble and cost of producing a bigger and more expensive PCB if all they were going to do was bump the core clock by ~25MHz and the mem clock by ~250MHz.

there must be something funky to justify the new PCB.

Yes! - why would they make another GTS with 1GB of memory on bigger PCB???
THERE IS SOMETHING ELSE - that's for sure...
i still maintain that nVidia would not go to the trouble and cost of producing a bigger and more expensive PCB if all they were going to do was bump the core clock by ~25MHz and the mem clock by ~250MHz.

there must be something funky to justify the new PCB.
Higher mem-clocks + second SLI-connector requires these..
there's a Gainward GTS that runs at these speeds already, i'm sure a second SLI connector doesn't require an inch and a half more PCB and a completely reworked cooling system.
there's a Gainward GTS that runs at these speeds already, i'm sure a second SLI connector doesn't require an inch and a half more PCB and a completely reworked cooling system.

Exactly why I think the "leaked specs" are not the real specs. That or they left something out. In the picture it looks to be about as big as the Ultra.
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