some ATI 4800 details

wow, if you're going to shop something, at least copy paste the 4 from somewhere else (like the 4400).

Horrible shop. Go back to MSPAINT.

I mean come on, one of them is serif and the other is sans-serif. Horrible.
Why do you post bull crap like this? The 4800 series is not going to kill Nvidia:rolleyes:


Ban you very much for a fake image!
I wish single 4870 could handle Crysis 1280x1024 in full DX 10 glory.

But it probably ain't gonna happen.
I am pretty stoked for these cards. Hoping they look good, so I can build a comp now and not wait for the new Nvidia cards.
Ive been be tempted to upgrade from my x850 and buy a 9600gt..

Guess ill wait now. Efficiency and Hl2 engine performance is all im looking for
boooooring. after the 8800 GTX everything else that comes out seems like a slight improvement. wonder how long it will be until ATI or nvidia start working hard again.
boooooring. after the 8800 GTX everything else that comes out seems like a slight improvement. wonder how long it will be until ATI or nvidia start working hard again.

ahem.... what did you just say?????
GDDR5 + 512bit interface

Its going to be amazing HOWEVER

Since almost all PC games are going to be console ports from now on, I dont think we'll need such power anymore. Which is truly sad. Youve got hardware that can push graphics quality to its limits compared to the inferior consoles but we wont because its a console game your effectively playing... is sad.... and all because people prefer to play a pirated version of a game...

and even more mind boggling they always have the reason "its not good enough to pay for" geez, thats why demos and reviews are there.
GDDR5 + 512bit interface
...and all because people prefer to play a pirated version of a game...

and even more mind boggling they always have the reason "its not good enough to pay for" geez, thats why demos and reviews are there.

Yes blame the pirates...:rolleyes: It couldn't possibly be that consoles have an easier learning curve and cheaper cost of entry than PC gaming could it? No, that might not play a factor in it at all.

I love PC Gaming & have no interest in purchasing a console anytime soon. I can understand though why a lot of people don't run out and buy a $1,000 computer system to play games on. Instead they can justify $400 on a PS3 because it's a blu-ray player too or the $350 for a XBOX 360.

However I don't think PC Gaming is dead. There are going to be quite a few games that are still going to come out on PC and work best on a PC. The PC I feel will still be at the cutting edge of tech & gaming for some time to come.
they been saying pc gaming was dead back when UNREAL first came out in 98 or so
Leepox said:
GDDR5 + 512bit interface

Its going to be amazing HOWEVER

Since almost all PC games are going to be console ports from now on, I dont think we'll need such power anymore. Which is truly sad. Youve got hardware that can push graphics quality to its limits compared to the inferior consoles but we wont because its a console game your effectively playing... is sad.... and all because people prefer to play a pirated version of a game...

Even if that's the case, at least we get to run those inferior console games in ways that the console gamers could only dream of.

Im already running multiple console ports on my system at resolutions, settings, and framerates that puts consoles to shame.

Throw in a better control scheme, mods, and more often than ot a more robust set of multiplayer options, and there's little reason to complain.
GDDR5 + 512bit interface

Its going to be amazing HOWEVER

Since almost all PC games are going to be console ports from now on, I dont think we'll need such power anymore. Which is truly sad. Youve got hardware that can push graphics quality to its limits compared to the inferior consoles but we wont because its a console game your effectively playing... is sad.... and all because people prefer to play a pirated version of a game...

and even more mind boggling they always have the reason "its not good enough to pay for" geez, thats why demos and reviews are there.

amazing? that means nothing. how it processes textures is whats important. if it does it like r600 it will suck, compared to what nvidia will do.
You know, I wonder if the key to this thing will be the unlocked shader clock (if that rumor is true). Perhaps nvidia realized shaders could be run at rediculous clock speeds, and hence they unlocked them from the GPU (i.e. my 8800GTS is currently running roughly 800mhz gpu and 1800mhz shader).

Maybe the high shader clocks have been one of the main reasons for nvidia's advantage lately.
The 3870 has 320 sp's, and the 8800gt has only 112, so the fact that ati cards have a huge number of sp's should cancel out the fact that nvidias sp's run at almost twice the speed. Nvidias sp's are just more that much more efficient. Either way the 4000 series should have a great deal of shader power because they have not only unlocked the sp's, but they have increased the number of sp's from 320 to 480 which is a nice increase.
Nvidia's stream processors don't just run faster, but they do more per clock. It's not advisable to directly compare between Nvidia and ATi.

Looking just at ATi though, 50% more shaders at 1.05Ghz is essentially double the shader performance of the 3870 series. Assuming the TMU architecture and everything else is up to the task, the 4870 could be twice as fast as the previous generation. That's not likely going to be the case, but it should still be a respectable step forward.

Whether or not RV770 can hold its own against the rumored GT200 is another story altogether.
Nvidia's stream processors don't just run faster, but they do more per clock. It's not advisable to directly compare between Nvidia and ATi.

Looking just at ATi though, 50% more shaders at 1.05Ghz is essentially double the shader performance of the 3870 series. Assuming the TMU architecture and everything else is up to the task, the 4870 could be twice as fast as the previous generation. That's not likely going to be the case, but it should still be a respectable step forward.

Whether or not RV770 can hold its own against the rumored GT200 is another story altogether.
I don't know much about the GT200 other than a rumored 512 bit memory bus, and Fudzilla says it'll be a hot beast.

Any other rumored details?
Don't forget besides faster shaders the GT has 56 texture units while the HD 3870 only has all of 16. The GTS 512Mb has 64.
Yes but how many will the 4000 series cards have? That's what we're talkin bout here right? :0
Yeah the 3870 has a paltry 16. The biggest criticism of the RV670 was the ALU:Tex ratio which was too aggressive. If shaders go up to 480 and TMUs go up to 32, that could balance out a lot nicer. I'd be very surprised if this isn't the case.
Looks rather impressive. I got a ATi 9700 Pro when they first came out and I've been looking for a reason to go back ATi. Hopefully the performance numbers pan out.

In terms of availability, rumor has it a late May launch with early June availability. Supposedly the first cards will be GDDR3 only, and move on to GDDR5 once its ready in late June (around when the X2 should launch). Rumors abound, so only the people who signed the NDA's really know.
Anyone seen this? (I haven't yet read all 14 pages of this thread, btw. Will read them when I get home from work)

From GPUReview

Manufacturer: ATi
Series: Radeon HD 4k
GPU: RV770
Release Date: 2008-05-31
Interface: PCI-E 2.0 x16
Core Clock: 850 MHz
Shader Clock: 1050 MHz
Memory Clock: 1935 MHz (3870 DDR)
Memory Bandwidth: 123.84 GB/sec
Pixel Fill Rate: 13600 MPixels/sec
Texture Fill Rate: 27200 MTexels/sec
Max Power Draw: 150 W
Noise Level: ?
Framebuffer: 1024 MB
Memory Type: GDDR5
Memory Bus Type: 32x8 (256 bit)
DirectX Compliance: 10.1
OpenGL Compliance: 2.1
PS/VS Version: 4.1/4.1
Process: 55 nm
Shader Processors: 480
Pipeline Layout: ?
Texture Units: 32
Raster Operators 16
bus type 256 ah well
So? It will have 72% more effective memory bandwidht than HD3870. With 512-bit mem channel you'd need 1935MHz DDR memory clocks to reach the same level as this card (256-bit channel with 3870MHz ddr)