Some [H]ave come back!!!


Oct 12, 2004
I stumbled upon rIg0r_m0rTiS while checking stats and stuff (shame/ im a whore too /shame), looks like this person has returned to the fold!

Last 7 Months Production
Month Points WUs
09.05 14,235 91
08.05 57,895 394
07.05 64,077 486
06.05 66,352 504
05.05 19,501 142
04.05 0 0
03.05 0 0
02.05 0 0

Glad to see you have returned....welcome back!!! :cool:

Started in May and still folding. What am I missing here?

Nice pointage. ~60k is certainly nothing to sniff at--it sure is a heck of a lot more than I get at the moment. Still gotta go borg that library...
Killer[MoB] said:
Started in May and still folding. What am I missing here?

I swear that this person was a skull I wrong? :eek: Correct me if I am but I think that was a skull before, it struck me as funny with a name like rIg0r_m0rTiS and a skull next to it! :D
