Some people and their money...

i decided to post here since it uses ya

If i had the money i would get Quad-SLI - that is when it came to AMD or when Intels Conroe is released

Thats quite the pretty penny to pay. But - would it not be cheaper to build a Q-SLI from scratch? Why go through Dell? As said above me, the buyer might have just had the money, browsed for "Top O' Dee Line", and picked it up.
Mine should be here Thursday. :)

I wish!
Asian Dub Foundation said:
prolly some rich guy down in malibu thinking its "cool" for his son
HEY! I live in malibu! But no, I dont have that computer.
I bet a few people bought it just for the OC'ed Unlocked Intel thats running it.. as well as the quad-sli
damn thats crazy and i also learned something, i had no idea that those things had an ageia physics processor
trek554 said:
i wouldnt spend 10k on a computer. :p

QFT I wouldnt give dell 10k of my hard earned cash. Id rather give it to the manufacturers and build that sh*t myself, cheaper.
They probably sold less than a hundred of these things. $10k is a lot for a personal computer, but over the years, I imagine that many of us in these forums have spent a lot more than that over the years, maybe not on a single machine, but heck, I just spent $5k on my last rig. At the high end, PC's are pretty exspenive, and when you buy them every couple of years, well $10k is that much.

If I could spend $10k on a computer that would top of the line for a 2 or 3 years, I'd hop on it. This time next year, that $10k Dell will not only not be top of the line, worth about $2k at best, won't run DX10 and will be slower than $5k machines at the the time. That's the thing that sucks about technology. It depreciates so rapidly.

Still, I'd love try out one of those puppies to see just how good it is!
I purchased every one available( all two of them) to keep them off the market. They will sit unopened and be a collector's item in 10 years.

SIKe...! lol :D
I seriously doubt someone dumb enough to buy one of those would be caught in this forum. Who in their right mind would mod a 10k computer?? Unless. . . *rushes to dell to buy 10k crap machine*
paying 10k for a computer is one thing, but paying it for a dell is another. silly amateur enthusiasts.
that's true, if i had 10k to blow on a computer boy. . .i would save it for another 4 or 5 years, let it gain a few dollars interest, and buy the next big generation of technology, because buying every year is like baby steps, just wait like 5 years and your next rig will seem like a machine sent from god. Quad cores, dual core GPU's, PPU's, kilowat PSU's, 30inch LCD's, and moboboards with everything including fully armed nuclear launch facilities.
Why not when you get to that 5 year period, and just wait another 5 years to buy somethin way better? Why not just wait 30-40 years and cash in on that interest?
10k isn't that bad considering it came with two $1,400 video cards, $2,400 monitor, $1,400 processor, physX card, and a whole lot of other kaboodles. Not to mention it has an accidental protection for 5 years and everything.

It's all about epenis guys, I know a lot of people who wouldn't mind dropping 10k on a machine, hell I did back when the PowerComputing released their PowerTower... I paid a little over 11k for it.

Oh and the first 486 paid about 8k for it.

This is the price you pay for the absolute cutting edge before anyone else has one. I know I wont pay that much for a Dell, but if I could write it off taxes as a business expense and wanted to flaunt my epenis for a while while everyone else sits there and drool, I'd do it.
Ockie said:
10k isn't that bad considering it came with two $1,400 video cards, $2,400 monitor, $1,400 processor, physX card, and a whole lot of other kaboodles. Not to mention it has an accidental protection for 5 years and everything.

It's all about epenis guys, I know a lot of people who wouldn't mind dropping 10k on a machine, hell I did back when the PowerComputing released their PowerTower... I paid a little over 11k for it.

Oh and the first 486 paid about 8k for it.

This is the price you pay for the absolute cutting edge before anyone else has one. I know I wont pay that much for a Dell, but if I could write it off taxes as a business expense and wanted to flaunt my epenis for a while while everyone else sits there and drool, I'd do it.

I don't wanna see your epenis.
Yes, you will pay a bionic premium (on steroids) for uber l33t stuff like this... hell, car modders drop 8 and 10K like it's nothing for upgrades. lol. I got too poor car modding... I plus when I take my pc for a high end run I don't get speeding tickets... lol. Anyways... this 10K toy does look cool.. but I would rather have the 10K to build one myself.. more fun that way.. :)
People who win lawsuits probably buy this stuff.

There's a lot of people who win millions in drug company lawsuits. Then just spend money. $10,000 to them is like $1 to us.
How many of actually own Dells that gives you the ability to feel so low about them? I wouldn't buy a Dell because i can build computers for cheaper, but nothing wrong with them.

I do have a laptop, and my dad has a desktop from them
jacuzz1 said:
I purchased every one available( all two of them) to keep them off the market. They will sit unopened and be a collector's item in 10 years.

Dude, I love your system specs... give me your monitor now.
what really kills me about that, is why the most expensive gaming PC uses an Intel CPU and the 7800GTXs, Dell could have made a much better machine with an overclocked FX60 and 4 7900GTXs.
Cereal Killer said:
what really kills me about that, is why the most expensive gaming PC uses an Intel CPU and the 7800GTXs, Dell could have made a much better machine with an overclocked FX60 and 4 7900GTXs.
it uses 7900 not 7800 series. you should probably look at specs before making comments. :D
trek554 said:
it uses 7900 not 7800 series. you should probably look at specs before making comments. :D

but but but but... they originally said 7800 series. That's what i got from it as well, so boo ya! :)
noobtech said:
jacuzz1 said:
I purchased every one available( all two of them) to keep them off the market. They will sit unopened and be a collector's item in 10 years.

Dude, I love your system specs... give me your monitor now.

:D Thank you and um no I am sorry, I need it for gaming ;)