Some Questions about LCD's


Limp Gawd
Sep 15, 2004
ok,i just picked up an Acer AL1916 at Staples for $199 after all the rebates{$249 i had to pay first}
so far,everything looks a ton better then my old Mag CRT.hey,if my parents and sister can notice the change it must be pretty big.

no dead pixels{like with my sister's first ViewSonic}
no ghosting in games{just played DOD:S and CS:S with no issues}

now,i have some questions:
1.Refresh rate should be set to 75mhz?
2.Is it ok to run a ScreenSaver or just have the monitor shut-down?
3.ClearType worth d/l?
4.Bightness/Contrast settings are at 75/70,that ok?
1. recommended and optimum refresh rate on a TFT is 60Hz, should run it at that :)
2. it's fine to, whatever you fancy. Personally i let mine turn off using power settings.
3. down to individual taste. Try it and see :D
4. varies from one model to the next and depending on GFX card as well. You could use something like this monitor calibration wizard to help set it up
so far,everything is good.

had it running on 60hz and was getting very faint rolling horizontal lines.

up the refresh to 70hz and no problem.