Something like this has to be possible


Jul 24, 2000
I noticed Amarok doesn't have any CD-burning features. How can I create playlists and burn them a la iTunes/WMP/Winamp/Musicmatch/everything else? k3b sucks for this. I really don't want to have to boot into windows to burn a freakin' CD. Can anyone help?
Why does k3b suck for that? You just drag down the files you want and burn the cd. Seems simple enough.
Well, perhaps tell us more about how you want this to work. I have to agree with the above. It doesn't get a whole lot easier than drag and drop to burn a CD.
I tried this in GnomeBaker and it doesn't work with that either. I'd just drag them in one by one.
well, in iTunes, I have playlists setup that I can burn. If I wanted to burn a 100song mp3 cd it was easy. I'd just search for the song title and drag it to my playlist. With k3b, I have to browse through the folder heirarchy and find the song. Since I may not know the artist of the song (on a OST for example), I have to use amarok to search for the song information and then go back into k3b, find it, and then drag it down. It's a PITA. My folders are organized by artist>albums>title. Amarok would majorly kick ass if it would just work with k3b to burn songs. Maybe there's a plug-in or something?? The main reason I need it easier is because my fiancee uses this computer. She doesn't like it and thinks it's too complicated to do simple stuff. I say, "well, it's not THAT complicated" and then I show her how to burn a cd and I look like a jackass. :eek:
iTunes: 5 minutes
k3b: 45 minutes
lol wow. the latest version of amarok has it built-in. There's no button for it or anything. You just gotta hightlight the songs in the playst list and right-click. There you'll see the burn option that uses k3b.

I feel like a tool.

mods: might want to keep this open in case anyone else is a bonehead. :eek: :eek:
Actually it looks like amarok does have integrated cd burning.
Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but the functionality appears to be there.

edit: damn, beaten to it.
eeyrjmr said:
Why not run the linux version of Nero
There is one you know
why not run k3b? i find it much better than nero, especially nerolinux (gtk1?).

anyway, k3b 0.12 is far superior to 0.11.XX for audio CD burning. the entire audio-cd creation engine was rewritten and it really shows.

amarok and k3b are both drag-n-drop capable, so you can just select your playlist and drag it into k3b, or as you said, just right clicking works too.