something strange with project 6900


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - June 2011
Feb 13, 2001
I left it running on i7 970@ 4Ghz overnight, and in the morning it was only at 2% yet there were no errors. I have been running other units on here with no trouble at all. the funny thing is FAH tracker says the last 1% only took 24 minutes, but I could clearly see it took 5 hours on the log.
I deleted it, and it has started another 6900, ill keep an eye on it today.
probably should of just restarted the client instead of deleting the WU.
probably should of just restarted the client instead of deleting the WU.

I've actually had this happen on a 2692 a while back. I woke up in the morning to find it at the exact same completion percentage as it was when I went to bed. I opened the log and saw the same thing. I thought about dumping the work unit to get a new one, but decided to try just restarting it. Once it restarted, it resumed from where it whould have been and had been correctly folding all night long.
I used to get hung frames / super long frame times on one of my machines - fixed by upping vcore a notch or two. May or may not be the same issue, just FYI.

How long have you been running this overclock?
now it is working fine, i think i had OC errors, i got for the first time "unstable machine" and downclocked 2 ticks, now a new 6900 is running fine