Sony claims PS3 still on schedule for a spring launch.


Limp Gawd
Jul 2, 2005
Sony Corp. (6758.T) on Thursday said it remained on track to roll out its PlayStation 3 game console by spring 2006 despite industry speculation that the scheduled launch could face delays.

The timing of the release of Sony's updated PlayStation console has become a matter of speculation in the $25 billion video game industry and among the studios, hardware makers and other companies looking to handicap the battle over next-generation DVD technology.

A spokesman for Sony, the No. 1 provider of game consoles, said it was still targeting a spring 2006 launch for the PS3, which is key to maintaining its lead in the game console market against Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT - news), which recently launched its competing Xbox 360 console.

Larry Probst, chief executive of the No. 1 video game publisher Electronic Arts Inc.(Nasdaq:ERTS - news), said last week that he believed Sony's console would not be available until fall 2006.

The PS3 also is central to Sony's push of Blu-ray, its

next-generation DVD technology, against a rival DVD format known as HD DVD, created by a Toshiba Corp-led (6502.T) group.

Billions of dollars are at stake in the DVD format war as movie studios and electronics makers gear up for a technology change they hope will send consumers back to buy new players and discs that will play high-definition pictures.

Failure to reach a unified front has paved the way for a standards war between Blu-ray and HD DVD, reminiscent of the VHS-Betamax clash decades ago, which confused buyers and turned into an expensive loss for many companies.

Many industry insiders have expected that splashy launch of Sony's PS3 console to give Blu-ray an edge and deliver a huge base of players for Hollywood studios looking to sell compatible DVDs.

A spokeswoman for the Blu-ray consortium said the group was still on track for a spring 2006 launch, indicating other manufacturers would be rolling out Blu-ray players at that time. "When Blu-ray launches next spring, there will be both hardware and content," she said.

Rival HD DVD, which is supported by Microsoft and Toshiba, is planning to roll out hardware and software in the spring 2006. Any delay in the launch of PS3 would be seen as a plus for HD DVD.

"The PS3 was touted as being the first high volume Blu-ray player. You want to have an installed base of players if you put out the movies," said Richard Doherty, analyst with Envisioneering, an industry research firm.

Said Mark Knox, a spokesman for the HD DVD camp: "It's not going to be much of a battle until both sides are actually on the field and we have a sneaking suspicion that that won't be for quite a while."
been a long wait already, few more weeks, month (k, maybe 2 max) won't hurt IF they make it nice, bug free, and such..
I just like the line where it mentions the VHS - Betamax ...
Now, wasn't Sony the one who tried to originally push Betamax? That didn't end up too well for them in the end did it?

Few factors.. Yes, Sony is bigger than just video games, they have music, movies, etc... But all of those things combined can't touch Microsoft and the company's ability to rally lesser companies to support them.

If I had to guess, it will be another Beta vs VHS war, and well, HD-DVD will probably win out, not because of better technology, but because of who and what is backing it...

All M$ has to do is release Windows and Software on an HD-DVD only format, and the world (and Sony) will be fuct :) Video games are such a minor factor it's not funny. Look at what M$ is trying to do with Multimedia, and Windows!? Look at the media integration from the Xbox 360? Their goal is to just single handedly dominate the market... And unless Apple or some Free OS has a major trick up their sleeve... Guess what?! We're stuck with Windows.... And what M$ says, we have no choice but to obey... If Microsoft is HD-DVD... The world is by default...
Captain Al said:
All M$ has to do is release Windows and Software on an HD-DVD only format, and the world (and Sony) will be fuct :)

With all the lawsuits, antitrust, and monopoly problems M$ has had I don't think they will trying that.
JohnleMVP said:
With all the lawsuits, antitrust, and monopoly problems M$ has had I don't think they will trying that.

True enough, but think about it in the bigger picture.
They are in a much better position to push the market in their favor than Sony is.
Besides, MS will just continue to make smaller companies in and of itself, like it's been doing to keep expanding to every facet of life... Some day there will be Microsoft Brand Tooth Brushes... :)
well, yeah Sony is more spaced out (gaming industry, consumer electronics, computers, probably other stuff),
M$ seems to be more software oriented, well gaming hardware is a major now too.

but sony still got other "industries" that it can go back to. won't be that bad... i think

edit: wrote, while 2 new posts came up.... .... ....
M$ has more capital, it can draw $ from other divisions (windows, Office). Sony has more limited resources as it hasn't been doing too well lately. However Sony actually made money on its console/gaming division.
yeah, MS trew out a LOT of dough when they were making / coming out with the orig. X-box... seems like they were probing the market, and they liked it....
The amount of Money MS as a corporation has to piss away is bigger than the GNP of some countries, and they can play for a while.

I'm hoping that sony takes their time to bring me a solid platform. I'm going to buy it, thats a given, there are titles I simply can't play anywhere else that are only available on their systems.

As far as the Betamax/VHS thing, this is an entirely different environment, but the amount of capital they will sink (have sunk?) flagshipping blu-ray is going to be enormus. VHS beat Betamax based on the fact that JVC licensed the technology to other parties and it was a cheaper format to mass produce and release titles for. Betamax had better video and audio quality and is still used to this day in some music studios for masters and such. Hopefully they learned their lesson from the minidisc drubbing they took in the 90's, where they refused to share the tech with anybody else until it was much too late.

Obviously that isn't the case with blu-ray as other companies are part of their consortium and are throwing money behind it as well. The PS3 will help get the tech to market if they (Sony) can keep from losing their ass in the process of selling it for a loss long enough to reap the benefits from their movie studios releasing titles for the format that aren't available anywhere else.

The winner in the long run is going to be the lowest cost format for the movies industry as a whole to produce titles for. We've all seen the case where technological superority doesn't amount to winning the race if the cost doesn't level out.
The PS3 will probably still launch in Japan in the late spring/early summer... but there's no way in hell you'll see it in North America or Europe until late 2006/early 2007. Pretty much none of the hardware isn't even taped out yet, and dev kits are still in pre-alpha/alpha stages. Let me be the first to say... I absolutely HATE format wars!! :mad:
Will consumers care about the format war? Very few people even have HD sets and DVD quality is quite nice for standard sets. In betamax vs VHS it was defining home entertainment to some extent this is simply a refresh.
Thats a good point Drak. A lot of us who are on the cutting edge of technology think, and the way the guys at best buy and other stores talk, that HDTV was about to overtake America and swallow us whole.

We forget that HDTV penetration on the USA front only accounts for about 15% of household TV's. In any case, I remember working at Circuit City when DVD first streeted, and you'd have thought by the way people received it that they assumed that it was going to be a flash in the pan. Don't get me started on trying to explain letterbox to people back in 1998. Futile comes to mind.

We've got a long way to go before ma and pa consumer actually fully adopt HD, and the fact that the Networks are hemming and hawing the entire way to slow the process isn't helping. You'd be surprised how many people that go into a Best Buy still don't comprehend or even appreciate the benefits that Digital TV signals bring.

I don't work there anymore, but I can't tell you how many times people stood in front of a $10k plasma or High end RPTV running a pristine DirecTV HDTV feed and told me that they didn't see any difference, and that their 15 year old RCA console at home looked just as good.

Boggles the mind.

If PS3, and to a certain extent, the 360 succeed, they will help shoehorn in a new era of HD ownership. PS3 especially, because of it's HD movie ability (taking in all the stuff I mentioned before)
Kahnvex said:
You'd be surprised how many people that go into a Best Buy still don't comprehend or even appreciate the benefits that Digital TV signals bring.

I would actually fit in that bracket (at least appreciation) since all I use my TV for is playing smash on my cube and watching the daily show with the occasional movie. :p
Yeah I can understand that sentiment, because it's backed up by your lifestyle. You probably wouldn't argue that hooking your progressive scan gamecube games up with component cables to an HDTV wouldn't produce any noticeable benefits. You might not be inclined to actually spend money and DO that, but you could at least say, if you saw it side by side, that it looked better.

People would stand there and say, in side by side comparisons on standard DirecTV versus the HDTV signal, that it didn't look ANY different. No visible difference, which we all know unless you have 20/500 eyesight and you aren't wearing your glasses, simply isn't true. Even to the casual observer.

Usually I just went
"Ooooookaaaay, well if you have any other questions, I'll be over here banging my head against this metal wall support"
Kahnvex said:
Yeah I can understand that sentiment, because it's backed up by your lifestyle. You probably wouldn't argue that hooking your progressive scan gamecube games up with component cables to an HDTV wouldn't produce any noticeable benefits. You might not be inclined to actually spend money and DO that, but you could at least say, if you saw it side by side, that it looked better.

People would stand there and say, in side by side comparisons on standard DirecTV versus the HDTV signal, that it didn't look ANY different. No visible difference, which we all know unless you have 20/500 eyesight and you aren't wearing your glasses, simply isn't true. Even to the casual observer.

Usually I just went
"Ooooookaaaay, well if you have any other questions, I'll be over here banging my head against this metal wall support"

Hey I knew (know) the feeling. I spent 4 years working at CC, and I started just after the DVD players hit the market. Hell, even in my last year their there were people bitching about "why are the top and the bottom of the movie covered in black bars?".

But face it, HDTV adoption is getting higher and higher. There are massive incentives for both manufacturers and retailers to switch entirely over to flat panel HD technology. The govt. mandate that all TVs go HD will happen. Retailers can fit a lot more stock, and save a bundle on shipping, with smaller, lighter, flat panel sets. You can buy a DVD player cheaper than a VCR now, and I don't even know of anyone selling a non-progressive scan capable DVD player.

The movie industry wants Blu-Ray or HD-DVD, they want the extra control over the content. Personally, I am willing to deal with the DRM (though I hate it) so I can finally buy movies in HD. Blu-Ray players will be a niche market the first year or two, just as DVD was, but once the Korean/Chinese/Taiwanese chip makers find a way to make cheap chips for it we will see the market flooded with sub $100 blu-ray players by the likes of Apex (which really isn't a bad company... my AD-600a I bought back in '99 or '00 is still running strong...).

Microsoft has a lot of sway yes, but not in consumer electronics. I remember their mall kiosks touting their mediapcs, all the cool things you could do with them, etc, and I still don't know anyone who owns one.

Sony has had a bad track record with their proprietary tech in the past, and its a shame. Beta had it all over VHS, Minidisc players are awesome (I still use mine, I could record live with the thing years before any MP3 players hit the market that could do that), there was that 120meg floppy disc, they are mainly reponsible for spidf optical audio connections, DVD+R, SACD is a superior format to DVD-A (though I admit I have more DVD-A discs because I really like Panny DVD players), and Blu-Ray is by far a better tech than HD-DVD. It does seem like they have learned their lesson this time around, as they have many other companies onboard for Blu-Ray, and a number of major studios as well. I'm generally not a fan of format wars, but if I had to pick a side for this one, it would be Blu-Ray, if only because the PS3 is shipping with it, and that is a guaranteed installed base of 10 million or so units if not more the first year alone.

If Microsoft had put HD-DVD in the 360 it could be a different story, but I think they dropped the ball on that one.
steviep said:
The PS3 will probably still launch in Japan in the late spring/early summer... but there's no way in hell you'll see it in North America or Europe until late 2006/early 2007. Pretty much none of the hardware isn't even taped out yet, and dev kits are still in pre-alpha/alpha stages. Let me be the first to say... I absolutely HATE format wars!! :mad:
cmon steviep lol, you know better than that, listen to yourself. do you honestly beleive that the ps3 will "probably still" launch in japan in the spring, and then wont come out in another region for 9-10 months. right. 9-10 months is a lot of time, people would have been forced to import their ps3s if they had to wait that long. (sony noticed this with the psp after only a month or so, remember?) we will see during CES06, im sick of this release date speculation to be honest.

but anyways, i beleive the final dev kits should be out around this time, i beleive they said december for final kits (3rd gen kits) during TGS. (they have had 2nd gen kits, aka evaluation systems since spring) All devs being under NDA probably means we wont hear about the final kits or anything till CES06.

compared to the xbox360 kits, they seem to be on or around the same schedule. have faith. ;)
Do you think the controller for the PS3 will install a rootkit in your hands so you can't play other consoles?

I'd be worried about the DRM they're going to shove in blueray and the PS3. It's gonna be interesting to see what kind of crap they put in those machines.
Captain Al said:
I just like the line where it mentions the VHS - Betamax ...
Now, wasn't Sony the one who tried to originally push Betamax? That didn't end up too well for them in the end did it?

Few factors.. Yes, Sony is bigger than just video games, they have music, movies, etc... But all of those things combined can't touch Microsoft and the company's ability to rally lesser companies to support them.

If I had to guess, it will be another Beta vs VHS war, and well, HD-DVD will probably win out, not because of better technology, but because of who and what is backing it...

All M$ has to do is release Windows and Software on an HD-DVD only format, and the world (and Sony) will be fuct :) Video games are such a minor factor it's not funny. Look at what M$ is trying to do with Multimedia, and Windows!? Look at the media integration from the Xbox 360? Their goal is to just single handedly dominate the market... And unless Apple or some Free OS has a major trick up their sleeve... Guess what?! We're stuck with Windows.... And what M$ says, we have no choice but to obey... If Microsoft is HD-DVD... The world is by default...

Nobody can or will stop Microsoft. They laid dormant for a few years and kind of regrouped and looked at what they wanted to do. They actually stated advertising their products heavily which is something they hadn't done before. They'll do whatever they want and nobody will stop them, IMO.
With all the DRM stuff they've put into Blue-ray, the recent rootkit trojan, and the latest Sunncom copy-protected CD scandal, why would anyone ever buy another product from Sony?
JohnleMVP said:
With all the lawsuits, antitrust, and monopoly problems M$ has had I don't think they will trying that.

isnt MS planning to release X360 with HDDVD in q1 2006 ?
BladeVenom said:
With all the DRM stuff they've put into Blue-ray, the recent rootkit trojan, and the latest Sunncom copy-protected CD scandal, why would anyone ever buy another product from Sony?
because they have been making superior subwoofers and consoles since 1995?

oh wait, i think its option B.zombies
The big advantage HD-DVD will have is you can put HD on one side of a disc and standard DVD on the other. The studios will love that, people with regular players will love it as they can play the movie then when they upgrade they have the HD version ready to go. The production costs of discs is far lower for HD-DVD too.

Theres no doubt that Blu-Ray is technically a better product but so was Betamax and look where that is now. The other big thing is if DRM on the Blu- Ray is draconian a lot od the early adopters (who are tech savvy) just wont buy it period.

In the end i just dont think the mass market cares about HD right now. DVD has only just become accepted by the "Walmart crowd", it will be at least 2 or 3 years before HDTVs and players become commonplace in stores and in peoples homes.
BladeVenom said:
With all the DRM stuff they've put into Blue-ray, the recent rootkit trojan, and the latest Sunncom copy-protected CD scandal, why would anyone ever buy another product from Sony?

I don't understand that either. I plan to vote with my wallet and never buy a Sony product. I'll also hold out on bluegay as long as possible. I hope to God people pull their heads out of their asses on this and don't support it. Sony's proprietary media + cornered market = death to consumer's wallets.
BladeVenom said:
With all the DRM stuff they've put into Blue-ray, the recent rootkit trojan, and the latest Sunncom copy-protected CD scandal, why would anyone ever buy another product from Sony?
Totally agree. I hope blue-ray doesn't win. Sony likes to bleed their customers dry. The CD/Rootkit scandal is disgusting.

As far as the PS3 hitting the street Q1. I just don't believe sony remembering back to all their lies with the ps2 lanuch. Even if they hit the market in this time frame, the US market probably won't see the PS3 until Fall. (This is being hopeful)
BladeVenom said:
With all the DRM stuff they've put into Blue-ray, the recent rootkit trojan, and the latest Sunncom copy-protected CD scandal, why would anyone ever buy another product from Sony?

The rootkit thing sort of pissed me off... but I am not willing to cut off my nose to spite my face. Blu-Ray is the superior technology, and I'd rather support Sony and some ill-thought-out DRM schemes than see an inferior technology become the next standard.
NulloModo said:
The rootkit thing sort of pissed me off... but I am not willing to cut off my nose to spite my face. Blu-Ray is the superior technology, and I'd rather support Sony and some ill-thought-out DRM schemes than see an inferior technology become the next standard.
Whats so inferior about HD-DVD?
S1nF1xx said:
Sony's proprietary media + cornered market = death to consumer's wallets.
Sony isnt the only one who makes it. So its not their proprietary media. nice try though. :rolleyes:
All I know is that as soon as it's available for pre-order from EB Games, I am gonna be 1st on the list... none of that "Ohhhh, we only have 4 360's in... we thought we were going to get 250 of them... sorry.. come back in 2 years. But thanks for your money!!".
Lamont said:
All I know is that as soon as it's available for pre-order from EB Games, I am gonna be 1st on the list... none of that "Ohhhh, we only have 4 360's in... we thought we were going to get 250 of them... sorry.. come back in 2 years. But thanks for your money!!".
Im with you on that, but after looking at your sig, shouldnt you get one free or somthing?
ClearM4 said:
Whats so inferior about HD-DVD?

HD-DVD = 1080i max, Blu-Ray = 1080p max

Blu-Ray has a higher maximum disc capacity (200 gb vs. somewhere north of 50gb I think for HD-DVD)

Blu-Ray 1x transfers data faster than HD-DVD 1x

HD-DVD uses higher compression than Blu-Ray
I heard 50 gig for HD-DVD could go higher. Mind you we will see about format war. Seems Blu-Ray will be much more expensive even media wise. I also heard nero is compatible with both formats. Disadvantage of Blu Ray is have to use red laser and blue laser. Red laser for standard dvd's and regular cd's.
Night_Hawk-19 said:
I heard 50 gig for HD-DVD could go higher. Mind you we will see about format war. Seems Blu-Ray will be much more expensive even media wise. I also heard nero is compatible with both formats. Disadvantage of Blu Ray is have to use red laser and blue laser. Red laser for standard dvd's and regular cd's.

Most DVD players already need two red lasers - one for CD and one for DVD. Plus, Blu-Ray will not be much more expensive. Estimates are it will be around 25 cents at most per disc more to produce.
Bad_Boy said:
Im with you on that, but after looking at your sig, shouldnt you get one free or somthing?
Hahaha, nope!! Actually, we have to wait till the retail stores get the first shipment(s), then we can order them through the company (usually 2 months after launch). But we do get 1st party games REALLY cheap.

The higher-ups would get them as gifts prior to launch though.
Bad_Boy said:
cmon steviep lol, you know better than that, listen to yourself. do you honestly beleive that the ps3 will "probably still" launch in japan in the spring, and then wont come out in another region for 9-10 months. right. 9-10 months is a lot of time, people would have been forced to import their ps3s if they had to wait that long. (sony noticed this with the psp after only a month or so, remember?) we will see during CES06, im sick of this release date speculation to be honest.

but anyways, i beleive the final dev kits should be out around this time, i beleive they said december for final kits (3rd gen kits) during TGS. (they have had 2nd gen kits, aka evaluation systems since spring) All devs being under NDA probably means we wont hear about the final kits or anything till CES06.

compared to the xbox360 kits, they seem to be on or around the same schedule. have faith. ;)

I too am sick of the speculation. But be honest - we know that Sony is doing the Japan then World launch as they normally do. Remember the PS2? And it's pretty certain that they will be releasing the PS3 in North America at the best time you can release it (this time of year) - certainly not at the end of summer or something, where the big money is not flying around. The fact that final dev kits are STILL not out, and much of the hardware isn't finalized, I'd say that it's looking like the PS3 will be on our shores this time next year. When it will release in Japan, no idea. But CES may or may not give us some answers to these questions.
steviep said:
I too am sick of the speculation. But be honest - we know that Sony is doing the Japan then World launch as they normally do. Remember the PS2? And it's pretty certain that they will be releasing the PS3 in North America at the best time you can release it (this time of year) - certainly not at the end of summer or something, where the big money is not flying around. The fact that final dev kits are STILL not out, and much of the hardware isn't finalized, I'd say that it's looking like the PS3 will be on our shores this time next year. When it will release in Japan, no idea. But CES may or may not give us some answers to these questions.

The PS2 did release around the end of October I believe. So I would agree you can prolly expect a Q3-early Q4 launch here. That is of course if the unit is ready to go at that time.
This may be off-topic, in that case delete it.

Q: Does anyone have an idea of why they release in Japan first? Does it have anything to do with creating hype over here in the US?