Sony Could Be Planning Backward Compatibility for PS5


Aug 20, 2006
A patent filed by Sony, “remastering by emulation,” alludes to a new-fangled method for presenting updated textures in older titles so they can look their best on higher-definition displays. Some believe it’s an indication backward compatibility is returning to the brand, courtesy of the PlayStation 5.

The language used in the patent definitely reads as if it is alluding to backward compatibility for the PS5. Plus, it’s worth noting that this filing is similar to another patent that Sony filed several months ago, wherein it described a “backward compatibility testing of software in a mode that disrupts timing”, so the evidence appears to be mounting that the tech firm could be taking steps toward including the highly desired feature in its next console.
I wonder if it's going to still be the way they said the PS4 was backwards compatible for PS2 games and only pertaining to select PS Store titles. I doubt this happening due to the fact that pretty much every one of the companies said their next consoles won't have a physical media drive. Unless they plan an external drive option.
I think it makes a lot of business sense. As a parent with kids, a console is a pretty large purchase already ($300-400ish). Games often run $50-60. My kids don't get much. Hell, a console is a "shared" gift anyway. With two pre-teens, let me tell you how well the sharing works anyway...
Not too mention, their are some older titles that are still fun. I guess I could keep multiple consoles hooked up and switch between them, but why?
I'd also think this would be a way to make some revenue out of older games. Maybe sell/rent at a much cheaper cost. I believe Nintendo does/has done this in the past. (I don't know, never owned a Nintendo console)
Without backward compatibility you immediately remove 99% of your market for games from a new console launch.
File under "duh". The PS4 has x86 architecture and so will the PS5. "Backwards compatibility" is pretty much a given.
I’m thinking the backwards compatibility must be for ps1/2/3 games. PS4 games should have 0 issues running on ps5 hardware
i doubt sony will go back to backward compatibility. the fact is for both os3 and ps4 the remasters of thier classic titles are bringing in the cash. sotc, ico, gow, last of us, uncharted etc have guaranteed sales and expect 8k remasters for them.

MS on the other had should be applauded for their backwards compatibility, if im buying a multi-platform game digital then it will be on the xbone, tho there's no guarantee ms will keep on doing it for future gens
it's probably alluding to a real time postprocess effect on textures, which would net results similar to something like Final Fantasy 12's remaster. Upscaled, sharpening, and various filters to increase contrast.

even just a sharpness filter from something like reshade can improve perceived texture detail.
Does anyone know if PS NOW has even been a hit for Sony?

$10 a month to stream play a plethora of PS3 games.

I tried it, didn't really care for the stream only option. I'm assuming they're starting to realize this was a tanked investment and that backwards compatibility should be implemented instead of this.
i doubt sony will go back to backward compatibility. the fact is for both os3 and ps4 the remasters of thier classic titles are bringing in the cash. sotc, ico, gow, last of us, uncharted etc have guaranteed sales and expect 8k remasters for them.

MS on the other had should be applauded for their backwards compatibility, if im buying a multi-platform game digital then it will be on the xbone, tho there's no guarantee ms will keep on doing it for future gens
Ms has no choice but to offer backwards compatibility since th xbone has no games. They even make it a saying point on how xbone has access to so many games. Eventho they are old and no one cares about them anymore. Multiplatform games go to PC. PS4 for the great exclusive that Sony keeps turning out.
Does anyone know if PS NOW has even been a hit for Sony?

$10 a month to stream play a plethora of PS3 games.

I tried it, didn't really care for the stream only option. I'm assuming they're starting to realize this was a tanked investment and that backwards compatibility should be implemented instead of this.

I tried PSNow on PC. I was happy I finally had the chance to play Last of Us, but there was noticeable input lag that would make faster and more precise gam3s an absolute pig to play.
This is nothing new for Sony. They've done this with every release. Heck the first PS4 release was supposed to have backwards compatibility to PS2 titles.
Sony COULD also be ready to sue you should you put Linux on your console, but we know Sony COULD do a lot of things.
Frankly not doing so would be foolish.
#1 complaint I hear about the ps4 and new variants?
'I still need my PS3/2 etc to play most of the older games'

I ditched my PS3 and went back to PS2 also lol.
I wanna see these high res assets for xenogears and alundra... maybe vagrant story...
That and FF7 + FF8. Not this gimmicky FPS FF crap today.
I'd buy a console just to play those. Same with any wipeout remasters.
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I hope so. The ability to play the entire Playstation library on one system is something I'd buy, since I don't own any of their other systems.
Not sure why any of this needs a patent if it's for BC.
The patent is not for BC. It's for some sorta hijacking of data streams to more easily provide alternate versions of games. We're just speculating it might also mean BC, but it could be something only used for re-releases. Maybe they used this technique in the recent Shadow of Collosus remaster.
I thought that was the whole point of moving to X86 architecture after the PS3 nonsense.
Exactly this. It's why there will never be another "new" Xbox model, only upgrades to CPU/GPU/System Memory/GPU memory, storage subsystem.

If you're a game developer, you won't ever have to learn anything new other than how to step game performance up or down depending on if it's being played on a Day One, One S, One X or Scarlett.
Frankly not doing so would be foolish.

I agree, I bought a PS4 originally because they said FF VII would be on it first, but I had to keep my PS3 so I could play old PS2 games. If they decide to do the same thing again with PS5 I think I'll make the switch over to X-BONE.
The main points for switching to x86 were easier for devs and also lower cost (to manufacture) consoles, which were not sold for a loss from day 1. Yet, still relatively powerful.

Relatively easy backward compatibility for PS5 is a happy side effect of sticking to the same cpu architecture from one console to the next (x86, in this case) which Sony has never done, and also sticking with the same GPU maker, who can make sure BC is a consideration in development of the chip for the new console.

Could have been achieved with PS4, if Sony had not ditched both their Cell CPU project and Nvidia as the GPU maker. As I said before, the two points in my first paragraph are why the PS4 has the specs it has. And the PS5 will continue with x86 and AMD as the GPU brand.
Given how Xbox One handled backwards compatibility (not really, those are more like ports than backwards compatibility), I am going to go out on a limb to say that this probably sounds a lot better than it really is.

Besides, it's a patent, who knows if their R&D actually went through with it.

It's more likely sticking to their Vita model or Nintendo's model and only offer a few games that people can buy digitally that runs on the newer hardware, but not actually "stick in the disc and it will run the game" type of backwards compatibility.

Sony used to do it, they dropped it multiple times (even during the same gen, EG PS1), I have no expectation that PS5 will be any different. At most it'll be Xbox One model.
Does anyone know if PS NOW has even been a hit for Sony?

$10 a month to stream play a plethora of PS3 games.

I tried it, didn't really care for the stream only option. I'm assuming they're starting to realize this was a tanked investment and that backwards compatibility should be implemented instead of this.
It is 20 bucks for a single month and not worth it it all IMO. I am glad I did the 7 day trial so I did not waste any money on that garbage. Graphics are horrendous compared to the real games and the lag is real and makes aiming a pain in the ass. I really wanted to play through Red Dead Redemption but it was not tolerable for me.