Sony Cutting Prices And Jobs

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to Sony, pricing and production volumes for the PS3 are under review leading some to believe a PS3 price cut is near. Sony has also announced that it will be cutting jobs in Europe to grow more competitive. The company has no plans to trim jobs in Japan or North America at this time.

All Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. employees in Europe — totaling about 1,900 people — have been told about the plan to cut jobs, but specifics, such as the number of cuts and which jobs will be affected, have not been decided, said Satoshi Fukuoka, the spokesman in Tokyo.
Like many has been saying over and over... the 60gb is probably going to take the spot of the 20gb version.
Oh and 1.7 is available for the PS3, biggest feature is the PS1 classics you could download for the PSP are now playable on the PS3.
Im suprised to hear that sony is dropping their prices on their ps3. Instead of dropping prices on the ps3... they should make another ps3 version without the blu ray and sell it at like $400 so that it would be more affordable to those gamers who just play games on console and don't use consoles to play dvds... Anyways... Im happy with my ps3 to me I think its cheap even though its the most expensive gaming console since theres blu ray on it :) and blu ray drives are usually $700+
How are the Blu-Rayless units going to play all those Blu-Ray games that are out there though?
aren't all the games on blu-ray disk? Or do some still use the standard DVD format disk of the PS2?
I think the initial money loss would be worth it for Sony because lowering their console by $100 would make them sell MUCH better!!!

Plus it would make Microsoft think it needs to lower its prices too!! WOO
The ps3 makes my hoorneay but the games don't the price tag could be 200 bucks and I still wouldn't buy it just yet no games appeal to the me.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Europe the place that got shafted with their versions of PS3's backwards compatibility issue with older PS2 games? :rolleyes:

...if so then something doesn't smell right. :eek:
What they could do with the PS3 is release another version with no blu ray movie player. What they could do is use disk signatures to play the games. The new PS3 would have the ability to play games on a blu ray disk, but if the disk doesn't have a ps3 signature, then it won't work. couldn't use it to play blu ray movies. You would be able to play ps2 and ps1 games on it though.
Then..what you do is sell this new PS3 version for no more tha 299. A really good price would be 250.
I'm just wondering... where did sony go wrong? In '97, they were the best electronics company... now they're just falling....
According to Sony, pricing and production volumes for the PS3 are under review leading some to believe a PS3 price cut is near. Sony has also announced that it will be cutting jobs in Europe to grow more competitive. The company has no plans to trim jobs in Japan or North America at this time.

I find this funny. I work in the Pittsburgh plant that makes SXRD TVs. They just cut over 300 jobs, and plan on cutting about 600 more by the end of the year as SXRD production moves to Mexico.