Sony G400 19" 'CRT' Monitor

the gamer

Mar 14, 2005
So I finally got this old CRT monitor out of the shop, and I have to say for an 7.2 year old CRT Monitor, the text and picture quality is still great, still have to get the right setting in the Brightness and Contrast has black seems to be a little washed out, I am running the res @ 1800x1440 and I notice the text does blur a tad but it's really nothing to complain about. and Call of Duty 4 looks insane at the resolution :D.

Anyone with this monitor know a good setting?

Yes its not an LCD monitor, I will be getting one of those some day (most likely a Dell 3008/30009 :p), it's just in my position I don't really need one that much at this time.
I bought one of those literally brand new earlier this year for $40, best CRT I've ever owned over the years. Simply astonishing picture on it. The owner was an architect with a vacation home here in Vegas he came to about 2-3 weeks a year. He bought the G400 brand new in the box years ago, so when I got it from him it barely had 3-4 months of use on it, so it's quite literally brand new to me.

Excellent product and I wouldn't trade it for anything except a bigger Sony at this point. :)

I used to run it at 1920x1440 actually, without issues, for a long time and without problems. My Wife uses it now and watches a lot of DVDs, etc, does webmastering and some other stuff.

I can't think of any particularly useful settings. As with any monitor, adjust it to what you think is the best looking image and stick with it.

Good luck...
cool man, I'm still running my old G500 21 great still. I finally plan to upgrade from my barton system sometime in 2008.So a newer flat panel; may be included with it.