Sony Patents PS3 Emotion Control

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
SiliconEra has the scoop on what will bring the PS3 back into the limelight…. Ok, not really, but Sony did patent a controller that can detect emotion such as laughter or boredom. Imagine the applications in the adult market! O-Face = bonus points! :D

How will Sony identify emotions? The patent mentions identifying body gestures and tracking group interactions “such as when two individuals give each other a ‘High Five.’” Sony also developed smile detecting software for their Cyber Shot W120 camera which could be used too.
Sounds kind of cool. But prolly a concept that will never be fully utilized and a weak attempt of Sony to seem inventive. Also seems like a suedo-Netal. Cool if it ever actually works/happens though. Might keep my PS3 from gathering so much dust and Folding 24/7.

Bonus points for including an illustration of the Sony Multiple Foot In The Ass Machine™.
Its funny that he's watching a video of an invention for PS3 owners. So PS3 owners can kick themselves once they find out they purchased an over-priced BR-DVD player with no real games. Apple has a similar invention, but only has 1 foot, and cost's twice as much. Called the "Iboot".
Looks to me like they came up with this idea and the diagram so that if they ever decide to invade natal territory they wont be sued for copying a patent idea or have to pay a license.
Good pic. But honestly, identifying emotions and gestures, for games or what? This is going to fail hard.
What would be the purpose of this? Marketing ads? Nielsen television ratings?
Read the topic title as "Emotion Engine" and thought it was some new development in PS2 emulation. :(