Sony Putting Up a 94' Metal Rainbow In California

Fuck yes a rainbow.

If i lived next to it I woud like it.

I used to watch care bears after Gi joe and I will admit I though care bears kick ass.
Seriously it looks like it should be in the care bears city .



Yes I a comfortable enough with my masculinity to like care bears and live next to a rainbow.

Oh and that rainbow bright chick kicked ass seriously she would smash soild rocks and kick ass with rainbows.


Rainbows don't work like scarecrows. Gang bangers, drug dealers, and drug users may not even be able to see such things. They can't stop looking over their shoulders long enough for anything except their next criminal act to be able to see such things.

I beg to differ:

Gang bangers, drug dealers and drug users will creep around the rainbow and likely use it as a place of "business" every single day :p
I beg to differ:

Gang bangers, drug dealers and drug users will creep around the rainbow and likely use it as a place of "business" every single day :p

While what you say is prolly true, will they actually see the rainbow, or just some object to carry on their nefarious deeds while hidden from sight behind it?

Who am I kidding, fuckers will prolly ad food coloring to their rocks and call em skittles. :eek:

(yes, I know skittles is already in use by idiots that misuse cough syrup)