Sony Wins Subpoenas Revealing Visitors to PS3 Jailbreaker Site

blu-ray is the next evolutionary step after DVD, people said the same thing about VCRs and now everyone has a DVD player. Even if you sit this round out chances are Sony will probably have a stake in the next-generation of blu ray or what ever they are going to call it.
Sony doesn't have a stake in Matroska.

And the adoption rate of Matroska is much faster than that of blu-ray.
so you would willingly concede to being exploited as a statistic, for someone else's gain? that's the point, it doesn't matter whether or not you own a ps3. I don't either, nor do I ever plan to, yet I would be included in these logs just for taking interest in the matter. it's not very complicated, sony is seeking evidence for restitution, and the court is too dumbshit to understand how this would have absolutely no bearing on the extent of any "damages" caused by the hack.

"it doesn't affect me so why should I give a shit"? who's the child now...

Statistics don't mean anything. Plus, the only people who needs to worry is if they were actually doing anything illegal in the first place. So by posting here, they have your IP. Are you being exploited?
blu-ray is the next evolutionary step after DVD, people said the same thing about VCRs and now everyone has a DVD player. Even if you sit this round out chances are Sony will probably have a stake in the next-generation of blu ray or what ever they are going to call it.

Except Blue Ray is pretty much the last generation of physical media for things like movies. Next generation is already here, it's called digital distribution.
Except Blue Ray is pretty much the last generation of physical media for things like movies. Next generation is already here, it's called digital distribution.

I'd say give it a few more years before digital distribution is as clear as blu-ray/hd-dvd is. Right now, there is a definite difference.

Also, since I can't edit it. I meant statistics mean nothing if the scope of the study is on crap, which it is. Most of the time in stats, you have to sift through a bunch of garbage to get anywhere near anything relevant, I couldn't care less about these kind of statistics.
i dont get this a good thing isn't
? unless all of you are hackers and been to that website before?
Except Blue Ray is pretty much the last generation of physical media for things like movies. Next generation is already here, it's called digital distribution.
Until the U.S. catches up to the rest of the world in terms of speed, we will never have a complete digital distribution system.

Sony doesn't have a stake in Matroska.

And the adoption rate of Matroska is much faster than that of blu-ray.

What companies are backing Matroska? I didn't even know this type of media existed before you mentioned it.
Except Blue Ray is pretty much the last generation of physical media for things like movies. Next generation is already here, it's called digital distribution.

Exactly.This is a big reason i could care less about blue ray.

I'd say give it a few more years before digital distribution is as clear as blu-ray/hd-dvd is. Right now, there is a definite difference.

To me the clarity isn't an issue.......if all I'm doing is playing a file on my computer, I don't have any use for a blueray player or physical disc movies......and the discs I DO have have been ripped, and stored in the basement.
Who the hell wants cabinets and shelves full of movies taking up space anymore?
Statistics don't mean anything. Plus, the only people who needs to worry is if they were actually doing anything illegal in the first place. So by posting here, they have your IP. Are you being exploited?

Statistics may not mean anything, but privacy does. Visiting a porn site isnt illegal, but would Mr. Refraxion want someone to know that he visited a porn site, and to have that information to use at their discretion? Or how about Mr. Refraxion visiting a male clinic cause he can't get his shit up?? That's perfectly legal, but I doubt you would want someone to have a log of the time and date that you visited that clinic, just so they can sit on it and use it to their advantage down the road. Again, the issue is privacy.
What companies are backing Matroska? I didn't even know this type of media existed before you mentioned it.

Matroska is a digital file format, not a form of physical media.

And whose backing Matroska? Look up ANY media streaming/playback device and you'll see support for Matroska. Google's WebM format also uses it.

Its already the standard for media ripping.
Thank you KaliFuckingFornia... Now what's the chances once sony excepts these IP's that a tort case can be filed in some normal state and get everyone that has been listed to sue the shit out of sony for privacy infringment by gaining this information? I'd say sue Kali for giving it to him, but everyone knows that state is broke as the fuck.
This ^

Basically the majority are just blowing hot air. I always laugh when someone threatens to boycott an entire company that covers so many product lines. It makes them feel better for about 5 minutes then they go and cherish one of their sony or subsidiary of sony products. :rolleyes:

I am the kind who really will stick to a boycott.

If I decide a company is using it's profits for ethically or morally repugnant activities I make sure I vote with my dollars.
I am the kind who really will stick to a boycott.

If I decide a company is using it's profits for ethically or morally repugnant activities I make sure I vote with my dollars.

nice blueray burner
So I am guessing none of you guys will never watch a blu ray movie or own a blu ray player.

Trying to boycott Sony is like trying to boycott China, good luck.

Yes, Sony is a highly diversified company with its fingers in many pots. Much like Satan, Sony is everywhere and difficult to avoid. Boycotting Sony brand name products would send a very clear and concise message. Back to my analogy, being against Lucifer means not going to black masses and worshiping him, not being able to completely give up sinning.
Thank you KaliFuckingFornia... Now what's the chances once sony excepts these IP's that a tort case can be filed in some normal state and get everyone that has been listed to sue the shit out of sony for privacy infringment by gaining this information? I'd say sue Kali for giving it to him, but everyone knows that state is broke as the fuck.

The judge/ruling your so upset about is part of the *federal* court system. Federal means NOT California. Eg you are mad at the Federal Government.

The California courts recently passed a ruling that businesses cant even ask for your zip code, I doubt they'd allow IP either under the same law.

I dont understand the ruling either. Then again I dont understand why libraries are required to keep track of what books everyone checks out and make those lists available to the 'authorities' on request. Smacks to much of thought police to me.
The judge/ruling your so upset about is part of the *federal* court system. Federal means NOT California. Eg you are mad at the Federal Government.

The California courts recently passed a ruling that businesses cant even ask for your zip code, I doubt they'd allow IP either under the same law.

I dont understand the ruling either. Then again I dont understand why libraries are required to keep track of what books everyone checks out and make those lists available to the 'authorities' on request. Smacks to much of thought police to me.

Did you see where he was from, or how he got elected?

So I am guessing none of you guys will never watch a blu ray movie or own a blu ray player.

Trying to boycott Sony is like trying to boycott China, good luck.

I own one blu-ray movie and I got it for $3 at a salvage warehouse. It was the 3 disc Star Trek movie (most recent one). Don't own a player though. In time I'll eventually get one but no rush.
you dont have to not have sony products you can buy them 2nd hand and not give sony a dime...
Wow this is pretty bad. Who doesn't like to go read about hacked consoles to find out what is going on. I like to read hacking/script kiddy forums so I know what people are attempting to do, so I can protect myself and everyone else I know from all that virus/botnet/spam garbage.

Imagine if the whole intent of this hack was to spread viruses or make PSN/PS3 a botnet. We couldn't find out because Sony is now monitoring every single site relating to hacking of their systems. I hope Sony sues Google for letting these sites be searched and found too. This is utterly stupid and I agree, no more Sony products for me.
you dont have to not have sony products you can buy them 2nd hand and not give sony a dime...

This is...... very true. I mean, the people who'll buy them, will buy them regardless anyway.

That said, there aren't many things that Sony makes that someone else doesn't make that is as good, as far as I know. Though it might have something sony in there, but I'm not going to look into every item I buy that deeply to figure if that panel was made by sony or samsung, etc.
I'm glad I got a decent PC last month, my PS3 is now pretty much just for watching avi's in my bed instead of at a desk. I don't see it getting played much until Uncharted 3 comes out.
i don't feel bad that any Sony products in my house, that hasn't been given to us or bough retail to profit them, and even the second hand stuff is countable with tow or three fingers. What probably happened was the guy didn't have a good/great attorney. We now need a whole NEW case to ensure the rights of the individual to learn

I wonder what will happen if someone gets mad at hack-a-day?
there is absolutely no legal grounds to sue people over simply going to a sight with how-to info. There is no proof that those who visit the site are going to commit the crime.

Direct TV pulled a similar stunt awhile back by monitoring any site where people could buy smart cards and smart card readers. Without any knowledge of what the buyers intended on doing with the items, they would somehow get the contact info and demand $3000 or be sued on a claim that they are pirating Direct TV.
Isn't Sony just using this to say who could have downloaded the file? They aren't going after anyone, they just want some numbers to see if anyone actually did download the file to show how widespread it could be..or am I misreading it?
Isn't Sony just using this to say who could have downloaded the file? They aren't going after anyone, they just want some numbers to see if anyone actually did download the file to show how widespread it could be..or am I misreading it?

Maybe they aren't, I don't know. They still got information, they shouldn't have been privy to. (I think i used that word correctly.)
Isn't Sony just using this to say who could have downloaded the file? They aren't going after anyone, they just want some numbers to see if anyone actually did download the file to show how widespread it could be..or am I misreading it?

That is exactly right. But it seems like many here don't want to see that.

Sony are just trying to get counts to give a better picture to the courts on how bad this could hurt them.
Isn't Sony just using this to say who could have downloaded the file? They aren't going after anyone, they just want some numbers to see if anyone actually did download the file to show how widespread it could be..or am I misreading it?

we can see the gears turning, maybe fast enough to light the bulb... keep on going with that train of thought, and see where it leads you.

That is exactly right. But it seems like many here don't want to see that.

Sony are just trying to get counts to give a better picture to the courts on how bad this could hurt them.

no one actually gives a shit about being on some random list of ip addresses. the point is what they do with it, and what others are forced to do, because of the decisions made by people who don't understand what it is.
That is exactly right. But it seems like many here don't want to see that.

Sony are just trying to get counts to give a better picture to the courts on how bad this could hurt them.

This. The subpoenas in question are not particularly interesting or even a big deal. The real potential issue is if/when Sony decides to subpoena the ISP of someone on the list. That person will have the opportunity to intervene and quash the subpoena to remain anonymous, but it's pretty messed up that someone not a defendant and with no evidence of wrongdoing would need to hire a lawyer.
This. The subpoenas in question are not particularly interesting or even a big deal. The real potential issue is if/when Sony decides to subpoena the ISP of someone on the list. That person will have the opportunity to intervene and quash the subpoena to remain anonymous, but it's pretty messed up that someone not a defendant and with no evidence of wrongdoing would need to hire a lawyer.

are we confusing this with some sort of mpaa shakedown or what? there would be no sane reason for them to do this. they don't own any software being distributed, pursuing random visitors would be pointless, what they're after is some sort of liabilty. what they will do is add up each and every one of these little magic numbers, along with however many followers he ended up with on youtube, twitter, etc. and multiply them by some sort of crazy gorilla math that says, this is how much money geohot owes us in damages, by releasing this hack.
we can see the gears turning, maybe fast enough to light the bulb... keep on going with that train of thought, and see where it leads you.

no one actually gives a shit about being on some random list of ip addresses. the point is what they do with it, and what others are forced to do, because of the decisions made by people who don't understand what it is.

I'm sure its clear, no need to keep going on that train of thought.
are we confusing this with some sort of mpaa shakedown or what? there would be no sane reason for them to do this. they don't own any software being distributed, pursuing random visitors would be pointless, what they're after is some sort of liabilty. what they will do is add up each and every one of these little magic numbers, along with however many followers he ended up with on youtube, twitter, etc. and multiply them by some sort of crazy gorilla math that says, this is how much money geohot owes us in damages, by releasing this hack.

You must be a mole inside Sony HQ. You know them inside out!
Sony on the surface wanted that list to show proof geohots trafficked an illegal hack. They could have got a hard number of unique ips from the web host saying how much traffic his site gets per day and it would have done the same job.

What is the bad thing now is sony can use that list for a number of other things like share it with the mpaa or riaa as a list of potential pirates for them to watch and later sue.