Sony "Won't Allow" Ark: Survival Evolved PS4-Xbox One Cross-Play


Aug 20, 2006
Jeremy Stieglitz, lead designer, programmer, and co-creative director of Ark: Survival, has revealed that cross-play between PS4 and Xbox One is working internally, but Sony is not letting it happen. This follows the company’s decision to block cross-platform play in Minecraft and Rocket League.

At E3, PlayStation executive Jim Ryan said one reason why Sony isn't allowing cross-play between PS4 and Xbox One is because the company is concerned about the safety of its users. If Sony allowed PSN to connect to an outside network like Xbox Live, Sony would not be able to fully control the experience. This could potentially put its users, in particular children, at risk, Ryan said.
And yet, cross-play is a feature every gamer has been demanding of Sony and Microsoft and their platforms for YEARS!

Thank you for the overtly politically correct "screw you" Sony!

They don't care what customers want.

Although it won't matter in the end as nobody buys their system with the intent of cross platform. So that won't hurt numbers which in the end proves Sony is making the correct choice.
Here's my 2 cents on crossplay
I could care less.

Then again, I'm not a huge console multiplayer sheep. I prefer single player, and Playstation has the better SP exclusives.
Correct move for Sony. MS would be doing the same thing with XBL if they were as far ahead as PS4 is vs Xbone. Sony opening cross play would only validate XBL as a platform, and as far as theyre concerned competitively it may as well not even exist.

Besides, if you're on PSN do you really want the little 10yr old Xbox shits that sound like mickey mouse screaming the n-word into your headphones all round long?

There is literally no upside for Sony to allow XBL games to peer with PSN.
Correct move for Sony. MS would be doing the same thing with XBL if they were as far ahead as PS4 is vs Xbone. Sony opening cross play would only validate XBL as a platform, and as far as theyre concerned competitively it may as well not even exist.

Besides, if you're on PSN do you really want the little 10yr old Xbox shits that sound like mickey mouse screaming the n-word into your headphones all round long?

There is literally no upside for Sony to allow XBL games to peer with PSN.
What a silly fanboy comment, I hear just as many underage shitheads on psn as I do on my Xbox.

What's funny about it is I hear more "grown men" say stupider shit than the kids that sound young. I own a xbox one, PS4 and gaming pc/laptop and there are shitheads in all of them but thank god there is also a mute feature.
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Correct move for Sony. MS would be doing the same thing with XBL if they were as far ahead as PS4 is vs Xbone. Sony opening cross play would only validate XBL as a platform, and as far as theyre concerned competitively it may as well not even exist.

Besides, if you're on PSN do you really want the little 10yr old Xbox shits that sound like mickey mouse screaming the n-word into your headphones all round long?

There is literally no upside for Sony to allow XBL games to peer with PSN.

You are ignoring PSN and PC. So you are lumping PC in with XBL and saying PSN is the best gaming platform for adults?
this was the same excuse sony pulled when CCP wanted to try and cross platform dust 512 between PSN and PC even though the average age of eve and dust players was 25+ years old, lol.

Correct move for Sony. MS would be doing the same thing with XBL if they were as far ahead as PS4 is vs Xbone. Sony opening cross play would only validate XBL as a platform, and as far as theyre concerned competitively it may as well not even exist.

Besides, if you're on PSN do you really want the little 10yr old Xbox shits that sound like mickey mouse screaming the n-word into your headphones all round long?

There is literally no upside for Sony to allow XBL games to peer with PSN.

lol i've played on both PSN and xbox live, there's literally zero difference between them.. they both have dumb ass irresponsible children on them.
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Only reason Sony is saying this is because they likely don't want to spend a dime on dealing with their network setup/security to allow their servers to talk with Microsoft's servers.
Only reason Sony is saying this is because they likely don't want to spend a dime on dealing with their network setup/security to allow their servers to talk with Microsoft's servers.

Which should be little because the feature already works. They just are not given permission to let it work. If the dev team already has this working that means that no change is needed to the system as if that was needed it wouldn't happen in the current test build. To which others have had this working also, so there can't be a need for extra security or anything like that. Just a need for Sony to expect some extra traffic (so maybe a slight change to security) and that is really about it.
What a silly fanboy comment, I hear just as many underage shitheads on psn as I do on my Xbox.

What's funny about it is I hear more "grown men" say stupider shit than the kids that sound young. I own a xbox one, PS4 and gaming pc/laptop and there are shitheads in all of them but thank god there is also a mute feature.

Exactly, on all platforms there are kids and "men" trash talking. I always mute them all.
Last console I owned was the original PS. It fell off of my coffee table and went tits-up back in '96, sold it for parts. I'm not against consoles in theory, really, but once I discovered Quake II on the PC platform I am a bit biased against FPS's on consoles. I haven't felt the need in the last twenty years to get a console. Just my two cents, to each their own.
" If Sony allowed PSN to connect to an outside network like Xbox Live, Sony would not be able to fully control the experience. This could potentially put its users, in particular children, at risk, Ryan said."

Meanwhile both networks get hacked throughout the year.
Last console I owned was the original PS. It fell off of my coffee table and went tits-up back in '96, sold it for parts. I'm not against consoles in theory, really, but once I discovered Quake II on the PC platform I am a bit biased against FPS's on consoles. I haven't felt the need in the last twenty years to get a console. Just my two cents, to each their own.

I still get Nintendo stuff simply because the experience differs. The other systems have nothing going for them besides cost, and PS4 has a couple decent exclusives. I still refuse to buy it.
Only reason Sony is saying this is because they likely don't want to spend a dime on dealing with their network setup/security to allow their servers to talk with Microsoft's servers.

Or they - currently having the leadership position - know that people more likely have more friends who have PS4's than Xbox Ones, so they want the Xbox One owners to be forced to buy a PS4 if they want to play with their friends.

It's shitty of them, but I don't really give a rats ass. I haven't touched a console since I got my first PC of my own in 1991.
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There are some games that have PC cross compatibility on the PS4.

I wish there were more of it. Isolated player bases suck, and the more players the better.

But I can understand Sony - they don't have to right now, so why would you?

Surprising enough is that Nintendo allowed it for Minecraft. They are the ultimate isolationists when it comes to their networking (or maybe they are just still about 20 years behind the rest of the industry when it comes to networking, idk)
Title should read "Microsoft won't allow cross play"

I'd say 45% of PSN names violate xbox gold online terms and conditions... and all the poor xbox kids will get triggered.
How much less?

Any less and I wouldn't care at all.
my sliver of care is only if Sony decides to go balls out crazy, and not just stop at cross-play, but, stop selling cross-platform games. Who knows what the next generation of games is going to be?
Any less and I wouldn't care at all.
my sliver of care is only if Sony decides to go balls out crazy, and not just stop at cross-play, but, stop selling cross-platform games. Who knows what the next generation of games is going to be?
Never doubt the retardedness of Sony.

(Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer!)
Love the argument about safety of the children......If they children had responsible adult supervision this is negligible. Sony shouldn't be thinking of the children as a viable option of defense. The company isn't responsible for "keeping children safe" unless the hardware is blowing up in their hands. The parents should be filtering what their 10 year old is doing.
Correct move for Sony. MS would be doing the same thing with XBL if they were as far ahead as PS4 is vs Xbone. Sony opening cross play would only validate XBL as a platform, and as far as theyre concerned competitively it may as well not even exist.

Besides, if you're on PSN do you really want the little 10yr old Xbox shits that sound like mickey mouse screaming the n-word into your headphones all round long?

There is literally no upside for Sony to allow XBL games to peer with PSN.
I hear them on psn too. And on the worse days you hear them on pc gaming.
From a business perspective I can see why they keep the door closed. Still I also feel that's just a paranoid business perspective to a degree. Sony has exclusives that xbox doesn't have. People will welcome the ability to game with their Xbox friends and That would diminish their desire to even buy the Xbox. Now they have the exclusives and can game with Jimmy and Abdul on the weekend.
Here's my thought. What about a 3rd party creating something that makes then interoperable? For instance, Trillian was a middle-man app that allowed different IM protocols to work together. Both Yahoo and AOL tried to block Trillian, but new patches kept working around that. I did not see any info regarding Trillian being sued by Yahoo or AOL.
Sigh, well it's not like own current gen consoles. So....

Go PC?

No clue where I was going with my thought process.
This could potentially put its users, in particular children, at risk, Ryan said.

Says the company that stored frikin passwords and credit card info in clear.

just because their social media accounts where just hijacked a day or two ago and the people also claim to have gained the full psn database also doesn't mean Sony isn't secure... It just means these hackers are the smartest people alive and nothing can stop them right?