Sony Working On PS3 "Elite" Model?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to Kotaku, Sony might be working on a higher end PS3 with a larger hard drive. This speculation comes after Sony filed a Class II permissive change with the FCC that included information on what could be a new PS3 model.

While FCC filings are generally dry as dust, this one has an interesting addition. A new PLAYSTATION 3 model (CECHE01) with an 80GB hard disk was listed as an additional inclusion to the original FCC grant. The two current model numbers CECHA01 and CECHB01 specify the 60GB and 20GB versions, respectively.
A more expensive model ... this is exactly what Sony needs.
Now what would be sick as hell is if they made it with a dual media capability drive (hddvd and bluray).
Yes, it sure would be neat if Sony, the people who invented Blu-Ray and lead the consortium established to promote its adoption helped out HD-DVD, Blu-Ray's only current competitor.

Yes, it sure would be neat if Sony, the people who invented Blu-Ray and lead the consortium established to promote its adoption helped out HD-DVD, Blu-Ray's only current competitor.


Dum dum me, here:

whats this one gonna cost? the price of a mid range computer? sigh. fucktards.
If sony comes out with an elite, im standing in line 1 week advance and ebay it for $4000. :rolleyes:

They gave away huge TVs to some people who waited all day to buy a PS3. Now what, houses?
They gave away huge TVs to some people who waited all day to buy a PS3. Now what, houses?

I was thinking perhaps an H2 to go with it "matching black paint with chrome trimmings", or perhaps just a Porsche 911?

I was thinking a house would be for the PS4 :D
Um very old news. Sony already announced this kind of idea months ago. They said they wanted one that was almost a HTPC. So I think someone is just bringing this up to make it seem like Sony is copying Microsoft again when in fact Sony has already presented this idea to the public.
Um very old news. Sony already announced this kind of idea months ago. They said they wanted one that was almost a HTPC. So I think someone is just bringing this up to make it seem like Sony is copying Microsoft again when in fact Sony has already presented this idea to the public.

They filed on March 2 for the new permissive change and the news only released today. The ORIGINAL was filed in September of last year so I don't know how "old" this news can be.
You know, I think I just figured out how people always blame the [H] for "negative" PS3 news...

This article is not negative, was never meant to be negative nor was anything negative ever implied....

BUT...simply because the reaction in this thread to the announcement hasn't been favorable, this will be deemed another "negative" PS3 post.

Odd...isn't it?
Don't shoot the messenger...shoot the forum members who squabble and bicker over the message? Eh, I've had a good run.

Sony technically had an idea similar to this years ago if I remember, where they created a SKU for the PS2 that included a hard drive and WiFi or some other pretty unnecessary hardware additions to the PS2. It was called the PS2 Home or PS2 Ultimate or something like that, and I'm pretty sure it was released in Japan but decided against releasing it in the US. So yes, Sony came up with the idea of bloating their hardware to make an extra buck off of the hardcore first, but if they're going to do it again, couldn't they make the specs slightly more...ahem...impressive? If you're already paying $600 for a 60GB drive, why is an 80GB worth $200 (or however much) more?

Now that Best Buy has stopped carrying the Core model (and I think Sony is killing the SKU entirely, but I'm not sure), it almost seems like Sony is aiming to just shift their product line...the Premium becomes the new Core, and the UltraMegaLeet becomes the new Premium, now with more ePenis. It seems funny that Sony and Microsoft are recreating the negative aspects of the PC market (heeey, your hardware is 6 months old and it's already out of date, don't you want to be bleeding edge?) within the console market, thereby blurring the core of the PC vs. Console "debate" (read: !!!!!! flamefest) even further.
PS3 Uber edition! On sale now in the land of cheap people for only $899!!
Maybe Sony should consider, oh, making a model that the average joe can actually afford. That would be pretty "elite" if you ask me.
I'm susprised no one made the comment that they had been planning this from the begining.

Anyway I just don't see this as anything but an upgraded version of the system. It will if anything replace the 60 gig.

I just don't see sony doing anything other then that with such a small upgrade.
Must they copy everything from the other companies. Seriously, Sony stole the sixaxis because Nintendo made the Wiimote and now they are stealing design from another company. Classic. :mad:
Must they copy everything from the other companies. Seriously, Sony stole the sixaxis because Nintendo made the Wiimote and now they are stealing design from another company. Classic. :mad:

What "exactly" are they "stealing" now, and what exactly did they steal back then. Don't think for a second mounting a gyroscope into a device for a console was a new thing invented by Nintendo... :rolleyes:
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe they got a better deal on 80gig driver vs the 60gig drives they are currently using?

As for the negative spin, not odd at all Steve. It is just par for the course. Sony could have a killer promotion giving away high end 46" HDTV's and some of the members here would turn it into negative news. Oh wait...they did.
What "exactly" are they "stealing" now, and what exactly did they steal back then. Don't think for a second mounting a gyroscope into a device for a console was a new thing invented by Nintendo... :rolleyes:

He is pretty much saying that Sony does not come up with refreshing implementations of existing technology on their own, they look to other companies for insight.

Sony didn't put that gyro in until Nintendo revealed the design for the Wiimote, they didn't announce a "Elite" version until after Microsoft announced theirs.

Sony already called the US the land of cheap people, now they are putting out a more expensive version, thats just smart right there.
Sony didn't put that gyro in until Nintendo revealed the design for the Wiimote, they didn't announce a "Elite" version until after Microsoft announced theirs.

Sony already called the US the land of cheap people, now they are putting out a more expensive version, thats just smart right there.

Nintendo didn't come up with gyroscopes first...:rolleyes: How do you know Sony wasn't already implementing this before Nintendo was, just wanted it to be kind of a suprise? It's the same way I don't know if Nintendo had it before Sony did.

And, Sony hasn't "announced" this as you said they have...:rolleyes:
Nintendo didn't come up with gyroscopes first...:rolleyes: How do you know Sony wasn't already implementing this before Nintendo was, just wanted it to be kind of a suprise? It's the same way I don't know if Nintendo had it before Sony did.

And, Sony hasn't "announced" this as you said they have...:rolleyes:

Because Sony announced it was an original idea during the E3 press conference...
He is pretty much saying that Sony does not come up with refreshing implementations of existing technology on their own, they look to other companies for insight.

Sony didn't put that gyro in until Nintendo revealed the design for the Wiimote, they didn't announce a "Elite" version until after Microsoft announced theirs.

Sony already called the US the land of cheap people, now they are putting out a more expensive version, thats just smart right there.

So you honestly can sit there and believe that this does not happen in the business world. Why would anyone sit there when their competition is soaking up the rewards?

Also, perhaps you want to analyzes the current situation here, not just Sony.

Microsoft created the Xbox, after the Sony console and the Nintendo console at the time, meaning they copied by entering that same market, they also used controllers (copied), also used very similar design cues.

Microsoft used wireless controller pads with wireless alternative interfaces on their Xbox360, then Nintendo came along with their WII and COPIED that! Imagine that! Also, they gave their Wii a optical drive... COPIERS!

Now Sony came along, COPIED a "FUNCTION" of a remote, not the entire design, there are huge leaps and bounds differences between the two. And yet, everyone is so upset about it! Go figure. Nintendo had the powerglove years ago and it died as fast as it came, so now people are upset because other console companies are making use of that technology? Wake up world, it's part of the corporate world... its' called product evolution.

If the idea was so unique and so attributed to their design, don't you think they would have a case against Sony? Perhaps. Similar into how hummer ended up settling on their H2 front grille representing the Jeep grill. It was eventually ruled in that it doesn't hold a unique resemblance and it's a part of the product evolution.

Heck, if you go to Chrysler's design center right now, you will see a slew of the latest Toyota/Lexus, BMW, Honda/Acura, etc cars there in pieces... thats how they get design cues. Yet you never hear anyone bitching about it.

I hate how people seem to bash Sony and accuse them of copying other companies when their favorite company (Nintendo) did the same with using a wireless controller, remote interface, optical reader, network connectivity, online play, and many other design elements.

Lets face it, competitors copies compeditors... simple as that, part of the life cycle.

And this is coming from a guy who owns a wii.
Nintendo didn't come up with gyroscopes first...:rolleyes: How do you know Sony wasn't already implementing this before Nintendo was, just wanted it to be kind of a suprise? It's the same way I don't know if Nintendo had it before Sony did.

And, Sony hasn't "announced" this as you said they have...:rolleyes:

And don't forget that Sony wasn't even thinking of putting even rudimentary gyroscopic detection before Nintendo announced that their controller would be able to detect all that motion. Sony stated before Nintendo came out with the Wiimote design, that the controller would be exactly the same as the PS2's. You'll find plenty of links on the net. Try Gameinformer issue 157.
To add to my reasoning, why isn't anyone upset at Microsoft for releasing a black console to copy the Wii since they announced they will also make thiers in black? Why isn't anyone telling Nintendo that they are copying Sony for the reason that the PS3 was black first?

But wait, if the PS3 was to come in a white version, everyone would be up in arms.
And don't forget that Sony wasn't even thinking of putting even rudimentary gyroscopic detection before Nintendo announced that their controller would be able to detect all that motion. Sony stated before Nintendo came out with the Wiimote design, that the controller would be exactly the same as the PS2's. You'll find plenty of links on the net. Try Gameinformer issue 157.

Ok I said it wrong. I like Ockie's post better. He explained it better, so please go and try and put him in the wrong. :D
And don't forget that Sony wasn't even thinking of putting even rudimentary gyroscopic detection before Nintendo announced that their controller would be able to detect all that motion. Sony stated before Nintendo came out with the Wiimote design, that the controller would be exactly the same as the PS2's. You'll find plenty of links on the net. Try Gameinformer issue 157.

They also showed in other articles that thier controller would look like a bananna. Please don't believe everything you read.

Sometimes companies leaks information to keep the compeditor guessing. Untill I see actual R&D research logs, no one here can make the claim that Sony or Nintendo was first.

And if the PS3's remote was exactly like the PS2's remote, then where the hell is the cord(wireless), where is the rumble? Thats what I thought.

Both controllers (PS3 and Nintendo) is unique, they are both a first. Sony put it in a handpad style design and made it look somewhat retro, nintendo put it in a remote and make theirs interestingly attractive. So they are both great designs, but yet people like to discredit sony instead of appreciating what both companies has brought to our tables... or should I say living rooms.
So you honestly can sit there and believe that this does not happen in the business world. Why would anyone sit there when their competition is soaking up the rewards?

I stopped reading right there. Yeah it happens in business, but you can reap more rewards coming up with fresh ideas yourself.

Originally Posted by Bowhuntr11 View Post
Nintendo didn't come up with gyroscopes first... How do you know Sony wasn't already implementing this before Nintendo was, just wanted it to be kind of a suprise? It's the same way I don't know if Nintendo had it before Sony did.

And, Sony hasn't "announced" this as you said they have...

I stated refreshing ideas of existing technology in my post. The sony controller went though several revisions, the "boomerang" among other designs, only the last one had motion sensing which was announced after the wiimote. Did nintendo invent the accelorometer, no. But they did use it for the first time in a Mainstream console controller (meaning motion sensing out of the box)

And if sony hasn't announced it, not like i care anyway, well, nevermind it doesn't really matter.