Sony's new bundle can't be sold to minors


Jun 1, 2004
Sony's new bundle to fall foul of Age ratings

So, we thought it couldn't get any worse for Sony this afternoon, but it appears it already has. Sony's new bundle launching on July 18th - while excellent value - can only be sold to customers over the age of 18 in the majority of Europe. Due to PEGI classifications, 28 of the 29 participating members of PEGI have classified Resistance: Fall of Man as an 18+ certified videogame. In the UK, PEGI didn't rate the game, but the BBFC have, and given it a 15. So, legally, people under the age of 15 are not allowed to buy the console, and important, it's also illegal for parents to buy the console for their children.

Germany, notorious for its green blood in certain games, has also rated the game, although currently, we're trying to track down the rating, which we'll update you on soon. However, as we've said, the bundle is excellent value, but if the letter of the law is to be followed, this really is another drawback in Sony's fight to regain market share in Europe.
Just when it couldn't get any worse it just did lol. Its going to be really hard for them to gain any market share at this point in Europe.
So have your parents come to the store with you. Wow, so hard. Not to mention that the average gaming age is what 28-33 now?
I would think the parents would come along anyways when their child is buying a $6xx console.

I particularly like this line: "it's also illegal for parents to buy the console for their children"

How is that suppose to be enforced?
Just when it couldn't get any worse it just did lol. Its going to be really hard for them to gain any market share at this point in Europe.

well, let's be realistic here, how many minors have $600 plus tax to spend anyway? Not that many. This is more anti-Sony hype-train nonsense. Mind you, I'm all for Sony getting their dicks knocked in the dirt, they certainly deserve it, but this is just obtuse.
lol its just the latest news so far. By the time it comes out there will probably be a different game for younger people most likely.
I don't think many kids, who are too young to purchase the system, will be walking into a store with 600+ in cash, or a credit card. Being illegal for a parent to buy the system for their child is hilarious.
this is a serious stretch at anti-PS3 news.

especially after your last thread, conker
this is a serious stretch at anti-PS3 news.

especially after your last thread, conker

Its e3 week, everyones getting hit with news ;). Its just that sony opens their mouths more than the other companies usually.
Its e3 week, everyones getting hit with news ;). Its just that sony opens their mouths more than the other companies usually.

Boy, you're on a roll today :D Maybe we should request a sub-forum "Conker's revenge or Conker's gossip and tidbits" :p

It's worth mentioning that a lot of countries in Europe take the age ratings on games very seriously. It doesn't work the same way as the US.

What isn't discussed here is that I can see this having an effect on certain parents that were going to buy the PS3 for their kids... especially given how much press violent videogames have been getting lately.
Umm usually parents buy the console for there kids whether the parent pays for it or not. Then when your old enough to buy it you usually have your own income as well. Seems we are getting lots of fanboy posts lately. I don't even have a sony ps3 but all the negative posts grasping at anything to bash sony is getting annoying.
How would it be illegal for a parent to purchase that for their child? This system isn't outlawing the child from playing or buying the game, its there to make sure that parents are stopping and recognizing that what they are buying may be inappropriate for their child. So its not illegal for them to buy it for them.
This system isn't outlawing the child from playing or buying the game, its there to make sure that parents are stopping and recognizing that what they are buying may be inappropriate for their child. So its not illegal for them to buy it for them.

It's not illegal for an adult to buy it and give it to a minor, but a minor cannot go unsupervised into a store and purchase it. BFD on the lame story though....