Soooo Got a new vid card, now what games?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 20, 2002
Gots me a x1950xt so now I think I should get some new games.
Newest games I got:
Bf2, quake 4, C&C Tib wars, Company of Heroes.

What are some solid multiplayer games or really good games that are hard to stop playing. Not looking for any RPGish games.

Games I'm thinking of so far:
Far Cry
STALKER...and maybe Overlord

or even better, save the money and get Bioshock/Crysis later this year.
STALKER, F.E.A.R., Dark Messiah Might and Magic, GRAW2,..

I played the Overloard demo. Looks alright, but I thought the game play was boring.
I hear stalker is pretty RPGish, and Fear I hear is scary but hows the overall gameplay? Either of these have any mods or fun co-op multiplayer play?
I hear stalker is pretty RPGish, and Fear I hear is scary but hows the overall gameplay? Either of these have any mods or fun co-op multiplayer play?

Stalker is quite good, it does have some semi-RPG like elements, enough to keep you going if you enjoy that sort of thing. FEAR can be very scary, chilling at times and will make you jump at others, a true horror game.

FEAR has a coop mod which is crazy fun and can be played on either the full game or the free Multiplayer (FEAR Combat)
Have you been living under a rock? Today the majority of games are still DirectX9, so all of us are very certain that Crysis will be backwards compatible with DirectX 9. Hell, there were even some videos comparing both. :rolleyes:

If you were being sarcastic, then I apologize.
Have you been living under a rock? Today the majority of games are still DirectX9, so all of us are very certain that Crysis will be backwards compatible with DirectX 9. Hell, there were even some videos comparing both. :rolleyes:

If you were being sarcastic, then I apologize.

I was actually, with all ofn the threads on Crysis.... sorry I guess my humour sucks.
FEAR-COOP Warfare v0.6? Anyone play? I think playing the full game co-op would be fun not sure if thats available to save where you are and continue with others but looks like theres a mod basically like CS. Anyone play? I tried finding the mods home but couldn't find anything just file hosting places
You can get through the first three intervals of FEAR and just sort of shrug off what you would think would be attempts at scaring the bejesus at you - they're nothing compared to the later parts of the game. This sounds pretty cheesy, but there were a few moments that literally gave me goosebumps down my back. The action is sweet as well, mainly because the AI is the best I've played in any game so far. You may think that if you run into too many guys that if you run back to the previous section that you'll be safe, but they'll split up and cautiously approach from the front while their teammates flank you. Really, really cool.
Bioshock I think looks like a great game that and Hells highway I can't wait to come out. Well couldn't find farcry at target or best buy too bad. War Front: Turning Point looked kinda interesting anyone play it?
Is there co-op in lost planet btw?
Can't forget about world in conflict which is coming out soon (if sept. is soon for you).
The RTS warhammer games any good? It's like main game and 2 expos for $39 not bad, How's Lost planet it looks good is it pretty much run around and shoot like gears of war?