SOPA Violates The First Amendment

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For anyone thinking Ron Paul is a Racist.

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

This man cured my apathy of politics.

Research him. Bills like SOPA would never stand a chance at his desk. VETO'ed on sight.

Don't forget, he made up ~70 million of the federal budget for 2010.
For anyone thinking Ron Paul is a Racist.

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

This man cured my apathy of politics.

Research him. Bills like SOPA would never stand a chance at his desk. VETO'ed on sight.

Bills like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would also never stand a chance at his desk. It's why he's so popular with white supremacy organizations like StormFront.

None of what you posted has anything to do with racism. You can selectively make him out to look great, as long as you don't look at the whole picture. You gotta look at the other things he would vote no for that would make him disastrous with more power.

Stuff like EPA regulations that protect American citizens (did you know he's crazy enough to insist that government regulations make the good, saintly corporations pollute the environment?)

The financial regulations needed to keep the banking sector in line...the lack of these regulations allowed the banks to place fast and loose with the money in their loans, so that they were free to package the risk off of bad loans and hand it off to someone else.

Network neutrality regulations that would keep the internet the way it is meant to be: a place for the free exchange of information and ideas without being overburdened and restricted by corporate greed.

etc., etc.
Paul is the quintessential objectivist leaning libertarian. So really if you want to debate his ideas, what you're asking for is a complete deconstruction of libertarianism. That's not hard. We can reduce libertarian philosophy down to "Fuck you, got mine." and that's the depth of it.

No, he's not that. He may draw inspiration from Ayn Rand and her drivel, but he's just an old-school state's rights Republican that's figured out a new way to package an old, racist platform. The basic idea is that, if you reduce the scope of federal government, the power will be in the states' hands, and they'll be free to do as they please.

First Amendment protection of separation of church and state? That only applies to the federal government!

Civil rights protections? Remember his opposition to the Civil Rights Act? States would be free to discriminate without the evil Feds getting in the way with their pesky 14th Amendment...
Have a look at this:

"Under those amendments, the State of Texas has the right to decide for itself how to regulate social matters like sex, using its own local standards." - Ron Paul, in support of anti-sodomy laws

Hard to imagine a freedom-loving Libertarian could write this drivel, right? That's because a freedom-loving Libertarian didn't write it. A Religious Right Republican further his religious agenda using states' rights as justification. Sorry, Ron Paul, but government doesn't have a place in a couple's bedroom....federal, state, or local!
I hate not having an edit button in here...

Bottom line, any "pro-freedom" candidate who talks shit about the ACLU should be an immediate and huge red flag to anyone with any fucking sense. The ACLU has consistently dedicated themselves to protecting our freedoms and civil rights in America for almost a century now. If Ron Paul were really so pro-freedom, then he'd be a supporter and advocate of the ACLU, not denouncing it as part of liberal activism in the court system just like every other theocratic Republican in government.
Have a look at this:

"Under those amendments, the State of Texas has the right to decide for itself how to regulate social matters like sex, using its own local standards." - Ron Paul, in support of anti-sodomy laws

Hard to imagine a freedom-loving Libertarian could write this drivel, right? That's because a freedom-loving Libertarian didn't write it. A Religious Right Republican further his religious agenda using states' rights as justification. Sorry, Ron Paul, but government doesn't have a place in a couple's bedroom....federal, state, or local!

Okay.... but the state already does this, with or without Ron Paul. But he's definitely taking the federal gov't out, if he goes into office. That's why states have laws on gay marriage. So, how is he not better than the current administration if all that is true?

Do you have any other sources?
Okay.... but the state already does this, with or without Ron Paul. But he's definitely taking the federal gov't out, if he goes into office. That's why states have laws on gay marriage. So, how is he not better than the current administration if all that is true?

Do you have any other sources?

Freedom should be beyond the scope of state and local governments. What you do in your bedroom, who you marry, your views on religion...all are freedoms that shouldn't be trampled on by ANY level of government.

Did you not see who wrote that drivel? That's straight from the fucking horse's mouth, man! Get it through your damn head!
Nobody is even talking about SOPA anymore, this thread needs to be locked.

All this is is a ron paul circlejerk
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