Sorry if in wrong forum but drivers question


Feb 21, 2007
Hey everyone, sorry if this is in the wrong forum but I wasn't sure where to direct this one. I have a GeForce 8800GTX and no matter how I try to run the original UT the game is seriously choppy. I've tried playing using opengl, direct3d and software mode but it's the same story. I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem? I'm using the latest 97.x drivers. All other games I have play very well and before someone asks, I'm running Windows XP Pro. I've noticed in the past that UT seems very picky about drivers whether it's ATI or nVidia.
Please don't say that you expect them to have tested an 8800GTX on such an old game (fun but old). Why not use an old card if you want to play it so much?

Anyway, isn't an 8800GTX for Unreal a little bit of overkill? :D
yeah that´d be a waste of good hardware :p
yeah , but i bet he plays the game for fun, not eye candy ;)

Really? What makes you think that? :p Anyway, I thought of that and that's why I suggested using an older card. Or what about older drivers buddy?
I play it mostly for the eye candy *NOT* :D Actually it's still a game I enjoy, I play HL2, Doom 3, Fear, Far Cry and such but I still like a good round of UT. I'll play UT 2004 but still will go back and play the original. I thought I'd see if anyone else has tried the original UT with an 8800GTX. I'm assuming it's probably a driver issue and I'll probably just have to wait to try newer drivers when they become available.

I have to say that in general I'm not disappointed with the 8800GTX, I play fear now at max settings with no noticeable lag. I play Call of Duty 2 at 1920x1200 and it looks amazing, I'm just hoping it's performance in DX10 games will be good. Thanks to all who replied.
old games in new vid cards = problems!!

the other day i wanted to play an old game, SHOGO is the name, a DX7 game, so i installed the game and try to run it but i just got wierd texture problems and my card 7800GT SLI was, of course, not detected. :(