Sorting/Backup Program Needed


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2004
Hoping the knowledgable folks at [H] could offer some help.

I'm not sure if I need a backup or a sorting program or something else entirely.

I have a large collection of files organized into many folders/sub folders. I've transferred this entire directory to another hard drive for safe keeping. New files get added to this directory on a weekly/monthly basis.

I lose track of what folders are updated, and what was added from the last transfer. I want to update my backup hard drive main directory with only the newest files.

Is there an easy way to see what has changed, is there special backup software that will inform me of what files are different and transfer only the new ones?

Thanks for your time!
you're looking for an app to sync the folders.
there's been a few suggestions flown about the threads here... can't think of any of the top of my head though.

but should atleast help you in your searching :p
Good idea - I use a program at the office with multiple people called, it updates files on the fly but intended for a group of people sharing a small amount of files. Good direction though, thanks!
Go figure - Microsoft themselves have a great tool to do this what I was looking for.

It's called SyncToy if anyone else is looking for something similiar, and it's free!
Go figure - Microsoft themselves have a great tool to do this what I was looking for.

It's called SyncToy if anyone else is looking for something similiar, and it's free!

that's the one I've seen talked about a lot around here! just couldn't think of it :p :D