Sounblaster Live 5.1


Mar 22, 2002
I have a sound blaster live 5.1 I have tried 2 different ones and I still get this error when installing the drivers

Setup could not find any SB audio card on your system

I have winxp with sp2 I did it manually and it worked but it I still dont think it is installed correctly
Does any of the cards show up in the device manger? Have you tryed testing cards in different system to see if they were dead? If you think its because of service pack 2 have you tryed formatting your system and trying with a fresh install? Just asking.

It worked before the old one burned out so I got a new one same model same everything except this one says digital and it does show up in the hardware tab and it works
It just wont let me install the software for it because of the error message
I have even tried safe mode I was using the on board sound and disabled it in bios before installing. I am just stumped I am not willing to reformat I have this computer running 100% except for the sound card but it works technically. I just want the extra software and drivers installed correctly.
I found the install disk finally and it installed it no problems. When I tried dl it from creative and installing it didnt work wtf is up with that
Could be just the different version of the cards, was the new card an oem, retail, i've been looking to upgrade my soundcard and i've notice that newegg's got sb0350's and then what looks like the same card is an sb0360's, both are 7.1's one is retail other is straight oem ( just the card with a cd for drivers).
