Sound Card and Speakers


Limp Gawd
Feb 7, 2006
Budget: Speakers: $150 TOPS Sound Card: Don't want overkill (telll me if this is) $100 TOPS

Now, I don't have exactly the best desk setup for 5.1 or 4.1 speakers, so I need some pretty long cords if I want to get surround. The size of the sub does'nt matter (like if it is really big that is'nt a problem). For a sound card, I don't need a lot of features. What Im looking for is quality, in both speakers and sound card. Here is what I have been looking at.

Speakers: First Option


Second Option

Let me explain, I like that the Klipsch speakers have long cords, a nice sub, and are supposed to be really high quality, and in my budget. What I'm wonder is this, will I be able to say but another 2 satalites to upgrade to 4.1 in the future, and for how much will this cost me?

Second option, good speakers, one step under the z-5500s. Nice, but I like to have the option of upgrading in the future with out breading the wallet. And how long are the rear speaks cords?

(I like to know how long the rear speaker cords are because, I need them long enough to put them in a good posistion for surround sound)

If you have any other suggestions or comments, please say so.

Sound card:

I want something that wont be overkill and will give me as good of sound as my speakers can produce (I might add Im coming from onboard sound :D ). I want support for either 7.1 or 5.1 or higher. Here is what Im looking at.

What do you think, will this satisfy my needs, overkill? Comments? Suggestions? Thanks in advance

[Edit: to make more sence]
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You can always use 2 sets of 2.1 speakers to make a 4.2 system... not a problem.

As for a soundcard, I'd recommend a X-Fi XM instead of the Audigy2 ZS OEM you linked. Why? They addressed quite a few old issues with the new hardware, like piss-poor resampling, proper Bass Management, etc. Also, you get all the latest & greatest features. If you ever plan to someday go to a component HT setup, then you will thank me later. ;)
I think that the z-5300e's will suit me well.
what Im thinking about is the sound card right now. i need to know if the x-fi is worth the extra cash. here is what Im thinking. if you have a crapy pair of speakers, just say 2 speakers. no sub. going out and buying an x-fi platinum, isnt going to get you much difference in quality of sound compared from integrated sound. so will this be the effect of buying a x-fi xtreme music for the z-5300e's?
Dont overdo the soundcard.... you dont need the XFi Platinum. The XFI XtremeMusic should be fine for you, it's fine for me. I would go with the 5300 or if you can, find a really good deal on the 5500 - I've seen them for around $200 if you can stretch your budget just a little. If not, the 5300 is plenty good.

Good luck and let us know what you do.

Hawk001 said:
I think that the z-5300e's will suit me well.
what Im thinking about is the sound card right now. i need to know if the x-fi is worth the extra cash. here is what Im thinking. if you have a crapy pair of speakers, just say 2 speakers. no sub. going out and buying an x-fi platinum, isnt going to get you much difference in quality of sound compared from integrated sound. so will this be the effect of buying a x-fi xtreme music for the z-5300e's?
Sound quality will only be as good as your weakest link. In this case, the on-board audio is your weakest link compared to the Z-5300's. (Not a big fan at all with Realtek and Azalia) However, if you get the X-Fi, then your Z-5300 will be the weak link.

Also, your gaming experience will be better with the X-Fi compared to your onboard audio, and if you use headphones at all, will be better than the Audigy2 ZS. The CMSS-3D Headphone implementation for gaming/movies was a definate improvement compared to the Audigy series. Headphones are also a great way to get hifi quality easy.

Newegg has the XM for $121, compared to the $75 for the A2 ZS OEM you linked to. has it for $110.91 w/ shipping.

The X-Fi Platinum can be had for $165 shipped, which would be a better choice if you plan to use headphones at all.

Spending the few extra bucks now helps protect your investment from being obsolete sooner.
Pinipig523 said:
Dont overdo the soundcard.... you dont need the XFi Platinum. The XFI XtremeMusic should be fine for you, it's fine for me. I would go with the 5300 or if you can, find a really good deal on the 5500 - I've seen them for around $200 if you can stretch your budget just a little. If not, the 5300 is plenty good.

Good luck and let us know what you do.

zipzoomfly has the z-5500 for $239.99, $272.41 with shipping. Amazon has it for the same price shipped. You may get amazon to price match, and save a few bucks.

Ebay dealer has the Z-5500 for $182.98 + $49.99 s/h (refurb tho, 30 day warranty) has the Z-5300e for $108.87, $118.86 shipped.
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Ok, no, I will not be using head phones what so ever.

I will be getting the z-5300e's, not the z-5500's, unless someone findes them for less then the 5300's.

I have a question, is an audigy 4 better then a audigy 2 ZS?

What is the best sound card deal out right now that I could buy?
I used to have klipsch audio pa speakers for my band, they just all died one day. Guess that happened a lot and they went to pc speakers. Just thought id give my experience with the company. :mad:
Hawk001 said:
anybody else with an opinion.

You want more suggestions?

What do you want to do? Gaming? Purely 2 channel?

You can do:
Turtle Beach SC
Audigy 2zs
Audigy 4
XFi Extreme Music
XFi Platinum
XFi Platinum Pro
XFi Fatality
Hercules GTXP

You set a budget for $100, you're getting a 5.1 system which I suppose is for gaming and movies - I say XFi Music as you cant get any better for $100. What I dont understand is why you bring up older Audigies to compare... why? If you have the money to get the XFi, the older Audigies dont compare.
I have narrowed down some things. Right now Im looking for either a really good deal on the logitech z-5500s or something in between the 5300es and the 5500s. Urg.