sound card blown out?


Oct 29, 2004
i've had an audigy mp3+ for about 5 years now, and it seems as though the bass is getting blown out.. i checked the EQ, the speakers, and even through my cans it sounds the same way.. i wasn't even aware this was possible! at times, i even hear a bit of popping/crackling when there is no sound playing. =\

is there something i don't know, or should i invest in a new card?
Are you sure its not the speakers. Ive never heard of a sound card just degrading over time. Usually works or doesnt.
i don't think it's the speakers cuz i put it through my headphones and get the same result..
i'm thinking of upgrading the soundcard to the audigy2 zs platinum.
can't figure what it could be otherwise =\
is the jack loose? when you move it around.. does it make more noise?