Sound card popping (not x-fi) and overclocking


Limp Gawd
Jul 9, 2003
What do all of you OC'ers do for a sound card?

I had an x-fi, and once i oc'ed it started the infamous popping and cracking and basically became i ditched it for onboard sound.

Well i'm only running at 2.67Ghz on my 6400 w/ a P5B Deluxe...and Its popping now. Its VERY annoying, and I don't know how people would be overclocking and putting up with this (not using sound? lol)

So any tips for me? I'm really lost and Never had this issue overclocking before on any of my previous systems...
You could always get a usb audigy or something, if you wanted aftermarket and could not figure out how to tame the pci bus, if thats whats causing the poping/crackling.
problem with the popping is most likely a result of your motherboard. Poor shielding on some components is my best guess but im no expert. Using an external sound board (usb) or replacing your motherboard are probably the only viable options. I've heard it also happens when your sound card is placed too close to a poorly shielded video card where moving it to the pci slot farthest from the card can resolve the issue.
in my expierence emi generally causes static, and not so much poping/crackling. Out of curiousty, do you get the poping/cracking when you are at stock settings?
no, it only happened when i bumped it up a few hundred Mhz.

But im only running at 2.67 on this board, people with my board run at 3.2Ghz + so i dont know why im getting the popping, or what im not doing that fixes it...
I had the popping with the X-Fi and did a lot of things to try to tame it. However, it still occurs sometimes (especially in COD2). I couldn't change my IRQ to allow for greater resources to the card. I moved it down one slot and that seemed to help a little.

Wish I could help you out. Try using your lowest PCI slot like another guy said, it could rule out noise. Also, did you lock your PCI bus? Can you change the latency?
hence the heading, I'm not using the x-fi, so i can't move it to another pci slot.

By default i always put my sound cards in the furthest slot, and did so when i had my x-fi...but after doing a lot and not being able to fix it i said screw it, higher OC is worth more than the audigy to me.

I did lock my pci bus to 33.333Mhz, not sure what else I can try...How are all of you P5B users overclocking and using sound??
I'd double check to make sure your PCI Freq got locked at 33.33 because thats the only issue with the p5b and Xfi I've seen. Normally the popping and cracking will be caused by that floating around.