Sound Deadening Materials


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2004
So I'm getting a Corsair 600T as soon as they drop and it has mesh on the front cover. I'm not a real big fan of a lot of extra venting where there isn't a fan. It usually doesn't harm temperatures too much to block it off, and it helps quiet things down a bit especially in a noisy rig.

I usually just ghetto rig something up. I want my new rig to be a bit more presentable however, for once, since I've inadvertently color coordinated my entire build to be black with a dash of red.

So my big question is what I should use to cover up the mesh bits that I don't want exposed? Are materials that claim to deaden sound any better than just getting some generic foam?
You might hear more noise, but I would leave the venting open so the you can get some extra cooling in the case. I'm not familiar with the 600T yet, but if you don't like the vents, why don't you try the 800D or 700D.