South Korea May Make Sexual Harassment in Online Games Punishable by Law


Aug 20, 2006
South Korean officials are working up a bill that would make sexual harassment in Overwatch and other online games illegal. While potential punishments were not elaborated upon, the country does take cybercrimes seriously, having recently sentenced a handful of individuals who tried to hack and match-fix the competitive FPS.

Tracking sexual harassers may be challenging in many countries, but in South Korea, Overwatch players have a social security number attached to their respective accounts—making it easy to recognize players. Though it’s not discussed in the article, it feels likely this would be used to track down players who engage in sexual harassment in-game.
I actually approve of this and would like to see it in other nations, even though it'll be costly to implement an identification system like Koreas at first, it'd aid in creating and maintaining our civilized society. If you can't say/do something on the streets, you probably shouldn't expect to be able to do it online either. It's also not a free-speech issue either. Anonymity and consequences of what you say have always been a separate thing.
i thought north korea was the korea that had fucking stupid policies.

imagine my shock.

1984 again!

South Korean National Assembly’s Gender Equality and Family Committee

wow it seems like the ministry of truth doesn't it.

well i'm sure there are safeguards in place to make false accusations completely impossible.

no room for abuse here.
Good luck on them enforcing that if the perp is not a resident of that country. The gooberments of these countries really don't seem to get the concept of the Internet being one big international resource accessible by anyone in the world.
What has that novel with this?

Again that curios reference to that novel, and I fail to see what relevance has to the South Korean committee.

I assume that it will be the same standards of proof as anything else. South Korea is a democracy and not a lawless country.

all of these "sexual harassment" laws are rife with abuse.

and commonly women are treated with kid gloves when it comes to being accused by a man.

also the 1984 reference was pointing to the name of said committee.

screams ministry of truth.
Woman are certainly not commonly treated with kid gloves if they accuse a man, and the women knows this. This is one major reason why so many women choose not tell about sexual assaults or harassment.

not what i said at all.
I am not saying anything, i have been called a misogynist several times now, all cuz i dare to joke about old fashioned things relating to women.
If the rest of the world knew how we Danes have depicted the other religious deities in the world in drawings, no one would like us, at least if they have a reaction pattern much like the people in the Muslim world.
I don't know that the law is in South Korea, but I think bans are a better way to handle this sort of thing in private channels.

I get that people bellyache at great length when they get banned after they spend four hours spamming vomit in somebody's privately own chat, but come on. Handing this sort of thing over to law enforcement is expensive and it will involve a standard of evidence that will paralyse the entire process anyway.
This makes sense... I use my BFG and splatter you across the wall and all is good... But, I run into you from behind and I go to jail...

hmmmmm.... Brilliant!
All this stuff does is make women look weak with their constant need for the government to intercede on their behalf.
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This is one of the most stupid things I have heard. Please tell me there it is a joke. No wonder aliens do not want to visit us. The stupid might rub off on to them......
Sounds good in theory. It will be horrible if it turns into a system like a lot of US campuses have for sexual harassment claims. Bob, standing before the harassment tribunal: "Bob, you have been accused of harassing a women in the Student Union on Nov 10." "No, you may not know who made the complaint". "We don't care that 60,000 fans saw you on the football field in uniform that day during the time of the attack" "You have been found guilty and are ordered to pack your stuff and leave campus now." "This concludes this hearing." "Sorry, there is no appeal."
I'm totally ok with this. I wouldn't make punishment jail time -- a fine that just goes up every time you do it will be enough. Also start attaching a person's real name to an account that's visible to moderation and not the players.
I'm totally ok with this. I wouldn't make punishment jail time -- a fine that just goes up every time you do it will be enough. Also start attaching a person's real name to an account that's visible to moderation and not the players.
You could attach my real name to it. Its still a dam video game. You know, not real.
You could attach my real name to it. Its still a dam video game. You know, not real.
You say that, but that doesn't make it truthful. I have been hardcore gaming since I was like 10, and I'm 31 now. I've been paid to play professional, and real close many times. i can tell you with certainty a lot of people who are abusive or trolls in games do so because the anonymity makes them invincible and doesn't defame their own character or have any tangible ramifications. In fact in a lot of popular games the ban of a account is merely a inconvenience and not really substantial punishment. Attaching a name to people's account would bring a lot of griefing, unethical out of hand trolling and verbal abuse to a very big minimum as it suddenly has real life implications. My 2 cents for what's it's worth coming from some of the most aggressive and typical vulgar realms of gaming.
I'm totally ok with this. I wouldn't make punishment jail time -- a fine that just goes up every time you do it will be enough. Also start attaching a person's real name to an account that's visible to moderation and not the players.
That is what we need is government getting involved and start giving people fines cause the younger generation are so easily offended. Yeah it wouldn't be abused like a lot places are with traffic laws.
You say that, but that doesn't make it truthful. I have been hardcore gaming since I was like 10, and I'm 31 now. I've been paid to play professional, and real close many times. i can tell you with certainty a lot of people who are abusive or trolls in games do so because the anonymity makes them invincible and doesn't defame their own character or have any tangible ramifications. In fact in a lot of popular games the ban of a account is merely a inconvenience and not really substantial punishment. Attaching a name to people's account would bring a lot of griefing, unethical out of hand trolling and verbal abuse to a very big minimum as it suddenly has real life implications. My 2 cents for what's it's worth coming from some of the most aggressive and typical vulgar realms of gaming.
Verbal abuse? I thought it was sexual harassment?

How about they just stop the trolls and people who harass? If it stops you from enjoying the game or others, then yes, stop it.

As to sexual harassment, that just sounds like a bunch of crybaby princess snowflakes who need a safe place.
What? Some guys making disparaging comments about fellow female players? NO! That is impossible.

If there is substantial evidence to the fact they should have their account banned.
Repeat the same shit, and you won't be allowed near a calculator.
AND, that, considering that in some places, you'd either get beaten to a pulp, castrated or shot for talking some of this sexual shit to anyone's girlfriend, daughter in the same way.

But, because anonymity allows you to get away with it, some jackasses think it's OK.
Some a$$holes have to ruin it for everyone else.
That is what we need is government getting involved and start giving people fines cause the younger generation are so easily offended. Yeah it wouldn't be abused like a lot places are with traffic laws.

I love that usually repeated line 'government getting involved.'
Well, shiiiet... if the private sector did such a dandy job of rectifying all these stupid issues, then the government wouldn't have to get involved.
Besides, it is the government's job to get involved... but it depends how! The government's role is to LEGISLATE, and to ENFORCE said legislation. And it certainly isn't to keep quiet and do nothing like some idiots would suggest.
Sounds good in theory. It will be horrible if it turns into a system like a lot of US campuses have for sexual harassment claims. Bob, standing before the harassment tribunal: "Bob, you have been accused of harassing a women in the Student Union on Nov 10." "No, you may not know who made the complaint". "We don't care that 60,000 fans saw you on the football field in uniform that day during the time of the attack" "You have been found guilty and are ordered to pack your stuff and leave campus now." "This concludes this hearing." "Sorry, there is no appeal."

Unfortunately, it's not always if ever that clear cut.
Usually, you hear them say 'She didn't say 'NO'. She couldn't have. She was passed out.'
But you know, it's all good, because those good ol' boys have yet to face the same circumstances, but in reverse; have them pass out and a big hairy homo rape them boys.
Then you'd see a lot of hand wringing and the call for action against sexual harassment.
i thought north korea was the korea that had fucking stupid policies.

imagine my shock.

1984 again!

wow it seems like the ministry of truth doesn't it.

well i'm sure there are safeguards in place to make false accusations completely impossible.

no room for abuse here.
Most online games already keep chat logs on their side for legal purposes, pretty easy to go back through them and verify the details. They already track online accounts to individuals so while you may be anonymous to each other, you are not anonymous to the games host. Games with voice probably record that too, it’s not like voice data takes up a lot of space.
I can see it now. Somebody runs by too close and you think they touched you and start screaming rape or something.
Virtual safe room anyone? Complete with crayons and coloring books.
I don't know that the law is in South Korea, but I think bans are a better way to handle this sort of thing in private channels.

I get that people bellyache at great length when they get banned after they spend four hours spamming vomit in somebody's privately own chat, but come on. Handing this sort of thing over to law enforcement is expensive and it will involve a standard of evidence that will paralyse the entire process anyway.
But they don’t ban, it affects their revinue. The government is stepping in because the games hosts and developers aren’t doing anything to punish bad behaviour, and a 24 hour or 3 day ban is an inconvenience not a ban. And in Korea most of the games are “Free” to play (P2W) so if they perma ban them there is very little in place to stop them from creating a new account.
That is what we need is government getting involved and start giving people fines cause the younger generation are so easily offended. Yeah it wouldn't be abused like a lot places are with traffic laws.

What's wrong with that? The private sector certainly can't do shit about it, and what they do is often not enough, nor is it a deterrent. Logs and chat recordings can be kept and thanks to compression, it wouldn't take that much space. In fact, the fines could be used for said maintenance and creation of storage. I could even argue that it shouldn't go on your record, but if you don't pay the fines, someone could come sue you. Give it some time and you will see a much better behaved community.

Sexual harassment does not only happen to women. It happens to men too. And I certainly don't want some middle age dude sexually harassing a child (or a child growing up thinking that it's ok to do that). That kind of behavior should have no place in that kind of environment.
I'm all for there being less sexual harassment in games, I'm just not sure it makes sense to legislate good manners.
Nice quintuple post! I disagree with you fully.

Feel free to disagree. Video footage of an individual being genuine idiot, and a real prick. I don't know about you, but to me, it's sufficient to call a vote on kicking douches out.
There are idiots everywhere, and it should be everyone's civic duty to banish them to the darkest pits of the internet.
Unless, of course, you find enough love in your heart for such fools. But isn't that the role of ultra liberals?
I'm all for there being less sexual harassment in games, I'm just not sure it makes sense to legislate good manners.

Blizzard has done a decent job at curving the worst of it, their bans are pretty swift and it makes them money too since you'd just have to buy another copy of the game. But while it's in the right direction, it only alleviates part of the symptom and only temporarily. The problem is still just as bad. The private sector has had plenty of time to grow and moderate itself with minimal success. I think the government having to step in will absolutely do good, and it's about time they did. Korea will be a good case study of this, whether it works or not.
I'm all for there being less sexual harassment in games, I'm just not sure it makes sense to legislate good manners.

Not so much legislation, but rather a social agreement. Just as in the real world, people will interfere in favor of people being bullied, harassed, assaulted - physically or verbally - and if things get hairy, depending on how the assailants react, they might get a lead injection to calm them down.
Does overwatch not have a way to set up a mute all button like CSGO? Unless I’m playing with people I know, I just mute everyone. Way too many obnoxious people who abuse their mics. I don’t know you. I don’t want to know you. As far as I’m concerned you’re just a more amusing target for me to shoot at than a bot.
All this stuff does is make women look weak with their constant need for the government to intercede on their behalf.
It's not just the women...

How hard is it to block/ignore people you don't like?! My God! All this proves is that there are way to many ignorant thin skinned people playing online than should be allowed!

I've played more than my share of acidic matches/games over the decades to know the fastest way to not be offended is to turn the damn game off and do something else. Following that, ignore, block or vote to kick the vitriolic assholes you run into or run your own match so you control the space.

Otherwise, ignore the chatter and play! Fucking grow a set n00bz!!!
Wait; what exactly is Sexual Harassment in a Game?

I don't see how that's possible; what, you're not allowed to make fun of people anymore? WTF.

I'm glad out gaming group has been together over 20 years; The women are Way more vicious than the guys are.

Saying "Yo; fag boy, eat my rocket!" as I frag him or her has nothing to do with sex or gayness, It's just something Duke-Nukem-esque to say.
(Sorry if this violates guidelines, but I use this sometimes; I'll edit it if requested.)