South Park and WoW!!!


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 23, 2004
Episode is on now! It is hilarious!

"We are dealing with someone so powerful, he has no life.How do we kill something that has no life?" - Blizzard staff.
"I don't have a WoW account, do you?

No, I have a life."

I love this episode.
that episode just made me log in for like 10 seconds. im in a burn out phase now....twitchy fps'ing only.
Oh damnit! That was the season premiere for episode 10? And it was about wow?! DAMNIT! I'm guessing it will be on again...
Stu55 said:
Oh damnit! That was the season premiere for episode 10? And it was about wow?! DAMNIT! I'm guessing it will be on again...

In exactly 2 hours.
If you don't live on the east coast it hasn't come on yet... so plenty of time for many of us to see it yet.
LOL I only caught the first 10 minutes of the show. I had to turn it off so I could finish my physics lab. report. That show has its moments but it is very distracting.
"I have an account, but I'm a noob."

"We can't trust a noob with the sword!"

the bathroom was the best part by far.

Anyone watch freak show afterwards? David cross rules.
I don't play WoW, but it was hilarious. My sister and her bf are hooked on that crap. :rolleyes:
I don't play WoW, but it was hilarious. My sister and her bf are hooked on that crap. :rolleyes:

Gah... It sucks doesn't it. I lost Shannon to WOW :(
Oh man, that reminded me of every reason I quit. A lot of my friends still play, and they act exactly like the kids in that episode. Just sitting in the basement, barking acronyms at each other, having their parents bring down food, gaining weight. It's just sad. I had too much pride to become like that. Dumped WoW and took up running, weight lifting, a speed bag, and exercise in general :p
Honestly, if you haven't had that exposure to the 'hardcore' side of WoW (through someone else's playing habits or yourself), you would probaby think that episode was mediocre. But knowing how WoW affects people makes that episode so much more appreciated.
What I found interesting was that the villain didn't have a single spoken line.
My God that was funny....I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. I've never actually played WoW but I have friends that do and I hear about the game all the time. But, being a gamer myself I can totally relate to it..."Uber pwnage" = Classic :D
also, is it bad i recognize that sword, and recognize enchantments that dont exist, but were used?