South Park and WoW!!!

LOL to whoever said Family guy has a better script than SP. Family Guy has to be the dumbest and most random show ever, it gets old real fast since each episode follow the same damn forumla. "Just like that time when I *verb* *a crazy event* with *a celeb*", real good script there.

All in all, Futurama > Simpsons > South Park >>>>> Family Guy.
I just watched that episode. Oh man, I almost pissed my pants laughing.

"I don't have a world of warcraft account do you?"
", I have a life."
aznpxdd said:
Family Guy has to be the ... most random show ever
And that's the main thing it's got going for it. Which means there's very little reason to watch an episode more than once...
So its pretty well known where I work Im a gamer. So my supervisor comes up today and asks me if I play WoW...I turn around and told him Nope I have a life. He laughed and told me thats pretty much what was said on south park..needless to getting this episode right now. :)
I found the episode hilarious. I really liked how they potrayed people who play WoW as fat zitty freaks. I actually lost weight by playing WoW but I found it hilarious. (back in my raiding days)

The thing I find even funnier than the episode are the people that come here and say,
"I'm much better than you, I work out and have a life" - summed up.

What kind of b.s. is that? I play like 1 hr or 2 hrs a day at this point.. maybe 4 or 5 days a week. Do I think I'm better than the dude that sits in his chair 6 hrs a day playing wow? Hell no.. that's what he wants to do, more power to him. Doesn't make him a loser or FAT/zitty person. Just means he likes to play games and have fun on WoW.

Zomg you can't have fun with games.. that means you woudln't have a life!!!!onezomg

Didn't see it mentioned in this thread....but I loved (I believe it was Stan's) account name in WoW: Loves2Spooge. :D
that was by far one of the funniest episodes evar... pwned

oh and
Futurama > SouthPark > Family Guy > Simpsons

piratepress said:
Didn't see it mentioned in this thread....but I loved (I believe it was Stan's) account name in WoW: Loves2Spooge. :D
Number in name, hax!
That's how it was spelled on close caption, though it shoulda been Luvstospooge or something :D
My friend plays WoW but wait, he makes $68 an hour, has a wife, and 2 years from getting his doctor's degree........ he has no life. What South Park showed was the life of the hardcore gamer, NOT the typical WoW player.

I don't even think 80% of the WoW population is like that. My whole raiding guild isn't that hardcore. We usually only raid 3-4 hours during the weekdays which isn't ALOT. That's pretty much a typical gamer, a little above casual and alot below hardcore.

I thought the episode was hiliarious. But it's giving ignorant people the assumption that every WoW player is like that. And that stupid excuse" "I'm glad I gave up on that game and took up exercising." It's called self control.
UnfaTeFuL said:
My friend plays WoW but wait, he makes $68 an hour, has a wife, and 2 years from getting his doctor's degree........ he has no life. What South Park showed was the life of the hardcore gamer, NOT the typical WoW player.

I don't even think 80% of the WoW population is like that. My whole raiding guild isn't that hardcore. We usually only raid 3-4 hours during the weekdays which isn't ALOT. That's pretty much a typical gamer, a little above casual and alot below hardcore.

I thought the episode was hiliarious. But it's giving ignorant people the assumption that every WoW player is like that. And that stupid excuse" "I'm glad I gave up on that game and took up exercising." It's called self control.

aznpxdd said:
LOL to whoever said Family guy has a better script than SP. Family Guy has to be the dumbest and most random show ever, it gets old real fast since each episode follow the same damn forumla. "Just like that time when I *verb* *a crazy event* with *a celeb*", real good script there.

All in all, Futurama > Simpsons > South Park >>>>> Family Guy.

Yeah like Southpark doesnt have a similar formula...

Someone does something retarded, the whole town takes it WAAAAAY to seriously, everyone groups together at some grand finale, and the kids tell us what they've learnt.

Oh and kenny always (used) to die...

If you don't like Family guy then fine, but if you're going to slag it off at least get it right...
I love the fact that they leveled up to max level by staying in the newbie zones so the PKer couldn't kill them....

Would have been even funnier if they showed the camping aspect...
Blakestr said:
I love the fact that they leveled up to max level by staying in the newbie zones so the PKer couldn't kill them....

Would have been even funnier if they showed the camping aspect...

haha yeah what was it 64 million boars?
the big fat nerd that was killing everyone was great.

What's an R-tard ? WoW slang for a retard ?
"If we don't get this sword to your son, his character will die"


" my God"

*Best moment in the episode :p
aznpxdd said:
LOL to whoever said Family guy has a better script than SP. Family Guy has to be the dumbest and most random show ever, it gets old real fast since each episode follow the same damn forumla. "Just like that time when I *verb* *a crazy event* with *a celeb*", real good script there.

All in all, Futurama > Simpsons > South Park >>>>> Family Guy.

I dunno about Simpsons being up that high. Over the years it's lost its edge and started getting pretty formulaic although I hear it's been slowly getting better with the past season. I'd switch it up to Futurama > South Park > Simpsons > Watching grass grow > root canal > Family Guy.
FLECOM said:
that was by far one of the funniest episodes evar... pwned

oh and
Futurama > SouthPark > Family Guy > Simpsons


I'll disagree...BUT it's a depends a little. The Simpsons has been awful since Dana Gould took over, but anything from the first 8-9 years is great.
Family Guy is amusing on occasion, but like South Park spoofed - their writing is so formulaic that the show is almost unwatchable after seeing that South Park episode.
Futurama's decent, but there are just so many 20th centruy references they can throw in without making it feel like it's full of Simpsons jokes that didn't make the final cut of a show.
UnfaTeFuL said:
What South Park showed was the life of the hardcore gamer, NOT the typical WoW player.

Actually I would have to say SP nailed it on the head with what a typical WoW player looks like and does. You and your friends sound more like a casual player.
I dont watch South Park often but the moment I heard WoW is going South Park I said to myself I have to watch it. I dont even play WoW and only just saw my friends playing it. Anyways that episode was the funniest thing I watched on TV in a very long time. Its a instant classic. I still laugh thinking about it.
Having a bit of fun with other games.. inspiration to the masses have begun..


This is a screenshot from the new expansion that Ashen Empires is coming out with, a Dev added this weapon in game as a joke, or photoshoped it, either way. Fun humor on the forums.
Neurofreeze said:
I dunno about Simpsons being up that high. Over the years it's lost its edge and started getting pretty formulaic although I hear it's been slowly getting better with the past season. I'd switch it up to Futurama > South Park > Simpsons > Watching grass grow > root canal > Family Guy.

I guess I'm referring to Simpsons seasons 2-8, the "golden ages" of Simpsons.
aznpxdd said:
I guess I'm referring to Simpsons seasons 2-8, the "golden ages" of Simpsons.

Indeed, and I would include season 9 in there as well. I read somewhere that part of "the joke" of having the simpsons on for 20+ seasons is that they're going to let the show degrade to a point that the writers and producers will be laughing at Fox for keeping them flush with millions of $$$$. OTOH, the Simpsons movie better kick some freakin ass.

Another thing, it's funny that through the last couple of seasons there are some episodes that I love and other I hate - for a while it would alternate every week. Then I saw "inside the actors studio" and discovered they have TWO rooms of writers working on different shows. Now if only I could get them to fire the room that puts out the crap.....

Oh and, I'm going to watch the WOW episode of SP again, its so damn funny.
haha that episode owned. Reminded me of me and my friends back in high school lanned up (only playing cs instead of wow). We always used to joke that our fat friend would get a toilet seat as a gaming chair when he was older. Man that episode made my day.
That was out of hand lol, the sad thing is they kind of remind me of some of the people I know...
hity645 said:
Actually I would have to say SP nailed it on the head with what a typical WoW player looks like and does. You and your friends sound more like a casual player.

Nah, if the typical WoW is that hardcore, then over half the population on WoW would have Naxx on farm status. What a hardcore player does is acheive the accomplishments ASAP. I could relate to so many elite guilds on a variety of servers about that. They only do it to get the best items. No such thing as a hardcore player that does not raid. The game does not offer much PvP and anyone would get bored after an hour of non raiding activities.

Oh, and that last battle they had with that gank greatly resembles a raid boss fight, lol. I thought that was great, since hardcore guilds would spend like 6-8 hours raiding or learning an encounter in a new instance.