South Park On Apple Tracking

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
For those of you that haven't seen it yet, the latest episode of South Park targets the recent Apple "tracking" issue with its usual comedy styling (meaning it could be NSFW for some). Here's a preview clip.
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Perhaps I should start reading those Term's and Conditions...

At least I don't have to worry about Apple, I avoid them like the plague they are.
Watch the whole episode, Kyle gets burned by that several times.
Funny that South Park is actually sending out proper messages to people.

Actually South Park sends proper messages in alot of episodes

Episode had some good moments, but felt pretty avg in comparision to some of South Park's best

"Why wont it read!" made me piss myself in laughter tho
Just don't watch it when you have eaten (or will be eating).
Fecal matters aside (pun intended), it was a pretty funny episode. The poop stuff was gross though.
Was going to watch it during my lunch, but it won't play on my ipad.
Actually South Park sends proper messages in alot of episodes

Episode had some good moments, but felt pretty avg in comparision to some of South Park's best

"Why wont it read!" made me piss myself in laughter tho
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't pretty much every episode end with someone saying "you know what, I learned something today", most commonly stan or kyle, but always someone.
Wonder what steve jobs threw through his window when he saw this.
i love cartman rant the "i want some (insert here) atleast before you fuck me mom" lol! epic!
Also had a nice bit when they went to the Best Buy... "Oooh $900 is a little expensive, why don't we get one of these other brands"
Was going to watch it during my lunch, but it won't play on my ipad.

iSwifter. It's 99 cents, or was anyway when I bought it, I think they raised the price and are donating it to Japan relief now. Anyway - it's a browser with full Flash support for iPad.
Contractual agreements with minors are non-binding.

Didn't you hear? The Supreme Court has ruled that all it takes to override a law is the company putting it in the contract that you agree to not be covered by that law. Eg, people in California who now can't sue corporations that say in their agreement 'You can't sue us' even though California law says you can. . They just need to add 'If you are a minor, this agreement is still binding.'
Unfortunately, South Park tracking software detected that I'm outside the USSR of America, so I can't view the video unless I spend 38 seconds of my life looking for a way around it or an alternative site hosting the video. Which I'm too lazy to do.
Unfortunately, South Park tracking software detected that I'm outside the USSR of America, so I can't view the video unless I spend 38 seconds of my life looking for a way around it or an alternative site hosting the video. But it's not worth it.
Didn't you hear? The Supreme Court has ruled that all it takes to override a law is the company putting it in the contract that you agree to not be covered by that law. Eg, people in California who now can't sue corporations that say in their agreement 'You can't sue us' even though California law says you can. . They just need to add 'If you are a minor, this agreement is still binding.'

Except a minor can't agree in a contract to make the contract binding. :D

Similar to the sales tax on a "free" phone, this has bugged me about rebates, having to pay sales tax on money that is rebated back to me. Shouldn't the couple who paid $30 sales tax on a "free" phone be suing the government, which is the one imposing the tax?
Can i at least put on some lipstick? i like to look pretty before you... Yeah i had a good laugh at this episode.
Did anyone see the actual movie they were referencing in this episode? The way they tied in that, Best Buy, Apple, and the TOS thing was great. This was almost as good as the facebook friends/kramer stock market, world of warcraft episode they had earlier in the season.
The movie is 'Human Centipede' - very twisted (although not that good in my opinion). The faint hearted will feel uncomfortable if not sick seeing the movie. Dieter Laser in the role of the mad surgeon is very convincing in his role; great actor in this movie.

I have seen the previews but have yet to see this episode of SP. Their website won't let me see the episodes anymore in my country...
Did anyone see the actual movie they were referencing in this episode? The way they tied in that, Best Buy, Apple, and the TOS thing was great. This was almost as good as the facebook friends/kramer stock market, world of warcraft episode they had earlier in the season.

No, and can't say I want to either after seeing just the snippet of it in this episode.
Unfortunately, South Park tracking software detected that I'm outside the USSR of America, so I can't view the video unless I spend 38 seconds of my life looking for a way around it or an alternative site hosting the video. Which I'm too lazy to do.

Cool story but pretty irrelevant. It sucks but in these cases its about ad money and not much else. If you watch the video they dont make any money from the ad revenue so whats the point in allowing you to watch it.
Holy shit... if Cartman isn't the perfect caricature of the iDouchebags and their iAttitudes, iDon't know what could be...
I'm sorry Kaeru, but the burrito is just too dericious!

Damn good ep. Not the greatest, but still damn good.
Didn't you hear? The Supreme Court has ruled that all it takes to override a law is the company putting it in the contract that you agree to not be covered by that law. Eg, people in California who now can't sue corporations that say in their agreement 'You can't sue us' even though California law says you can. . They just need to add 'If you are a minor, this agreement is still binding.'

not quite the same thing
Originally Posted by Kalabalana
Funny that South Park is actually sending out proper messages to people.

Originally Posted by Brownstone
Actually South Park sends proper messages in alot of episodes

We didn't listen!!!
This episode was hilarious last night. Even funnier how Cartman kept making references to how he liked to be whatever before being ****ed.
I'm going to take a guess that Apple has already put together a team to research how they can sue over this.
Who actually reads the eula's anyway. You'd be there for hours. Microsoft Windows is really long. World of Warcraft has two of them you have to agree to!:eek: