Soyo 24" WS LCD


Jun 8, 2004
I got one of these as a late Christmas gift the other day and I was just wondering if anyone else out there was using one as well.

I've only had it a few days, but so far I'm extremely happy with the display, its nice and bright with clean and clear text and graphics with no ghosting while gaming. What more can you ask for out of a $300 24" LCD display...............:D


Ya this monitor makes its way around the hot deals section every few weeks. Pretty sure a few people have it. I picked up one of the Acer 24's before i saw the soyo. One thing i have noticed about these new monitors is that they are crazy bright. I actually have mine set to 0 brightness.
Congrats for the monitor :)
I went to Office Max an hour ago and bought this baby for $299 + 22 tax + 29 for 1 year Office Max warranty, because from the other thread in this forum I heard that it's not exactly problem free. Either way for $350 total I feel like I've stolen the thing :D